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武警八年守卫考试院 见证高考录取变迁--亲稳网络舆情监测室
阳光招考八年,没人再来找领导 Sunshine recruitment of eight years,No one will come for leadership
2005 years,College recruit students sunshine project startup,ZhangDongYang also took to the guard the university entrance exam of post admitted。once,Before game admitted to pedestrians,Parents with a child the door to special permission、Relatives claim to see leadership、Dissatisfaction with the admission 'petitions;now,Admitted there before game,No longer someone to look for the leadership。Humble position,Zhangdong stand 8 years say,Guard the ideal of others,With the changes of the university entrance exam witness admitted。
参加高考到守卫高考 Attend the university entrance exam to guard the university entrance exam2004年夏天,17岁的张东阳高考失利,从此走进绿色军营,成为了武警广东总队一支队五中队的一名战士。8年来,最重要的例行任务就是保卫高考录取工作。
In the summer of 2004,17 years old ZhangDongYang college exam,Entry into the green camp,Become the armed police guangdong office a team five squadron of a soldier。Eight years,The most important task is to defend the university entrance exam accepted routine work。
ZhangDongYang said he didn't think,In the university entrance exam behind with so many people in the service for,The first time to attend a task on duty,Let him feel a kind of sacredness。Every successful completion of the task,Let ZhangDongYang feel the existence of self value,so,This class the,He is a standing eight years,“When I can't achieve their ideal,Now contribute their little power,The guards others ideal reality。”
曾经:家长带着小孩来要特批 once:Parents with a child came to be notarized
Five squadron SiWuChang had the title ZhangDongYang early a few years than the army。In his memory,Sunshine project before implementation,Order is not very good,One to the university entrance exam accepted,Admit games often parked outside many cars,Many people carry things come with a gift,Want to get special permission,“I remember one year a parents even took the child along,Want to get special permission。”
It was admitted to the university entrance exam transparency is not high,There are many admitted to their children are not happy with the situation and parents,Run to the examination yuan requirements for a claim。Sometimes, people will appeal to go around,number、emotional,Five squadron of the soldiers very great pressure。
现在:没人再来找领导 now:No one will come for leadership
To the understanding of the sun engineering society needs time,ZhangDongYang began on duty that for years,Each to the university entrance exam accepted period,There will be many people to admit a gift giving、petitions、Special permission to。In order to meet in leadership,Also want to each of the bearer way,Pretending to be a relative's leadership,Also have do a false certificate want to into the mix,“Sunshine project began,This year by year in reducing the year by year。”ZhangDongYang said。
ZhangDongYang the most impressive is 2006 years,One of the parents for children admitted not satisfied,Seek to come,Don't want to go in unto the leadership,Because no certificate,Be armed police soldiers stopped,The parents mood suddenly excited,While the roar want to commit suicide,Side hit the wall。See this situation,ZhangDongYang quickly come forward to obstruct,And with the admissions office staff comfort channel province。
Along with the society to admit by examination of the transparency of the cognition,This kind of situation has now see。“Last year a come looking for without the leadership of the petitions to the or,This year to now also no。”ZhangDongYang said。(DingYu)
(Sources: the ocean nets)
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