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  新华网北京7月18日电各地中小学生已进入快乐的暑期生活,而儿童意外伤害的高发时段也悄然而至,各地连续发生中小学生溺水等安全事故。再次敲响了学生暑期安全问题的警钟。 Xinhuanet Beijing on July 18, primary and middle school students have all over the happy summer life,And the children of accident harm high-risk period also just over the horizon,Continuously happen all over the safety of primary and middle school students from drowning accidents。Again the student summer on security alarms。


A survey revealed that,The education department all parents and students also repeatedly stressed that the safety of the holiday,But why tragedy on time?Experts say,Because from the school、The parents of the effective supervision,Plus child safety consciousness weak,Since the lack of、Self-rescue safety knowledge,Cause accident harm accident frequency,Creates a lot of family and social tragedy。


暑期学生意外事故频发 Summer student accident happened frequently


At the beginning of summer,All students take place continuously drowning and other security accidents。July 1,,Anhui ShouXian two young in the huai river shore paddle,Unfortunately all dead at the same time;On July 6,Anhui qianshan oil in three junior middle school students to dam the river dam to meet potential oil swimming,A boy he slipped and deep water area or die。


Reporters from zhejiang province public security department learned,June 1, to July 9,Zhejiang province were 18 on minors drowning events,28 children drowned。On July 1, such as,Zhejiang wuyi three of the eight children play by the brook,Drowned unfortunately death;July 9,,Tragedy in wuyi XianJiao again a river of the town,Six children meet play,2 of 11 years old girl under the river hand in hand to swim,He slipped and deep water died。


July 10, afternoon,XinNingXian hunan province of police station received alarm says,In loose fengting black blunt reservoir found three bodies with children。Duty police rushed to the scene,See the horrible scene:Three children in relatives after eating a meal to play then,Unfortunately drowned。


“In addition to drowning accidents,Other safety problems also nots allow to ignore。”Anhui medical university second affiliated hospital emergency department director ChengJingLin introduces to the reporter some accident cases,On July 4,,ShuChengXian little super home wood bed as park express bed play,To give a slip makes the waist ke is on the edge of the bed,The diagnosis collision caused little super the left kidney rupture。


暑期安全隐患重重 Summer security hidden danger of crossing


Public security、Analysis of the personage inside course of education, etc,drowning、Traffic accident、Internet、Home alone is likely to cause harm summer students of the four major threat。At the same time also said,Summer student safety accident cause is high incidence their safety consciousness weak、The self-protection ability is poor,The parents who care of poor or safety measures do not reach the designated position are also very important factors。


Nanjing jiangning dongshan primary school principals CaiXiaoPing said,At present in rural towns lake、creek、Pool and the distribution of reservoir dense,Once the school、Parents or water chief neglected,Can be the children's play,A safety hazard occurred。


Ideological and political education department, long ZhangGengGu everywhere in anhui province said:“Students' safety problem this year some new characteristics,Such as the group into the incident,A slip into the students,Around the students desperate down to save people,The results also drowning。”ZhangGengGu introduced,Summer is drowning accident frequency,Such crashes in rural and suburban areas engagement。City water area small,The relatively strict management。But rural water area big and scattered,Not easy management,Many children will go to the nearby bath pond summer,So a city drowning accidents are high。


Parents safety consciousness is insufficient to summer safety accidents important factor。“City children summer activities are relatively rule,Parents to send their child to formal swimming pool、Extracurricular remedial class or library these safety to higher ground。Anhui rural work far from population is more,Left-behind children problems,Most of these children with grandpa's grandmother at home,Parents lack of supervision,Self awareness is very low。”ZhangGengGu said。


不要让孩子成了“断线的风筝” Don't let the children became“Break line kite”


Experts say,Education is not only the safety of the summer school things,More students、Parents and whole society is the common things,Only build parents、The school、Social 3 d protective network,To ensure children have a safety、happy、Meaningful summer。


“Parents of children is the first person in summer safety。”Nanjing normal university, professor at the society WuYiMing think,Parents are a minor legal guardian,Not only should be concerned about the children eat in the holiday、Learned how to,More to improve safety consciousness,To strengthen the child's safety knowledge education。


WuYiMing said,Build the child safety network summer,Should give full play to the urban community and social organization of the positive role。The relevant government departments should strengthen the guidance and support,Encourage community and social organization various summer activities,For parents to eliminate the trouble back at home。


“Safety knowledge education is a citizen education not missing parts,Must throughout the whole process of teaching。”Nanjing jiangning dongshan primary school principals CaiXiaoPing think,Should pay great attention to students' safety warning education,Especially before summer vacation,By living minor casualties case,Education they build up traffic、travel、Fire and swimming with the following safety consciousness。Still should organize the students have pointed to develop some accident prevention、Rescue workers, and other aspects of the basic knowledge and skills of learning、drill。During the summer vacation,The school teachers and children should be between through certain way keep the necessary contact,Don't let the children in the long holiday became completely“Break line kite”。(The xinhua news agency LingJunHui、Command ability、LiuMeiZi、YuJing static)
