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一手房 7月卖出8750套房 二手房 抱团新盘提升成交--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  7月昆滇楼市 “真热闹”。2012年首个市级统建保障性住房“俊福花城”由俊发地产担当开发,预计在20个月内将与昆明市民见面;一手房市场成交连续3个月持续出现稳定增量。

July the yunnan property market “Really busy”。In 2012 the first municipal construct in a systematic way indemnificatory housing“CSL f huacheng”By CSL hair real estate bear development,In 20 months is expected to meet with kunming citizens;A room market clinch a deal for three months in continuous stable increment。

  数据显示,7月,昆明楼市共成交各类商品房8716套,成交面积782036.46平方米。环比6月,成交套数增加402套,涨幅为4.84%,成交面积增长了106141.4平方米,涨幅为15.70%;不但如此,二手房市场成交增量明显,以富邦房产对旗下加盟中介的监测数据则显示来看, 7月份其门店二手成交量环比6月上涨了约30%,无论来客量和成交量都比6月有明显提升。

Data display,July,Kunming housing a total of 8716 sets of of all kinds commodity house clinch a deal,Clinch a deal area of 782036.46 square meters。Link June,Clinch a deal the number sets an increase of 402 sets,A 4.84% increase,Clinch a deal area increased 106141.4 square meters,A 15.70% increase;Not only so,Second-hand house market clinch a deal the incremental obviously,By the rich nations to join its real estate intermediary monitoring data, according to see, In July the store second-hand turnover link June rose about 30%,No matter the visitor quantity and volume than June have obvious ascending。


Monthly hot events


Pretty hair real estate good start blessing huacheng construction


Event review:On July 12,Xiong deyou guandu street agency seven block to hang out one's shingle form bottom price clinch a deal,Clinch a deal area of 685740.4 square meters,Reduced 1028.61 mu,Clinch a deal amount is 1.5113158 billion yuan,And take the enterprise is pretty hair real estate's enterprise“The source of golden real estate development co., LTD”。


afterwards,Pretty hair real estate outward revealed,This batch of block will be built in 2012 kunming municipal construct in a systematic way indemnificatory housing first project“CSL f huacheng”,Houses about 7108 sets,The future will be equipped with kindergarten、Primary school and other public infrastructure,Is expected to make a room in 20 months。It is also good for the first time to participate in yunnan hair real estate and renting a house construction,Is private enterprise investment in the construction of male rent a practice。

  记者点评: 7月初,住建部、发改委等七部委联合下发了《关于鼓励民间资本参与保障性安居工程建设有关问题的通知》。正当人们还在讨论要怎么样让民间资本参与到保障性住房之时,云南本土企业俊发地产,已率先尝试公租房建设,积级参与城市发展及建设中来。勇气和胆量值得鼓励。本报记者 王亚萍

Reporter comments on: In early July,Live JianBu、Development and reform commission, and other seven ministries jointly issued the《About to encourage private capital participation indemnificatory comfortable housing project construction of the relevant questions of the notice》。While people are still in discussion to how to let the folk capital to participate in the indemnificatory housing,Yunnan local enterprises pretty hair real estate,Already the first to try to male renting a house construction,Product level to participate in urban development and construction to。Courage and guts to be encouraged。Our reporter WangYaPing


Monthly report of room of the hand

  发放16张预售证 新增百万平方米预售面积

Issue and a pre-sale card new million square meters pre-sale area


Pre-sale card issuing situation:July XinPan application opens to booking a card and approved pre-sale permit building is a big increase in June,meanwhile,The city each big building marketing activities also at full speed in advance。


By July 31,,According to kunming housing information network figures showed,In July to open to booking licence for the project is 16,Open to booking a area of 953069.6 square meters。Ginkgo biloba respectively jinchuan garden(The second phase)、Generous in、Kunming macro cheng da month star business center、Mining lotus county village(Two block)、Zhongtian melt field plot、Day YuKang garden、Valley YaYuan、Pretty garden receives、Gold orchid garden、City into JinJie square、Flowers four seasons、Just as the water's edge、Source in dianchi lake、The dianchi lake shore garden(A period commercial)、Oriental BaiFeng first business center。


From regional to see,July for pre-sale card project mainly concentrated in ChengGong,Approved open to booking a area of 644400 square meters,The handsome receives the largest area of garden。And nanshi district also has 6 projects approved,Open to booking a area of 216200 square meters;West city 2 project approved,Open to booking a area of 215200 square meters;Central four project was open to booking a card,Open to booking a area of 149400 square meters,And BeiShiOu only valley YaYuan a project was open to booking a card,Open to booking a area of 27600 square meters。


At the same time,Reporters from 15 get pre-sale card project sales department to know,Ginkgo biloba jinchuan garden(The second phase)、City into JinJie square already in July outside opening,The rest are a few buildings said specific push plate time and push plate quantity,Should be based on market demand and supply to node to decide。


Reporter comments on:From the nearly two months of pre-sale card application and issuing of situation,Was a、A sharp increase in the second quarter,The so-called demand decided to supply is a inevitable reason。And in the pre-sale area increased at the same time,Volume is increasing。It also can from one aspect response the market the demand of buyers is picking up。

  7月卖出8750套房 成交量持续稳步增长

July sold 8750 suites volume in a sustained and steady growth


volume:According to kunming housing information network statistics data show,July,Kunming city four area and ChengGong area a total of 8750 sets of various commodities housing clinch a deal,Link June more than 436 sets,Growth was 5.2%。


Clinch a deal area after 6 months after record highs,Again refresh record,Clinch a deal area is 788489.8 square meters,Link up 16.7%。


And in 2011 compared to the,Volume rose by 5650 sets,Increased by 182.3%,Clinch a deal area increase of 520000 square meters,A 194% increase,And July 17 months volume also and record high since。


On July monthly data,Single day clinch a deal the most outstanding performance is July 9, 480 sets,On that day,Riverside CSL garden 9-12 building and asean forest area, two buildings for the same day to clinch a deal the number sets contributed more than half of the power。


Reporter comments on:From the volume can be seen,Just need to continue to release,And developers use of various marketing methods not only won the market recognition,Also won the volume and benefits。

  新盘放量 两房三房热卖

XinPan peatlands two room three hot room

  成交热点区域:据市场情况统计,7月份,昆明主城及周边区域共有中豪·泛亚国际悦城、中豪·泛亚国际逸境、银杏金川、海伦国际、经典双城、天怡峰景、抚仙湖畔樱花谷·樱花假日、名匠誉峰、海运花园、121乐淘淘、格拉斯香水小镇、恒大金碧天下、融城金阶、南亚未来城14个老盘加推新房源,环比6月,新开盘数量增多。 Clinch a deal the hot spots:According to market statistics,In July,Kunming city and the surrounding area were the · pan-asia international yue city、The · pan-asia international its escape、Ginkgo biloba jinchuan、Helen international、Classic the twins、Tianyi peak scene、Fuxian lake cherry blossom valley · sakura、MingJiang reputation peak、Ocean garden、121 music the tao tao、Grasse town perfume、Evergrande jinbi world、City into JinJie、South Asia future city 14 old plate addition push the new houses,Link June,The new opening quantity increase。


July sales building are the basic for the old plate addition push the form,Add push type rich,High-rise residential、Villa property、office、Shops, etc all have appeared。According to the sales department feedback information display,Near section time practical two rooms、Three room door model are more buyers welcome。Is restricted because of、Limit credit and payment ability problems existing levels。

  记者点评:趁着信贷政策的影响和市场需求的爆发,开发商推盘也较前几月积极很多,营销手段也更加多样化,而置业者也想趁此机会揽到一些实惠,这也成为房企们争先恐后开盘的底气。本报记者 林若男

Reporter comments on:Under the cover of credit policy and the influence of the outbreak of the market demand,Developers push plate also relatively few months before a lot of positive,Marketing means also more diversified,And home buyers also want to take this opportunity to embrace to some benefits,It also become the room to vie with each other the opening style。Our reporter LinRe male


Monthly report of the second-hand house

  刚需客户购房量增大 二手市场成交回升

Just need to increase customer 购房量 second-hand market rebounded to clinch a deal


deal:July is the macroeconomic regulation and control and local fine-tuning game of further deepening of month,The people's bank of China again early cut financial organ renminbi the benchmark interest rates later,The real estate market milder slogan has been without ceasing,And from the line of the city second-hand market performance see clinch a deal,As the first set of housing policy loose、To cut interest rates policy and the improvement of the environment,A second city the backlog of rigid demand and some improve sexual demand will continue to release,Promote the secondary market trading volume stationary picks up。


And from kunming to see the situation,The property market milder optimism also began in the secondary market to performance,“We July turnover link June has increased by around 3%,Overall growth is more steady。”RongCheng property executive vice general manager BiYongGuo told reporters,The second-hand market clinch a deal from kunming to see,Warmer signs is not obvious,The main or from although domestic policy changes greatly,Due to the kunming second-hand market always feeling relatively a line city has lag,A line city investment pent-up demand contributed to the overall picks up,And kunming main or just need to give priority to,Whether it is milder is not clear。


But the rich nations to join its real estate intermediary monitoring data is display,In just the past seven months,Store second-hand turnover obvious ascending,“Store turnover link June rose about 30%,No matter the visitor quantity and volume than June have obvious ascending。”Fubon general manager of real estate BianDongXiao when accepting a reporter to interview,From buying the crowd to see,The main or just need,Volume ascension main reasons or because peripheral policy influence,Makes a lot of real estate planning crowd began to entering the market,But for the secondary market is milder judgment,BianDongXiao said,Can't clear is a short picks up or market really start to thaw road。


And in the east letter real estate general manager LiuRuDong looks,Kunming second-hand market buy sex demand has increased,The most obvious is clinch a deal the price change,In July after the intermediary second-hand house transaction price have rise,“Or about in 200-300 yuan/square meters。”LiuRuDong said。


Reporter comments on:The policy trend loose let the secondary market have sufficient imaginary space,But from the point of view of inside,The so-called cut interest rates and the main control or to macro market economic behavior,The current milder actually in the overdraft policy bullish,Once the market tight control,No good policy to follow up,Quantity and price dropped back again。


Graduation tide rush thermal rental market


Rental market:In July for high fever after the rental market did not cause the lease price plummet further,From kunming second-hand market brand intermediary monitoring display,Since June for graduation lease tide is still continued,And pull the intermediary leasing business in July after further rise,From RongCheng property、East letter such as real estate intermediary monitoring display,July each intermediary lease volume growth about hovering around 10%,Or obvious,But leasing demand increase and not result in market rent price rise further。


And from the lease hot spot to see,Or mainly concentrated in the downtown area of bicyclic within,“These areas supporting mature,Travel convenient,Many of the graduates is like the availability of these area。”BiYongGuo said。


In July the kunming secondary market is relatively significant events in kunming is easy to integrate the intermediary,Start XinPan、Second-hand intermediary and network platform overall cooperation,Through the BaoTuan distribution form XinPan promotion,“We intermediary sales since July 3 new house,Increase the profitability of the channel。”LiuRuDong said,For this kind of a new second-hand linkage try,Many intermediary are a welcome attitude,Hope that there will be more of a second-hand cooperation opportunities。


And BaoTuan heating is not only the cooperation between industries,Also have store and between store small areas of the cooperation,According to BianDongXiao introduced,The intermediary's store in July zero performance stores is greatly reduced,The reason is because cooperation,“We have some clinch a deal the single and rent single are two stores do together,This way can have income。”BianDongXiao said。

  记者点评:从市场需求的情况看,成交的下滑必然会带动租赁的上涨,这样一来租赁已经成为了许多中介今年以来赖以生存的主要渠道。目前租赁市场的火热仍在持续,抓住这次机遇对于许多中介熬过无法预期的下半年将有很大帮助。本报记者 毛建伟

Reporter comments on:From the view of market demand,Clinch a deal the decline will drive the leasing increases,So the lease has become many intermediary since this year's survival and the main channel。At present the rental market hot continues,Seize this opportunity for many intermediary survived not expected the second half of the would be a great help。Our reporter MaoJianWei
