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小一新生个性足 开学首日和老师“提条件”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

大众网济南9月3日讯 The public network jinan on September 3,)
(记者 赵新婷)“老师,记六个同学的名字太多了,我记不住,最多只能一次记住四个。”一个小女孩直言不讳地和老师说。今天是文东小学开学的第一天,在一年级新生的第一堂课上,记者并没有看到以往小朋友第一天上学哭哭啼啼的情景,而开朗独立的孩子越来越多,这让有着十几年教龄的老师也禁不住感慨地说:“现在的孩子跟以往最大的区别,就是很有个性,会表达自我需求”。
(Reporter ZhaoXinTing)"The teacher,Remember the name of the six students too much,I can't remember,Most can only a remember four."A little girl call a spade a spade and the teacher said.Today is the first day of the school text east elementary school,A freshman in the first class,Reporters and didn't see past the first day of the school children crying scene,And cheerful independent child more and more,It makes has more than ten years of school age teacher also could not help regrets ground say:"Now the children have the biggest difference,Is a personality,Can express themselves demand".
对家长说: “妈妈你快回去吧,我去上学啦” For parents said: "Mom you are quick to go home,I go to school!"
Today is the first day of school days,Early in the morning,The reporter comes to text east elementary school,At the school gate,Most of the freshmen and there is no one like reporters expected sniveling don't want to go to school.instead,Reporter heard many freshmen"grownup"Like mum and dad said that let them rest assured,"Mom you are quick to go home,I go to school!."Immature sound is so sensible.
Eight very opening ceremony began,The reporter sees,Many a freshman of parents still keep in the school outside,Through the fence looked at the children on the playground.The horse lady's daughter today entrance,Ask her afraid just become elementary student's daughter,The horse lady said that she is not worried about,"I am the child good character,Yesterday to school report to see her and my classmates are also good,Still calculate very save worry,Should do not have a problem,Just do my mother's,I still want to accompany her for a while."
When it comes to the child's first grade education,Ms ma said,She thinks a grade is mainly to develop good study habits and better with children/The teacher get along with,"Literacy class I but not very worried,Still think good habits ratio what all important."
对同学说:“我喜欢弹钢琴,希望和大家成为好朋友。” Students said:"I like playing the piano,Hope and you become good friends."
then,Reporters came to a grade class five classroom,With these six years old children spend the first lesson of primary school.The teacher in charge and Chinese teacher's ZhaoXue jiao let students volunteered to introduce myself on the stage."Who came first introduce ah,The teacher to see which children the best,Can the students name all remember,Remember the name of the most students can help the teacher hair textbook assignments oh,You who would like to help the teacher ah."ZhaoXue charming voice just fell,Class is the news spread"I would like to"Answer sound,Almost every children actively raise their hands to answer.
"My name is WangKunNing,I am 6 years old,I like reading,And I hope we become good friends.""My name is XuTaoHang,I am 6 years old,I like playing football,And I hope we become good friends.""My name is LiRuiYi,I am 6 years old,I like playing the piano,And I hope we become good friends."……
Not reporters surprise,The children fall over each other's hands requirements on stage to introduce myself,And no child because not shy on the platform.Reporter discovery,The children's interests are no longer confined to sing painting,Playing the piano/dancing/Play football and appear in the children mouth frequency is very high.And during the break,Before the first day of classes with the kids have been happy to play together,Dancing chatting.
对老师说: “我记不住六个,最多只能记住四个。” The teacher said: "I can't remember six,Most can only remember four."
ZhaoXue jiao told reporters,Teach the 14 years of study,She is the most obvious a feeling,Now children than before more and more personality,And thinking wide,A self demand."Like just now I let the children group names,Every six people a group of,There is a little girl said directly‘I can't remember six names so much,Most can only remember the name of the four.’This is now the child before with the biggest difference,This kind of situation should be placed before,No child to dare with teacher so to speak."
But ZhaoXue charming or very happy to see a generation of children's this change,"It also now parents with the quality of the general improvement,All education before children to be listening to the teacher's words,And now pay more attention to the development of personality."
Talk about my teaching plan,ZhaoXue jiao said,The first few days she's main goal is to let the children like school/class/The teacher/students,Then slowly teach them and break the conventional class order,In the treatment of children is also mainly is the reward is given priority to.Just like,Let them to introduce myself,In addition to meet each other,I let them every man his name on his chest,The students in remember name at the same time,Also can recognize some words,And it also raises the child the ability of natural and graceful on the stage,Exercise their self-confidence.
Reporter noticed,In the right of the blackboard,ZhaoXue jiao written his mobile phone number and class QQ QunHao."So that it is convenient for parents and we communicate the child's condition,Now communications convenient,telephone/fetion/QQ,All of these are we use to communicate with each other."
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