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“帮女郎—中环”农民工夜校活动正式启动 “Help girl - central”Migrant workers night school activities official start
[ad5 day late 6,“Help girl - central”Migrant workers night school activities in the open area in hefei city project details owner community photo album model family video map project details owner community map project site officially start。Anhui TV via video way GongZheng director、Hefei urban construction committee, deputy director of the first of your history、Central investment group chairman of the board for more than bamboo cloud common celebration activities。For a month in the next period of time,Migrant workers night school will have walked into the hefei nearly ten construction site,Hold training seminars、movie、Funny games and other kinds of activities,For boring construction site sent to the rich variety of cultural feast。
In the start ceremony,Central investment group chairman said more than bamboo cloud,From central since its establishment in 2004,Migrant workers from brothers of hard labor and silent dedication。Migrant workers hard efforts make the city's beautiful and prosperous。
Whenever the project construction,These cities honorable builders will leave silently,A flourishing city life and they always far away,They created civilization of a city,But little to enjoy the life brought urban civilization。“Today, we in the city starting in the city within the scope of the migrant workers love activities,The real happiness, sent to the site,Let knowledge can change the life of the peasant workers brothers,Let the migrant workers brothers experience civilization of a city and warmth。”
农民工们翻看领到的维权手册 The migrant rural workers to leaf through the right protection of manual
That night, the first field activities,The first two lectures a prelude。In the rights in the lecture,LiRenBao lawyer for how to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests、Common law interpretation made this one。The second lecture,"Against gambling pioneer"WangGuang cui tells the story of its own against gambling experience,Uncover scam the truth,And through the interaction,Decryption several kind of common thousand shu。
Each present migrant workers also received a peasant worker to manual and shirt。“Labor dispute、marriage、Account in question is to be found,There are various kinds of rights and consultation hotline,With it,After what rights is not worrying。”then,Anhui university and central group volunteers showing movies《Succeeding in the way》Easy humor,Lit the night atmosphere。
It is understood,This activity by hefei urban construction committee、Anhui TV channel economic life《Help girl help you》column、Jointly organized by the central investment group,Anhui university college youth corps committee volunteers full support。

According to the statistics,Hefei currently has nearly 110 migrant workers more than ten thousand people,The building industry accounted for nearly half。And these migrant workers basic no cultural entertainment life。Under the guidance of in hefei is built appoint,Ring at the site of the project construction of the migrant workers school、Migrant workers library,For migrant workers provide study and amateur leisure place,Still not regularly carry out skill training、Send culture、Show a film activities,Each year for migrant workers send cool and refreshing send warm send medical send education。Make migrant workers brother happy work、Happy life。
Ring in(住宅)[经开区]价格:7900元/开发商:安徽中环地产合肥中恒置业有限公司地址:合肥市经济技术开发区繁华大道与翡翠路交汇处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 6756历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区
(residential)[the open area] price:7900 yuan/developers:Anhui central real estate hefei zhongheng real estate co., LTD. Address:Hefei economic and technological development zone busy avenue and jade road interchange consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 6756 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community
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