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7 seat and the following mini-bus major holidays toll free policy in the National Day vacation and for the first time,In line with the original intention of the people's livelihood service,with"The good thing to do good"commitment,All levels of traffic transportation department leave no stone unturned to protect chang.
内蒙古:救援清障快速稳妥 Inner Mongolia:Rescue snag fast safe
"On October 4, 7,Beijing Tibetan highway tunnel to Beijing west direction of 13 kilometers two cars behind accident happened cart,8 12 points the accident treatment;On October 5, 16 38 points,BaoMao highway to baotou direction to the south of east - west 13 kilometers two car tracing cauda accident happened,And when the accident treatment and 56 minutes,Traffic returned to normal."From September 30 zero hour up,7 seat the following car toll free policies in force,Triggered a long holiday travel climax,The traffic accident with the growth of the traffic increases.September 30, 8 to 10 June 3 when,Only G6 Beijing Tibetan highway Inner Mongolia section occurs more than a dozen traffic accident.After the accident,The traffic department timely snag,Snag the processing time is only 1 hour.
Double festival period,Inner Mongolia highway construction development co., LTD(Referred to as the "Inner Mongolia high road company)In a large number of professional mechanical equipment repair,The toll booth(station)Coordinate snag rescue unit will snag vehicle/Equipment park in the toll plaza,And the resident units close contact,As far as possible to reduce obstacles and accident vehicle on the influence of highway traffic.
Inner Mongolia autonomous region provincial public security traffic management corps data display,Since September 30,,Within the territory of the Inner Mongolia G6/G55/G65 and highway traffic entrance is usually are increased,Or at around 30%,Mainly is the car.The G6 highway Hohhot entry and baotou nine original entrance car into quantity is four times as usual.To ensure that the holidays toll free policy implementation,Inner Mongolia high road all the toll booth(station)Best bao tong work.
内蒙古高路公司加强了路网运行监测,应急指挥与收费、养护、路政、服务区管理等部门实行“指挥调度统一化”,在突发事件发生时,指挥调度监控中心下达指令后,各部门积极响应,在规定时间内到达现场,做到反应敏捷、处置稳妥。(本报记者 冀云洁 特约记者 辉军)
Inner Mongolia high road company to strengthen the network operational monitoring,Emergency command and charge/curing/highways/Service management departments implement"Command and dispatch unification",In the emergency occurs,Command and dispatch the monitoring center after orders,Each department positive response,Within the prescribed time arrived at the scene,Do quick reaction/Disposal and safety.(Our reporter JiYunJie stringer fai army)
河南:3秒过站不停车 henan:3 seconds after stand parking
Henan province is located in the national highway traffic hub,And anhui/lu/hebei/jin/Shaanxi border.In order to conscientiously implement the major holidays car toll free we policy,Ensure that the national highway artery unimpeded,Henan expressway provincial boundaries station connecting with the working practice,Improving the security bao tong emergency plan,outstanding"early"/"fast"/"fine",Effectively improve the traffic efficiency.
Responsible for management huo highway in succession/Made shaanxi,The Hong Kong and Macao highway hebei prepared/YuE provincial boundaries toll station of henan expressway development co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as the "henan high-risk),As early as in years ago established across the province communication and coordination mechanism.These mechanisms in double festival period is a very good implementation.
Each management unit give full play to the role of the monitoring system,Every day the uninterrupted rule in sections"Electronic patrol",Further strengthen the electronic monitoring/Highway patrol/Meteorological forecast of more than one of the traffic information collection system,Master in time the traffic information,To all sorts of emergency done timely discover and handle in time.
The traffic accident is a highway traffic jams main reason.Henan high-risk unified dispatch personnel/equipment,Set up many control have enough vehicle/Equipment and communication equipment motor bao tong team,At any time every day on.9 when 7th oct.,The Hong Kong and Macao highway hebi section 3 cars piled up accident happened,Hebi road team the first time arrived on the scene implementation rescue,In only 20 minutes will be 3 car serial behind the scene of the accident cleared,Restored highway normal passage.
节日期间,河南高发全员停止休假。每到车流量高峰时段,各省界收费站、省辖市收费站、旅游景区收费站等重点收费站,每条车道均实行3人同时发卡,极大缩短了车辆过站时间。连霍高速公路豫陕省界收费站通过细化免费小客车操作流程,将单车放行速度降到3至4秒,基本实现了低速不停车通过。(本报记者 周爱娟)
During the festival,Henan high-risk full stop vacation.Each traffic to peak time,Each provincial boundaries toll station/Municipalities toll station/Tourism scenic spots such as toll station key Toll Gate,Each lane all practice the 3 people at the same time hairpin,Greatly shorten the vehicle stop time.Huo highway made shaanxi provincial boundaries Toll Gate through the refining free car operation process,The bike release speed down to 3 to 4 seconds,Basic realized low speed don't stop by.(Our reporter ZhouAiJuan)
甘肃:路警联合 武警值守 gansu:Railway police joint armed police watching
"eleven"During the long holiday,Highway passenger car toll free policy implementation,Passenger flow excursion,Gansu traffic departments actively respond to,To increase the mount guard toll collector/Issue precoding card/Railway police joint/Armed police fit command relieves traffic and so on the effective measures,Ensure that the provincial highway safety clear.
During the long holiday,Gansu highway traffic flow magnitude more usual are more growth,Travel and travel peak period,Highway traffic increased 50% than usual.Gansu province expressway management department to make plan,Start highway railway police joint command center linkage combined service force mechanism,The road/Traffic police/Charge management department coordination directing traffic.According to the previously established police union command bao tong the chang mechanism,This year gansu traffic department coordinate armed police traffic a team out more than 30 name armed police soldiers in lanzhou major toll station set up mount guard duty,Cooperate with traffic management department relieves traffic,To maintain order.
In lanzhou highway main charge site,Toll collector to the company by personnel to extend precoding card,In less than a second time,Passenger car fast through the Toll Gate.In addition,Toll collector to passengers should issue the car toll free flyer/Highway traffic plan and service plan.
记者在甘肃省高速公路路警联合指挥中心视频监控大厅看到,收费运营、交警等管理人员根据各主要收费站出入口车流量及通行状况,及时处理应急突发情况。“96969”交通服务热线及时提供小客车免费通行政策和道路通行信息咨询。假日期间,接线员每天提供咨询服务1000多次。(特约通讯员 沈轩 记者 石强 通讯员 徐伟 李鹏飞)
Reporter in gansu province highway railway police joint command center video monitoring the hall to see,Charge operation/The traffic police management personnel according to the major traffic toll station entrances and trafficability,Timely deal with emergency sudden situation."96969"Traffic service hotline to provide in time the car toll free policy and traffic information consultation.During the holiday,Every day the operator to provide advisory services more than 1000 times.(Stringer ShenXuan ShiJiang reporter correspondent, xu wei Allen)
浙江:湖州路政保畅值守全天候 zhejiang:Huzhou road the chang watching all-weather
For the first time will be exempted from the mini-bus tolls vacation,Zhejiang province tens of thousands of highway road personnel/Toll collector/Expressway service area staff all stop Hugh work.During the long holiday,Reporters came to the all-weather on the road busy huzhou highway side road team,Record on the way they had a busy spot.
Search on the,Maintenance traffic order,The first time report to the road pass resistance(plugging)situation,Timely disposal way of production accident,Take the time to explain all kinds of consultation doubt...Each a road personnel can't there is the slightest slack.
In HangNing squadron,Reporters learned that,From September 30 day began,The squadron captain ChengYaQiu has 24 hours on duty before.Huzhou highway road team all the highways players also all in place BeiQin on duty,All-weather kept,Players 24 hours mobile phone open.Highways brigade for key Toll Gate/Key sections/Key period,Make scientific arrangement,All men added to a line stand in line,Ensure that a line personnel enough.
Good people and good deeds also on the jump continuously emerging.Long vacation first day 12 when 10 points,A young man walked into the G25 long deep highway HangNing squadron of duty room:Because of careless driving the car crashed into the fence,Cause serious damage,And dragged him away from the scene,They had to come here for help.After that,Highways players use the gap at noon time,Take them to the nearby bus station.
为了给出行者提供周到、体贴的服务,湖州市高速路政大队向过往的人们提供“高速公路指示图”、“旅游导向图”等。“有了这张指示图,我心里就有底了,不怕再走错路,你们考虑得真周到啊!”一位前去安吉度假的上海旅客连声道谢。(通讯员 沈伟英 吴永政 本报记者 刘洋)
In order to provide thoughtful people/Considerate service,Huzhou high-speed road brigade to past people provide"Highway indicator diagram"/"Tourist guide map", etc."This piece of indicator diagram,My heart is the bottom,Not afraid to go wrong,It's thoughtful of you ah!"A forward anji holiday Shanghai passenger thanks again and again.(Reporter ShenWeiYing WuYongZheng were our reporter)
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