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乡村教师走出大山 意外实现“大学梦”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

This summer,For FuShunXian in sichuan province YangGuCun primary school teachers LuFang and speaking,Special unforgettable。
49 years old he experienced many for the first time:The first time on a plane、The first time to come to Shanghai、First go to college、First listen to professor lectures……In addition to these“countless”first,More let him excited is:He can learn the advanced education idea and method to the mountains of the school。
All this,Benefit from the municipal charitable foundation“I love the”Special funds、Shanghai jiaotong university siyuan love service organization“Rural teacher training plan”。And LuFang and join the training and FuShunXian from sichuan province、Ejin horo banner, Inner Mongolia and other ZhenYuanXian gansu 52 rural teachers。They are“Training plan”The sixth period students,Is the first out of the mountains、Grassland students came to Shanghai。
将乡村教师请出大山 The rural teachers please out of the mountains
In 2005,,Jiaotong university several from the countryside of college students has formed a to“Rural reform”For the target community siyuan love service。Since 2007,In the social enterprise and love for the people,Start the organization of rural teacher training。Six years,Service already training nearly 300 outstanding rural teachers。
ever,Service is organization community members into the mountains,Carry out centralized training。Even 2008 years of sichuan wenchuan earthquake,Also not interrupt a。Project for many years to carry out down,Person in charge ChenEnTao feel,Although the training in the local very popular,Rural teachers' participation enthusiasm is also very high,But restricted by all kinds of conditions,Or it is difficult to reach the expected effect。so,ChenEnTao had an idea:Why don't you put these rural teachers please come out,Way can make use of all kinds of resources in his college,Secondly also can let a village teacher open horizon。
finally,This idea in the city charitable foundation and the support of jiaotong university can be realized:Use this summer,Will 53 rural teachers please out of the mountains、grassland,Let them into the metropolis。
Training 53 rural teachers,Have to spend how many money?68035 yuan!ChenEnTao said,Every expenditure calculation in low single digits,“Our training may be the most economical rural teacher training”。
住宿舍、吃学校食堂 Live in the dormitory、Eat school dining room
10 days during training,Rural teachers are all settle down in jiaotong university students' dormitory,Each also receive a $250 rice card,Unity in the school dining room repast。
For rural teachers in class,Many are jiaotong university's teacher,if:The national outstanding teacher SuoHua shi、Experiential training ChenMeng founder、Jiaotong university psychological counseling center full-time consulting ShiLiuYe ping, etc,They are all public lecture。Professor content including education psychology、Experiential training、Computer and information course、Extracurricular practice、Campus safety, etc。
Let these rural teachers is the deepest impression,College teacher's professional spirit and unique personality charm。SuoHua teacher not long ago was a broken leg,She sat the wheelchair to and rural teachers teaching share 20 years of feeling。ChenMeng teacher's experiential training looks be like simple,But contains“What is the best education,How to carry out the best education”thinking……
From Inner Mongolia were,23 years old this year,Just start work soon。She said,She is“Carries on the rural education thoughts and confused”To Shanghai to participate in training。The results,She not only enhance the understanding,Still can in the famous university study in thinking,Accidentally round his own“University dream”。
精彩课程,叫人舍不得放弃 Wonderful course,So that people won't give up
Reporter discovery,In the training of rural teachers list,There are many older students。46 years old LiuZhaoHai is one of them,He is from sichuan province rich the direction of a school teacher。
“age,Afraid of later have no such an opportunity。”LiuZhaoHai said,In 1984, he graduated from high school began to teach in the mountains,Dry for 28 years,His students have begun to enter“The third generation”the。Because older,He once come to Shanghai to training some concerns:“A village teacher,So low starting point,But going to university training,Will be somebody else look down on?”
可是,在他踏入校园的那一刻,所有顾虑刹那间消散:志愿者热情的“一对一”服务,大学教授的平易谦和,让他感受到了温暖,也让他重拾了自信。刘召海有不少学生在上海,可是为了多学一些东西,他将所有的邀约来电一一回绝。刘召海说,“这么难得的机会,这么地道、精彩的课程,我实在舍不得放弃。” 记者 白彦平
but,In his step into the campus at that moment,All worries in an instant lift:Volunteers warm“one-on-one”service,University professor of common amiable,Let him feel the warmth,Also make him heavy pick up confidence。There are a lot of students LiuZhaoHai in Shanghai,But in order to learn something,He will be all the invitations to reject them。LiuZhaoHai said,“Such a rare opportunity,So tunnel、Wonderful course,I was reluctant to give up。” Reporter BaiYanPing
(Sources: liberation daily)
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