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recently,Human resources social security approval,Transportation industry of new 6 professional skill appraisal station.At this point,Transportation industry has set up 85 points and 4 batch of professional skill appraisal station,Strengthening industry skills training,Support the transformation of industry development.


New 6 professional skill appraisal station respectively on the tianjin municipal highway industry management office/Tianjin Marine senior vocational school/Utility of Shanghai school/Inner Mongolia bayinnaoer traffic training center/Qinghai traffic vocational and technical college and the Yangtze river three gorges navigation administration,Cover up road machinery operation/Despatched waterway construction/Toll roads and monitoring and other fields.


According to the ministry of transport of the professional qualification, director of the center for ShenShaoJun is introduced,At present,Transportation industry's professional skill appraisal station of 85,Distribution in 24 provinces(area/The city).Already in the industry, many companies put employees professional skills qualification pegged to the examination and treatment,Inspire the employees to improve their technical level of enthusiasm,Quality throughout the industry practitioners.




 1内蒙古巴彦淖尔交通培训中心 1 bayinnaoer traffic training center of Inner Mongolia


Low passenger car attendant


Low freight cars tally clerk


Low motor transport operator


"Toll roads and monitoring


Low port passenger steward


Low concrete mixing machinery operators


Low road construction machinery operators


Low road/Maintenance work


"Small and medium-sized construction machinery operators


Second-ranking harbor maintenance work


Low lifting handling machinery operators


Second-ranking conveyor operators


Other transport equipment operators


And the relevant personnel


Low motor vehicle inspection work


"Motor vehicle driving coach




2天津水运高级技工学校 2 tianjin waterway senior vocational school


Hung low super-heavy train car Turner


Low shipping clerk


Low port passenger steward


Low glass plate and glass forming


Low lifting handling machinery operators


Low deck equipment operator of the ship


Low ship engine-room equipment operators


Low radio beacon operators


Low vision AIDS to navigation


Second-ranking harbor maintenance work


Second-ranking despatched waterway construction work


Second-ranking conveyor operators


"Motor vehicle driving coach




3青海交通职业技术学院 3 the qinghai traffic vocational and technical college


Hung low super-heavy train car Turner


Low passenger car attendant


Low freight cars tally clerk


Low motor transport operator


"Toll roads and monitoring


Low concrete mixing machinery operators


Low road construction machinery operators


Low road/Maintenance work


"Small and medium-sized construction machinery operators


Low motor vehicle inspection work


"Motor vehicle driving coach




4上海市公用事业学校 4 utility of Shanghai school


Low motor transport operator


Low motor vehicle inspection work




5长江三峡通航管理局 5. Changjiang three-gorges navigation bureau


Low radio beacon operators


Low vision AIDS to navigation


Low gate operation work




6天津市市政公路行业管理办公室 6 management office of tianjin municipal highway industry


"Toll roads and monitoring


Low road construction machinery operators


Low road/Maintenance work


Low concrete mixing machinery operators


"Small and medium-sized construction machinery operators




