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  人民网北京7月20日电(记者 林露 熊旭)按照财政部的要求,从19日起,中央部门将集中公布2011年部门决算、“三公经费”和行政经费等有关数据。这也是中央部门首次公开行政经费数据,各部门人员工资、办公楼运营费用的总体情况将向公众揭开面纱。今天,教育部公布了2011年“三公”经费决算和2012年预算。

People net Beijing on July 20 (Reuters)(Reporter LinLou XiongXu)According to the ministry of finance to requirements,From 19 date,The central authorities released will focus on the 2011 final accounts department、“Funds for three”And administrative funds and other relevant data。This is the central authorities first public administrative funds data,Each department personnel salary、Office of the general situation in operating expenses will be unveiled to the public。today,The department of education has released 2011 years“three”The final accounts of the funds and the 2012 budget。


公务用车购置及运行费约195万 State-owned cars YunHangFei purchase and about 1.95 million


2011 years,The ministry of education“Funds for three”Funding for the final accounts of the spending 24.6659 million yuan,Strict control on the budget 25.096 million yuan inside,The final accounts of the year-on-year reduction of the number 295400 yuan。Among them:The official business with the car purchase and YunHangFei 1.9549 million yuan,A decrease of 41000 yuan more than the previous year。


因公出国(境)费支出1527万元 On business abroad(territory)Fee spending 15.27 million yuan

  2011年,教育部因公出国(境)费支出1527.07万元,比上年减少18.41万元,按照批准的因公出国(境)计划,2011 年安排出国(境)23团组数196个,483人次,人均每次出国费用3.16万元。

2011 years,The ministry of education on business abroad(territory)Fee spending 15.2707 million yuan,A decrease of 184100 yuan more than the previous year,According to the approved business abroad(territory)plan,Arranged in 2011 to go abroad(territory)23 the group a number 196,483 people,Every time go abroad costs 31600 yuan per capita。


公务接待费744万元 Official? Expenses? 7.44 million yuan


2011 years,The ministry of education official? Expenses? 7.4403 million yuan,A decrease of 70200 yuan more than the previous year。


2012年度“三公经费”财政拨款预算 2012 year“Funds for three”Finance allocates funds budget


The ministry of education of the arrangement for the year 2012“Funds for three”Funding for $25.096 million budget,Among them:On business abroad(territory)Cost budget of 15.46 million yuan;The official business with the car purchase and YunHangFei budget 195.60 yuan;Official? Expenses? $7.68 million budget。


The ministry also released the same period in 2011 the administrative expenses。Data shows,In 2011 the central administrative unit administrative funds aggregate 24,$5.8735 million,Mainly includes the department authority and foreign institutions of personnel expenditure、Public funds, and other basic expenses,And foreign affairs funds、Overseas agencies for the reform of building project expenses, etc。


新闻背景:何为“三公经费”和行政经费 News background:What is“Funds for three”And administrative funds


“Funds for three”Is through the funding of the financial arrangements on business abroad(territory)fee、State-owned cars and YunHangFei purchase and business? Expenses?。Among them,On business abroad(territory)Fee refers to the unit work personnel official business abroad(territory)accommodation、travel、Food subsidies、Miscellaneous expenses、Training expenses such as;State-owned cars YunHangFei refers to purchase and unit state-owned cars is、rental、Your fuel、maintenance、Toll road、Insurance premium、Safety reward expenses such as cost;Official? Expenses? According to regulations of the spending by an organization of all kinds of public reception(Including foreign guests receiving)spending。


Administrative funds is refers to the administrative units、With reference to the management of civil servant law institutions to perform the administrative management responsibilities、Maintain authority the cost of running costs。Administrative funds spending content:One is the unit personnel expenditure、Public funds, and other basic expenses。Personnel expenditure include wage、Allowance, etc,Public funds including office and printing costs、utilities、Post and fee、Heating bill、transportation、Travel expenses、meetings、Property management fee、Daily maintenance、Special material cost、General is etc。2 it is to maintain this unit operation of the project expenses。Mainly includes office area of leasing and DaZhongXiu、The equipment is special、Special training、BanAnFei、The network operation special maintenance fee, etc。
