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广州公办幼儿园摇号派位 公务员称很难接受--亲稳网络舆情监控室

今年5月,番禺北城幼儿园采取像“六合彩”摇珠的方式公开派位。学校供图 In may this year,Panyu beicheng kindergarten take like“(”Wave of pearl public 1 school places allocation way。The school offers a plan
  番禺样本概况 Panyu sample survey

  步伐:去年放开三成,今年四成,明年五成 pace:Let go of thirty percent last year,Forty percent this year,Fifty percent next year

  命中率:约三分之一报名的社会人员能入读公立幼儿园 shooting:About a third of the social personnel can read into public kindergarten

  试点范围:番禺区中心城区的三家幼儿园 Pilot limits:Panyu district of the city center three kindergarten

  广州市近日出台《广州市公办幼儿园招生工作意见》(征求意见稿)中的这一新规定,引来广泛关注。究竟摇珠过程如何操作?试点改革的过程中,公务员是否愿意“吐出”既得利益?南都记者近日走访了早在去年起已率先推行改革的番禺区。 Guangzhou recently introduced《Guangzhou public kindergarten enrollment work opinion》(Draft version of the)In the new regulation,Draws attention。What wave bead process how to operate?Pilot reform in the process,Civil servants are willing to“Spit out”Vested interests?SMW reporter recently visited as early as last year already takes the lead in pushing reform of panyu district。

  有公务员不理解需做工作 A civil servants don't understand need to work

  据了解,番禺区从去年开始,在全区的14家公办幼儿园中,拿出番禺区直属机关幼儿园、东城幼儿园、北城幼儿园等3所区属幼儿园作为改革试点,以摇珠派位的形式,拿出学位对社会公开招生。 According to understand,Panyu district from last year,In the 14 home public kindergarten,Take out the panyu district departments under the kindergarten、Jiro kindergarten、Beicheng kindergarten 3 of kindergarten as such as pilot reform,In the form of wave bead 1 school places allocation,Take out degree of social public recruit students。

  与上周市教育局公布的《意见》中提到,拟拨出70%学位向社会招生不同。番禺区去年首年试点时,仅提供30%向社会开放,今年提升到40%,预计明年将达到50%。 And last week released city bureau of education《opinion》Mentioned in the,Plans to dial out 70% to social recruit students different degree。The first year of panyu district last year when the pilot,Only 30% offer open to the society,This year, rising to 40%,Next year is expected to reach 50%。

  番禺区教育局副局长李珈解释,这样做主要是改革初期,以逐步放开的手法,让机关工作人员有个接受的过程。 Panyu district education bureau deputy director li any explanation,Pro-rated in early reform,With the gradually lifted the technique,Let authority staff have a accept process。

  “机关幼儿园是为机关的孩子举办的,为什么现在要拿出学位抽签。”李珈坦言,改革初期确实有公务员表示各种不理解,过程中甚至有些抽不到的公务员,一时很难接受。对此,教育局只能对这些公务员作很详细的解释工作。然后介绍去附近的民办幼儿园。 “Authorities kindergarten is held for organ of the children,Why now want to take out the degree。”Lee said any,The early reform does have a civil servants said all don't understand,Even some smoke less than in the process of the civil servants,Difficult to accept a。this,Bureau of these civil servants are only detailed explanation。And then introduced to the private kindergarten near。

  “我觉得改革是必要的。”李珈谈到机关幼儿园产生的历史,过去机关人员经常要下乡,一去就是一天。为了集中照顾机关子弟,允许各单位自办幼儿园。然而,随着历史的变更,各部门的幼儿园已经归口教育部门来管理了,而且统一由政府来投入,因此李珈认为,改革是必然的。 “I think that reform is necessary。”Lee gamma talked about authority production history of the kindergarten,The past office staff often went to the country,A day is a go。In order to take care of authority on children,Allow each unit our kindergarten。however,Along with the change of history,The department of education department to have professional kindergarten management,And by the government to put into unity,So li gamma think,Reform is inevitable。

  像“六合彩”一样公开摇珠 like“(”Publicly wave bead

  派位如何进行呢?是否会有猫腻呢?首批试点摇珠派位的北城幼儿园有关负责人解释,有家长曾反对电脑派位抽签,担心在后台软件做手脚,经协商,由各间幼儿园以乒乓球摇珠的形式抽签。该负责人展示一段今年5月19日拍摄的派位现场视频显示,摇珠的是一台“六合彩”式的透明圆桶状搅珠机。每个家长凭报名号领到一个摇号乒乓球投入机器内,工作人员一按动机器开关,所有号码球翻滚,随后摇出号码球。 1 school places allocation how?If there will be a cat?The first wave of pilot bead 1 school places allocation site about chief kindergarten explanation,Have parents have computer draw against 1 school places allocation,Worry in the background software beforehand,Through consultation,By different kindergarten to table tennis wave form of bead the draw。The official show a period of this year, on May 19 shooting video shows the 1 school places allocation site,Wave bead is one“(”Type transparent barrel shape stir bead machine。Each parents by the number to a wave of table tennis in the machine, input,A staff member to press machines on,All number ball rolling,Then the cradle out number ball。

  据介绍,现场会安排公证处、区领导以及家长代表进行监督,现场摇珠得出的结果会在网上公布。如有现场抽不中的家长,还被邀请留在现场作为家长代表进行监督。 According to introducing,Will arrange notarization、The leaders and representatives of parents supervision,The wave bead of result will be published on our website。If the parents can't pull the scene,Also be invited in the scene as a parent representatives of supervision。

  个案 case

  本想试一试没想到摇中 This want to try a thought in the wave

  但北城幼儿园共有8名中签者放弃学位 But there were eight beicheng kindergarten winner give up degree

  家住市桥的袁女士参与了今年的摇号,其表示今年5月12日,看到北城幼儿园小小班新生摇号入学的通知,抱着试一试的心态,带上户口簿为女儿报了名。 Live in city bridge ms yuan took part in this year's wave number,It says on May 12,See beicheng kindergarten class, small new wave of admission notice,Hold try a state of mind,Take booklet for her daughter signed up。

  考虑到报名人多,孩子又不是“内线生”的问题,袁女士做了两手准备,除报名摇号外,还在一家私立幼儿园报了名。虽然私立幼儿园一学期一万多的费用比公立的北城幼儿园高了不少,但入学有把握,不用把希望寄托在小小的乒乓球上。 Considering the registration,Children and not“Born inside”problems,Ms yuan made bets,In addition to shake the editions,In a private kindergartens signed up。Although private kindergartens a semester ten thousand more than the cost of public beicheng kindergarten high many,But the entrance sure,Don't place the hope in small table tennis。

  5月23日,抽签结果公示了。袁女士意外地发现女儿的号码出现在被抽中的名单里,成为了全小区唯一中签的幸运者。但是,此时她已经在私立幼儿园缴了费。权衡再三,最后放弃了来之不易的公立幼儿园学位。 May 23,,Draw the public。Ms yuan was surprised to find her daughter's number are pumping appeared in the list,Be the lucky number only the whole community。but,This time she has been in private kindergartens paid the fee。Weigh the repeated,Finally gave up the hard-won public kindergarten degree。

  记者查阅北城幼儿园网站公示,此次共有8名中签者放弃学位,园方须对空出学位组织第二次抽签。番禺区教育局表示,这是意料之外的状况,由于抽签由各家幼儿园自行组织,有家长为求保险,同时报了多家幼儿园,导致部分学位出现空缺现象,需要进行第二次摇号。李珈表示,下一步要进行全区统筹报名,控制这种情况的发生。 Reporter access beicheng kindergarten public web site,The total of eight winner give up a degree,The zoo to empty out degree organization shall be the second time the draw。Panyu district education bureau said,This is an unexpected situation,Because of their draw their own organizations by kindergarten,There are parents for the sake of insurance,Also called the several kindergarten,To some degree appear vacancy phenomenon,Need a second wave number。Lee said any,The next step to plan as a whole the application,Control the happening of this kind of circumstance。

  番禺区教育局表示,下一步还会按照市教育局的部署,进一步扩大受惠面,对于其余11所镇街办的中心幼儿园,一旦报名人数超过了学位数,也要采取抽签形式派位。 Panyu district education bureau said,The next step will also according to the deployment of the city bureau of education,To further expand face benefit,For the rest of the ZhenJie and do the center,Once the registration number more than the number of degree,Also want to take the form 1 school places allocation。

  采写:南都记者 吴广宇 刘竹溪 实习生徐博雅张蕾 Up to date:SMW reporter WuGuangYu LiuZhuXi interns XuBoYa ZhangLei
