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五一小长假首日车流量增长迅速 全国路网运行基本平稳-2013年04月--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  交通运输部路网中心消息,今天是2013年“五一”小客车免收通行费政策实施的第一天。从今日零点开始,全国各收费公路开始对七座及七座以下的小型客车实行免费通行。路网中心监测显示,从6时开始北京、上海、广州、天津、杭州、南京、郑州、西安等大中城市的各主要高速公路、重要的高速公路通道车流量增长显著,出城方向持续出现高峰,部分高速公路局部路段交通压力较大,总体上全国路网运行基本平稳有序。 交通运输部路网中心消息,Today is 2013"The May Day"The first day of the car from toll policy implementation.Start from zero today,Toll roads all over the country began to seven and seven small passenger cars under free traffic.Network monitoring center display,Beijing starting from June/Shanghai/guangzhou/tianjin/hangzhou/nanjing/zhengzhou/Xi 'an and other large and medium-sized cities of all major highways/Important highway tunnel traffic growth significantly,Out of the city, and the direction for peak appeared,Some local sections of highway traffic pressure,Smooth and orderly, on the whole, the national road network.
今天,Minister of transport Yang Chuantang have kept in touch through phone calls and text messages and network center,In a timely manner to master"The May Day"Passenger car free passage on highway traffic as a whole,Requirement to strengthen network scheduling/Traffic guidance and propaganda,Make sure that"The May Day"Passenger car free of charge during the traffic roads are open/Train operation safety.Feng Zhenglin vice minister in this morning to road network center room in consultation with details about the national road network operation,View the important road traffic conditions,And visiting"The May Day"Stick to during the staff in the center of the work of road network.

According to introducing,Road travel is given priority to with short today,On network traffic is growing rapidly,The public driving to outing/Mainly for an outing.According to the monitoring network center,Today the cities traffic growth from 6 PM began to emerge,As of 10 am when,Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou and other city some highway direction has begun to congestion of the city,Mainline toll booth out of the city direction of traffic flow is larger,City and part of the leads to the scenic spots around highway driving slowly as a result of traffic accidents,Short-term traffic congestion in more local highway section of the country,Travel peak until afternoon.

根据路网中心重点监测的12条高速公路(jingha/Beijing and Shanghai/Beijing station/Beijing Hong Kong and Macao/beijing-tibet/Shen Hai/Rong wu/shanghai-chengdu/shanghai-kunming/Shanghai and chongqing/Shanghai city/NingWu)Traffic statistics,As of today at 11,The sharp rise in traffic from yesterday,Overall rose by 55%,Compose rose by 93%,Buses and trucks rose by 44% and 21%;Shanghai chengyu expressway in zhejiang province/Jingha highway jilin section/Shandong section of the cross section flow Shen Hai high growth rapidly,Rose 83%, respectively/81% and 79%.
由于今日车辆短途集中出行特征明显,Traffic flow is larger,Local road traffic accidents.As of 15 when,With 46 criminal road block information network center,25 for making them,Traffic accidents since December,Bad weather since 9.According to the results of monitoring network center,Beijing/tianjin/hebei/shanxi/shandong/hunan/guangdong/chongqing/Shaanxi highway vehicle traffic accidents happened,Lead to jingha highway/Beijing Hong Kong and Macao highway/Beijing-tibet highway/Rong highway/Two wide high-speed/The long highway/Green silver high-speed/Even khodorkovsky high-speed/BaoMao high-speed/Shen Hai high-speed multiple local sections of the highway and districts, such as short-time congestion,Traffic pressure.With jingha expressway in hebei yutian section between 7 am and 10 more road accidents occur,Caused the road congestion until noon.

据中央气象台预报,From tonight to tomorrow during the day,Middle East of hubei province/hunan/In southern anhui/jiangxi/The north and west of zhejiang province/In the northwest of fujian/Guangdong province in the northwest/Guangxi northeast/Parts of southeast guizhou and other places have heavy rain or heavy rain,Southeast of hubei province/The northeastern hunan province/There is torrential rain in northern jiangxi and other places of local areas,The local region and will be accompanied by strong wind or hail and strong convective weather.Tomorrow rain weather highway travel bring adverse effect to the region.
交通运输部路网中心将继续实行24小时领导带班制度,In strict accordance with the[About 2013 tomb-sweeping day and labor day holiday from small passenger car toll notice](Hall no. 8 [2013] of the road)The requirements of the,To do a good job of duty May Day small long vacation period in an all-round way,Highway traffic information release in a timely manner,Guide the public route travel time and reasonable arrangement,Give full play to the overall network operation efficiency,Balancing network traffic,Avoid the jams.
  另据路网中心消息, 四川省交通运输厅公路局就“五一”期间公路交通安全工作进行了部署,要求切实加强公路巡查力度,严肃查处违法超限超载运输车辆;做好道路安全警示和保通保畅工作,特别是做好地震灾区危桥、灾害隐患点的监测监控和安全工作;切实做好防汛、防滑坡、防坍塌等工作。
另据路网中心消息, Sichuan provincial department of transportation highway bureau"The May Day"Highway traffic safety work carried out during deployment,Efforts to strengthen the highway patrol,Investigate illegal overrun overload transportation vehicles;Road safety warning and bao tong bao chang,Especially the earthquake danger/Hazard monitoring and security work;Keep the flood/The landslide/Collapse prevention, etc.
据中央气象台预报,Forth today earthquake provincial road 210 line baoxing into forth/Ya 'an 305 line to leshan/State road 318 line of chengdu to kangding/108 line along the road in chengdu to asbestos are light rain or showers.tomorrow,The link between cloudy cloudy,Light rain or showers are local.Rainy slippery road,And is likely to induce landslide on either side of a highway/Falling rocks and other geological disasters.Disaster area transportation departments at all levels and rob tong bao tong construction units need to attach great importance to the safety of construction work,Remind material transportation vehicles should pay attention to safety/Slow down.
