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8名律师致信教育部 称在京高校招生存地域歧视--亲稳网络舆情监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:昨日,8位律师联合致信教育部,反映北京高校招生中存在严重地域歧视问题,建议教育部改革招生制度,取消高考户籍限制,增加河南等地高等教育投资和招生名额,该建议信已寄往教育部。建议信里表示,宪法中规定公民一律平等,招生比例的严重失衡与宪法精神相悖,应加大高等教育资源匮乏地方的财政师资投入,推进教育均衡发展,出台异地高考方案促进高考公平。 yesterday,Eight lawyer written jointly by ministry of education,Reflect Beijing college recruit students there are serious problems in regional discrimination,The ministry of education reform Suggestions recruitment system,Cancel the university entrance exam census register restrictions,Henan higher education to increase investment and student enrollment,The JianYiXin has sent to the ministry of education。JianYiXin said,The constitution citizens are equal,Recruit students proportion of imbalance and the spirit of the constitution personality,Higher education resources more efforts should be put into place financial teachers lack,Promote balanced development of education,Different scheme to promote the university entrance exam on college entrance examination fair。更多精彩新闻请进入搜狐教育>> More wonderful news please enter sohu education>>


In only 73000 people attend the university entrance exam of Beijing,Beijing university of ZhaoLu plan a total of 614 people。The number,In a 825000 people applied to take the university entrance exam of henan province,To become 108 people,In 550000 people attend the university entrance exam of shandong,They become 72……

  昨日,来自山东、河南、安徽、湖北四个高考大省的8名律师,联合致信教育部,反映在京部属高校在招生中存在严重地域歧视问题,建议教育部改革招生制度,取消高考户籍限制,增加在河南、山东、河北、安徽、湖北等地的高等教育投资,并扩大在河南、山东、湖北、安徽等高考大省的招生名额。记者 陈学超

yesterday,From shandong、henan、anhui、Four big province of hubei university entrance exam of the eight lawyer,Joint written the ministry of education,Reflected in Beijing in existing in college admissions subordinates serious regional discrimination,The ministry of education reform Suggestions recruitment system,Cancel the university entrance exam census register restrictions,Increase in henan、shandong、hebei、anhui、Higher education of hubei province investment,And expand in henan、shandong、hubei、Anhui province the university entrance exam of student enrollment。Reporter ChenXueChao


北大在6省招生数 Peking University in 6 provinces include

  不及北京一地 Less than Beijing


In the investigation of the home is located in Beijing's staff 15 college enrollment plan,There are different levels of regional discrimination,Some even very serious。


According to data released already,As the university entrance exam province,henan、shandong、sichuan、anhui、hubei、Hebei province six,This year there were 806000、550000、538000、506000、462000、459300 people applied to take the university entrance exam。6 provinces in total number 3.3213 million people enrolled in college entrance examination。This year the university entrance exam of Beijing participated in the people:73000 people。6 provinces signed up to take part in the university entrance exam of Beijing, the number of 45.5 times。


Henan Asia Pacific people law firm ChangBoYang lawyer said,“We've gathered a 15 home is located in Beijing's staff college in henan、hubei、shandong、sichuan、hebei、Anhui province of several the university entrance exam to recruit students to plan and the relative than Beijing,The result is let us down and don't understand。”ChangBoYang introduced,In the investigation of the home is located in Beijing's staff 15 college enrollment plan,There are different levels of regional discrimination,Some even very serious。


如北京大学,按照官方网站公布的分省招生计划统计,其在北京本地计划招生614名(含文理科医学部),而在河南则仅仅招录108名,在安徽只计划招录45名。 Such as Peking University,According to the official website of the points to recruit students to plan province statistics,The local plan recruit students in Beijing 614(Including medical arts and sciences),And in henan is ZhaoLu only 108,In anhui just plan ZhaoLu 45。在上述6省,北大计划招生总人数为409人,远不及北京一地计划招生人数。

In the six provinces,Peking University plan recruit students of the total number of 409,Beijing is far from a plan recruit students number。


The same situation also exist from tsinghua university,The school plan recruit students in Beijing 203,In hebei、Anhui were just plan ZhaoLu 54 and 65。


As the central university of finance and economics again in Beijing to recruit students to plan is 268,And in henan only plan recruit students 104,In hubei province to recruit students to plan only 64。


高教优质资源 Higher education quality resources

  分布严重不均 Distribution uneven serious


Education resources is serious to Beijing and the city tilt,And these college recruit students has serious localization tendency,Big province of the university entrance exam candidates exist injustice。


Jinan lawyer LiuShuQing also found the existing in the university entrance exam to recruit students to plan the injustice。In addition to recruit students number of extreme inequality,The higher education quality in 6 provinces of resource scarcity also let him feel shocked。


“Shandong every year there are so many examinee enter oneself for an examination,But again so little number,How to make people don't understand。”LiuShuQing said,“Also puzzling is,Higher education quality of these places resources but also less poor。”


“According to the ministry of education web site last year by the end of march to the public‘985 project’University distribution around to see,Beijing has 8,And henan and hebei is a all have no。High quality education resources distribution imbalance,The university entrance exam of Numbers, place the poor little or no,And attend the university entrance exam less number places but has a lot of。”Education resources is serious to Beijing and the city tilt,And these college recruit students has serious localization tendency,Reduce the entrance exam province famous school on candidates、Accept high quality education opportunities,For these candidates there is serious injustice。


LiuShuQing said:“Now face employment environment intense competitive situation,The examinee is not content to learn,But to good schools。especially‘985’and‘211’Such kind of university。But the shandong province, henan university entrance exam that universities are scarce,These school student enrollment to shandong and henan the place such as the very few,To our local examinee is very unfair。”


忽略人口因素 Ignore population factors

  招生计划难让人信服 Recruit students to plan difficult to convince


Although the population factors not create the university entrance exam to recruit students to plan for the only factor,But if ignored for population factors to recruit students to plan the fairness of the university entrance exam is difficult to guarantee and difficult to convince。


One of the signatories to the sponsors、Anhui lawyer zheng can think the,“虽然人口因素不是制定高考招生计划时考虑的唯一因素,但如果忽略人口因素制定的高考招生计划的公平性很难保证且难让人信服。” ,“Although the population factors not create the university entrance exam to recruit students to plan for the only factor,But if ignored for population factors to recruit students to plan the fairness of the university entrance exam is difficult to guarantee and difficult to convince。”


“Recruit students proportion of imbalance and the spirit of the constitution personality。Our country《constitution》Article 33 regulations,All citizens of the People's Republic of China are equal before the law。Here the equality means more than just laws、The equality of legal application,Also refers to any public power authority can't pass any form of citizens to any no good reason not treated fairly”。Recruit students of the proportion of the significant difference in China also violated《Education law》Article 9,“All citizens, regardless of ethnic group、race、gender、professional、Property status、Religious belief,Shall enjoy equal education opportunities by”Provisions of the。


ChangBoYang lawyer thought,The people of Beijing university is not subordinates university,But by the national people's taxes、The central financial education appropriated funds,Is the national people's university。Subordinate college recruit students should not“care”Beijing,And discrimination other places。


so,Eight lawyers signatories to the proposal:In the existing enrollment system is not reform before,The ministry of education of universities should be submitted to recruit students to plan of scrutiny,Should expand big province in the university entrance exam of student enrollment,So as to ensure that various universities in the recruit students number refers to the examinee should be factors such as the percentage of admission to ensure balanced。At the same time of higher education should strengthen the financial resource scarcity place、Teachers into,Promote balanced development of education。


JianYiXin also believe that,Should cancel the university entrance exam of household restrictions,Early on different ground the university entrance exam scheme,Promote the university entrance exam fair。


 15名学者曾上书 15 academics have close

  取消高考户籍限制 Cancel the university entrance exam census register restrictions


As early as in May this year,Have come from Peking University、tsinghua、Academy of the unit such as 15 scholar wrote to the state department、The ministry of education,Ask you to cancel the university entrance exam census register restrictions,“Promote education and social justice reform”。


Beijing university law school professor ZhangQianFan also in the list of 15 scholars。《Economic observer》Report says,He in its research subject“The university admissions and constitutional equal”To draw conclusions,guangdong、Anhui candidates entered the probability of Peking University only the Beijing children's 1%。Change an Angle to understand,Peking University of guangdong、Anhui students set threshold than Beijing the examinee the full high 100 times。


ZhangQianFan think,Key universities uneven distribution of college students and the popular local protectionism is in the area of the main causes of the imbalance。“Peking University admissions scheme is not the worst thing。”


There have been media reports say,In other national university of the investigation,The researchers found that,Zhejiang university、Nanjing university for local candidates keep index as high as 50%。With 2009 years of recruit students, for example,In the city of Shanghai fudan launched recruit students per candidates index of 117.1,In zhejiang is 5.2,,In Beijing of 4.2,The national average of 2.2,And in shandong、shanxi、guangdong、Inner Mongolia 10 provinces on the admissions index all in one of the following。Shanghai examinee into the opportunity is the national average fudan 53 times、Shandong examinee's 274 times、Inner Mongolia examinee's 288 times。


For this,In a sign of the 15 academics“To review and modify the state council about the ministry of education《Common higher school recruit students work rules》advice”suggest:The ministry of education shall be repealed immediately on the university entrance exam census register the limit,And ask the education ministry will the university entrance exam condition signing up to the examinee's status as a seat,And eventually eliminate the college admissions regional discrimination,A fair and equal university students enrollment and examination system。


note:Data basis of Peking University admissions nets announced 2012 points province source plan statistics


补充阅读:五部委制定异地高考意见 报批国务院将适时发布 Added reading:Five ministries college entrance examination and approval of the state council for different opinion will release


The general office of the state council recently sent letters to the National People's Congress standing committee office,The ministry of education shall submit to the standing committee of the National People's Congress on the implementation of implementation《National long-term education reform and development plan outline(2010-2020)》The work report of the deliberation opinions report。Report introduces,For the protection of rural migrant workers SuiQian children gets education rights,The ministry of education and the state development and reform commission、The ministry of、Human resources and social security to research and develop《The preparation for migrant workers receive compulsory education SuiQian children attend the entrance examination in the opinion of the work》,According to the opinion and procedures will be released after timely。[detailed]

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