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编者按 Editor's note

  12月4日是第12个全国法制宣传日,今年的主题是“弘扬宪法精神,服务科学发展”。“12·4”全国法制宣传日系列宣传活动是贯彻落实党的十八大精神、落实“六五”普法规划的重要活动,宣传日也是全面回顾、总结近几年交通运输法制工作的重要时间节点。 On December 4, is the 12th national legal system XuanChuanRi,This year's theme is"To carry forward the spirit of the constitution,Service science development"."12 · 4"The national legal system XuanChuanRi series campaign is implementing the party's eighteen great spirit/implement"from"Popularization of planning of the important activities,XuanChuanRi is comprehensive review/In recent years, summarized the important transportation legal work time node.


In 2009, the traffic department of transportation convened for the first time the national transportation legal work since the meeting,The transportation departments at all levels in the construction of the rule of law government departments as the goal,Promote the overall transportation administration according to law,Efforts to achieve scientific and democratic legislation/Standard civilization law enforcement/Effective supervision and management/Efficient quality services,Transportation legal system into the new stage of development.

立法进程明显加快 Speeding up the legislative process


The super-ministries after the reform,The traffic department of transportation to strengthen the comprehensive transportation regulations system research,Increasing highway/water/Postal legislation project work dynamics,The legislation have made new progress.


Around the transportation infrastructure construction/Transportation management/Transportation safety and postal management,The traffic department of transportation has been formulated to promote/Revised a number of industry reform and development are in urgent need of law/Administrative regulations and departmental rules.[Postal method]/[The prevention and control of pollution from ships Marine environmental management regulations]/[Highway safety protection regulations]/[Domestic waterway transport management regulations]Successively promulgated and implemented,[Channel method]Already included in the legislation plan of,[Urban public traffic regulations]/[Maritime traffic safety]/[Search and rescue regulations of life at sea]The legislative process are also effective in advance.


In order to further perfect the legislation work mechanism,That began in 2007[Traffic rules procedure rules]To strengthen the legislation in the process of legislation to open the door/Join the public opinion and expert consulting work measures.The traffic department of transportation strengthen legislation prospective study,Timely the organization carries out the"[Toll highway management regulations]revised"/"A taxi and city bus legislation necessity"/"[Channel method]Demonstration project"And the important subject research,To promote transportation plays a basic role of the legislative process.

行政执法明显规范 The administrative law enforcement clear specification


The transportation departments at all levels in accordance with the resumption,Strict law enforcement behavior,To regulate the traffic infrastructure construction/Maintain transportation market order/Ensuring traffic safety clear water has played an important role.


In recent years,The traffic department of transportation launched a series of measures,Standardize administrative law enforcement:implement[Compulsory administrative law],The standard of short duration buckles, such as car transportation compulsory administrative behavior;Issued by[On regulating the transportation administrative penalty discretion certain opinions],Promotion of the administrative penalty discretion standard template;Revised implementation[Transportation administrative law enforcement certificates management regulations],Established the law enforcement personnel test access and qualification audit system step by step,The majority of provinces and cities across the country completed the law enforcement personnel and the law enforcement certificate management system construction and implementation of work,Unified change the IC card law enforcement certificates.Since 2009,The whole system common issue IC card law enforcement certificates 197593.


With the last July 26 traffic department of transportation[Strengthen transportation administrative law enforcement image construction guidelines]Issued by the,jilin/Yunnan after complete the law enforcement mark unity and personnel work change,Jiangsu is one of 11 provinces, cities and completed the part of the cities/Professional management system marks unity and personnel work change,zhejiang/Sichuan completed the unification of the change of the bidding work,Jilin completed all basic law enforcement place appearance unified construction work,Guangdong province and 15 changhang system has completed the construction of pilot work.Law enforcement image around"Four unity"Work has made some effects.

行政执法监督明显加强 Administrative law enforcement surveillance was improved obviously


Three years,The transportation departments at all levels of law enforcement supervision efficiency obviously improved,Administrative accountability efforts increase obviously,Administrative power operation clear specification.


On October 1, 2010, the effect of the beginning[Transportation administrative law enforcement appraisal regulations],Clear the administrative law enforcement appraisal content/standard/way,All the appraisal report is perfect/Rewards and punishment system,To implement the FaJiao separation/Case panel discussion/Expert consultation/Last warning and supervision mechanism,The administrative law enforcement supervision system improved.


The traffic department of transportation has three times in all system organization development law enforcement examination and law enforcement appraisal work,Since 2009,Total organization files PingZha 62747 times,Carry out inspectors work 55000 times,Inspectors out more than 180000 people,According to deal with 3726 cases,Put forward correction problems of more than 61000 pieces,In 656 the law enforcement personnel to discipline ZhengJi sanctions or organization processing,453 people were suspended law enforcement,80 people are to extend the probation period processing.


In addition,The traffic department of transportation through the issued[The traffic department of transportation regulatory documents to review legitimacy],A regulatory documents to and review the legitimacy,At present,All common set up normative documents for the record/Assessment after/Regular cleaning system.The administrative reconsideration work strengthened,Since 2009,The whole system were dealt with in accordance with the administrative reconsideration case 1686 pieces,Timely find/Corrected the transportation construction management and problems in administrative law enforcement.

行政执法模式改革取得明显进展 The administrative law enforcement mode reform made obvious progress


Three years,The traffic department of transportation and local transportation departments at all levels to define scientifically duties,Optimizing organizational structure,Integrated law enforcement resources,Improve the administrative power operation mechanism.


In the regulations/Normative documents and items of administrative examination and approval of the cleaning work,The traffic department of transportation to cancel and adjust the five items of administrative examination and approval,Abolish and modify ministerial regulations 77 pieces,Abolish and amendments to 273 pieces of normative documents,Canceled regulations compulsory administrative measures in four.


In the process of continuously explore,All carried out various forms of transportation administrative law enforcement mode reform.chongqing/Guangdong province to realize the comprehensive law enforcement agencies and industry management institution work butt;Fujian province road will/YunZheng/Port administration/Shipping administration/Local maritime/Water YunZheng and so on six branch law enforcement team integration as a team,Prefecture-level comprehensive administrative law enforcement agencies have all established listed;Zhejiang waterway system has been implementing set port/water/Local maritime/Channel four categories of law enforcement in the integration of water comprehensive law enforcement;Promote the jiangsu province town traffic system reform,Establish a unified water law enforcement work linkage mechanism.


In addition,With prices of refined petroleum products all over and the tax reform as an opportunity,Deepening the reform of the road law enforcement mode,21 provinces and cities across the country had been established political road or road corps,Shanxi Province established transportation administration bureau.Maritime system has been basically established"Dynamic and static maritime supervision relative separation and complementary,Administrative licensing/executive/Law enforcement supervision and effectively separate and restrict each other,Law enforcement and service in a body"Law enforcement management mode.Changhang system continues to implement internal joint law enforcement mechanism,In the channel of the Yangtze river and the protection of water conservancy department to carry out joint law enforcement.

法制宣传教育效果明显 Propaganda and education effect is obvious


Through the development of multi-level dissemination activities and education training,Transportation legal environment further optimization.


in"from"After launching the popularization work,Issued by the ministry of transport the traffic[The national transportation system propaganda and education the sixth five-year plan],Organization staff into learning publicity of laws and regulations,Focus on the leading cadres/Law enforcement personnel as well as other key object's propaganda and education.


All give full play to"Sailing day"/"The world maritime day"/"On production safety"/"Energy conservation and emission reduction publicity week"Specific time publicity platform function,The highway intersection/bridge/subway/station/port/Terminal installation information screen/Network television as a propaganda popularization of position,Organize rich and colorful/The various forms of propaganda and education activities,Enhance the effect of propaganda and education.


The past three years,The transportation departments at all levels will be legal work place to a more prominent place,Will transport the rule of law government promoted the construction of a new height,Legal work in promoting the development of modern transportation industry plays a basic/Pilot and indemnificatory function.


For a time,The transportation departments at all levels will further carry out basic law enforcement team professional construction/Basic law enforcement station standardization construction/Basic management system standardization construction,Efforts to achieve"Legislation of basic research into more solid,Laws and regulations system design more scientific and reasonable;Law enforcement supervision and management more civilized norms;Team quality image enhanced;The fundamental construction in grass roots was improved obviously,Obviously improve the ability of administration according to law"Work target.
