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河南每年约万人出国留学 家长卖车卖房凑学费--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Henan each year about ten thousand people to go abroad to study abroad,The huge army study abroad present a more new trend:


undergraduate、研究生仍是主流,Girls born of technology and more,The middle-aged, seeking to break through


To send children abroad for are most middle、The rich,But years into more than 10 ten thousand yuan of working families began to consider the problem


卖车卖房凑学费,Civilians children also abroad


After returned,Eighty percent of people choose wide or coastal cities in north,There are many people choose in the exotic business


【KaiLan words】


today,Everyone playing out the university entrance exam,Still to the annual frequency steadily forward。


But along with the development of society and economy,In recent years,More and more people begin to free from outside the university entrance exam,Open up their life to a path to study abroad。


Why did they choose to study abroad?Because of poor grades,path?还是因为痛恨国内的填鸭式教育,The anger and flee abroad?They have what experiences and lessons,Worth our using for reference and learned?


day,We will be releasing a series of reports study abroad,In this paper the gain and loss of this group of rapidly at the same time,Also hope we comb information,The study of preparation and family help。


July 21,,A famous world tour in zhengzhou admissions interview,Attracted hundreds of parents。This seminar study abroad,After the university entrance exam is frequently。


Data shows,The number of students in China for three years by over 24%,Henan each year about 10000 people to go abroad to study abroad。


The huge army study abroad,Also present a more new trend:Study abroad is no longer patent of the rich,More and more working class trying to send children abroad;“Jinling class”Middle age still looking for breakthrough,“Study-”Groups are forming;Study abroad before is to study,now更多人留学after在异国创业……


案例 case


40岁高管放弃国内一切 40 years old executives give up all domestic


出国充电期待“第二春” Go abroad to charge“The second spring”


If you already nearly“Old age”,And company executives,Willing to put down small fight for,Go abroad to start?


Most people believe that the answer is:Don't!It's too risky!


The study of zhengzhou army,Have such a small groups:They don't lack of money、Don't lack of social status,Study abroad to join army is only for“充电学习”,Open life“The second spring”。


Mr. Soup is one of them。


Three years ago,He is a large group human resources director,Xi 'an jiaotong university MBA。now,40 years old he in Virginia a university to study abroad,And with family came to the United States。


“Average person sure couldn't understand him!”Had to deal with the formalities going abroad Mr Soup kai tak education zhengzhou branch company general manager SongZhengRong mention,Feeling a lot。“He said,Have already walked through half of life,Now don't move,All the life didn't get a chance to move!The most important of life is experience,Is likely to,May also wrong。Do the decision,Will not regret!”


SongZhengRong said,Now Mr. Such as soup older students more and more,Each year, the company can deal with 10 or so,This before in is unthinkable。


成绩不好 Result is bad


初中毕业便踏上留学路 初中毕业便踏上留学路


Here a“Small students”story。


2010 years,LiuMing junior high school graduation(aliases),And not like that to high school classmates。


Child though only 16,Grain is not divided into,SiTiBuQin,Family still resolutely to send him to the United States。


LiuMing's father said:“I really don't want to let the children for the domestic college entrance examination,Too tired people!besides,Our house children's performance is not very good,Even attend the university entrance exam,Also not likely to enter a key university。So take its youth,Send him as the early going abroad,eye-opening,Accept more advanced education。”


LiuMing himself very much like to go abroad。In his view,Foreign everything is fresh,And dies studies,Early as free-standing self-improvement,Step into society。


nowadays,He has successfully apply for a university to enter the United States,Studying more than one year。


梳理 comb


河南每年约万人出国留学,留学群体呈“橄榄形” Henan each year about ten thousand people to go abroad to study abroad,A study group“Olive shape”


Go abroad to study abroad,Has become China's unstoppable half。so,Henan people study abroad exactly how much?


According to Beijing Macao border education consulting Co., LTD. Of zhengzhou branch manager QuPing estimate,Henan province each year almost ten thousand people to go abroad to study abroad,Total number of zhengzhou city, a little more than half。


SongZhengRong said,A few years ago the abroad mostly young people,The two years,Study abroad the crowd have differentiation,In general“Olive shape”。


“Take our company for business speaking,There is an age special small,The kindergarten stage of going abroad,Also has the age is big,40 years old and abroad for further studies,Mainstream or undergraduate and graduate students。Every year,‘olive’The two ends of the 10 or so people in all,Undergraduate and graduate students are thousands。”


近年呈现“双多”,女留学生和念理工科的多 In recent years, present“More than double”,Female students and read the science and engineering


如果你身边有留学生,Take a close look at,Female students is more and more?


SongZhengRong said,Before every household is two to three children,Boys go abroad,Think is to uphold the thing。now,With 80、After the 90 grew up,They generation for more only children,So the men and women,Have the equal opportunity of going abroad。


Henan tengda study abroad the chairman Chen yunhua said,before,You feel that learning bad student,No way out to go abroad,Now the result good children go abroad to be also many,and,Science and engineering gradually popular,“Because these major good immigrants、Good job”。


变化 change


以前留学的多是中产、富人,如今年入十几万元的家庭渐多 before留学的多是middle、The rich,Now the years of more than ten yuan family gradually


Henan education investment concept with the change,工薪家庭送孩子出国的渐多。


“5 years ago,May 300000 yuan of annual income family,middle、Rich talent will consider let the child go abroad。now,Many yearly income of 100000 yuan of above family will consider the problem。”SongZhengRong said,There is a driving a taxi parents,Revenue was also is eight ten thousand yuan,She put the car and the house have been sold,Sold 800000 yuan for children to study in the United States。


Currently working families are not the mainstream study abroad,Along with the changes in the concept of,Earning more than 10 ten thousand yuan in the future of the family to send children abroad for more and more。


以前青睐“小语种国家”,如今集中在美、加、英、澳 Favor before“Small language country”,Now focused on the beauty、add、the、Australia


Used to say to study abroad,Many people to choose to Cuba、Belarus state small language。


Chen yunhua said,The two years the wind shifted,America is still the destination of choice for students,Controlled the half of the study abroad market。The number of students in United States the obvious growth began in 2007 America relaxed visa restrictions。


Study abroad the main destination is still concentrated in the United States、British、Canada and Australia。Small language countries share not rise but lower。


LiZhe said,In the 1990 s to belarus、Ukraine's more,Now no one basic。


趋势 trend

   喝过“洋墨水”后 drank“The ink”after八成人选择 Eighty percent of people choose北上广或沿海城市 North wide or coastal cities


drink“The ink”after,The students is like to stay abroad,Comes back to hometown?


QuPingShui,Every year there are quite a few people who return home,Direct foreign big company in employment,Or immigration。


but,Foreign university is wide into severe type out,Finish school has not easy,And some countries its students employment have a problem,So more and more Chinese people choose to return home。In addition,Now go abroad for more only children,Many people also can choose to return home。“but,For the development of henan less chance,Or the environment, unable to accept,Every year more than 20% of the people not only return to his hometown,Eighty percent person can choose north wide or coastal cities。”


QuPingShui,After all those local employment platform more。中小城市对外交流Don't频繁,Relative close,对海归们来说没太大吸引力。“Unless there is a family business,In a special relationship or local,Will only consider home。”


不再满足于当“浮萍”在留学地忙创业 No longer content to be“duckweeds”In study abroad to busy business


While many people busy go out,In South Korea, 26, read a master of the ANan are on the road of the business,And will business wind。


He read in dalian university,Sophomore year,To South Korea exchange for a year。


After graduation from the university,ANan go to Korea to study for a master's degree,There's a shop on the net,Sell household appliances to Chinese students,“That moment is to make money,The net proceeds from every month 20000 ~ 30000 yuan RMB。”


The second year,ANan and a friend partnership,City university in Seoul area's a entity shop,Business has been good。


recent,And he was a thought:In South Korea to open a brand operation company,In China's national brand agent,China's trendy original brand to Korea。

  如今,和阿楠一样,不再满足于出国仅拿文凭的留学生越来越多。在留学地巧抓商机、忙创业,已经成为新一代留学生的一个鲜明特征。(河南商报记者 邓万里 李雅静刘瑶)

now,And ANan as,No longer content to go abroad only take the diploma of more and more foreign students。In study abroad to qiao grasp opportunities、Busy business,Has become a new generation of students a distinctive features。(Henan business reporter DengWanLi LiYaJing LiuYao)
