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16岁少年救落水同伴溺亡 曾饿肚子捐助行乞老人--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Save drowning companion sacrifice,He was 16 years old


Shaanxi by young period of pass in fresh save were killed,The villagers ready to declare its main title


25,16 shaanxi by young period of pass for save drowning companion cost of his own life。Act touched the local villagers,The villagers ready to submit materials for the declaration period into heroic title。


July 25,,Period of pass by the invitation of the village partners,There GongWei river of heze to swim。According to the town was counterparts taoyuan NiGuangBao introduced the village ni,The eight people go,He and period of pass and two other partners can swim,And with other young NiGuoLiang rescued three not water learning。


“Can't swim in the four people playing nearby shallows,We four HuiShui preparation to enjoy cool air in the gate。”NiGuangBao said,Ford water depth in about 1 meter,But ford two meters to the north is a deep about 5 m pits,Because once tao sand,That is in the river the deepest place。”Just to swim out of 10 meters,Four of the HuiShui then hear from behind a cry for help。“Countries on good to come!”Pass the first reaction for coming,NiGuoLiang quickly to swim in the water。He NiGuoLiang hold up from behind,But is only one meter of seven he couldn't drag one meter of Mr NiGuoLiang。At this time NiGuoLiang has been in a coma,NiGuangBao cast over,Also cannot occupy the NiGuoLiang,Then came the partner of the PengFei looked at,NiGuoLiang stamping the strain to a foot,NiGuangBao will NiGuoLiang until the shallows,NiGuoLiang out several saliva wake up gradually。


At this time,Several talents found,Section pass gone!Several people in the water looking for not if really。“We thought he joke with us,In the shore chanting his middle name‘LeiLei,Don't make,Hurriedly ashore!’”After a few minutes,Few people realized the severity of the things,Hurriedly call 110 for help。


Section of the parents pass in shangluo city ZhenAnXian was sick relatives,Receiving a phone call and learned that it to save the son companion sacrifice news。Section 3 years old with pass when working parents came to taoyuan heze city fresh town ni village,Sacrifice in the jiangsu before work。For parents to shaanxi,Then let him back to the heze home to look after her,Did not think of to have been killed。

  当地村民倪志景告诉记者:“我们现在想帮助这孩子一家人,为传进申请见义勇为称号,这是他应得的。”菏泽市宣传部相关工作人员称,见义勇为称号的申报需要符合一定程序,应该由基层部门即曹县政法委申报后逐级审批。(记者 周千清)

Local villagers NiZhiJing told reporters:“We now want to help the child a family,To preach in application of heroic,This is he deserves it。”The propaganda department of heze city officials say related,Never hesitated to declare the title needs to accord with certain procedures,By the department that there should be gradually after the declaration of legal committee for examination and approval。(Reporter ZhouQianQing)


10元钱捐给行乞老人自己却饿肚子 10 yuan money to beg the old man himself but hungry belly


Heard that the age of 16 period of pass for save companion sacrifice,The villagers of the place, came to see him off,Also hope that in the young hero for his behind do the right thing。


穿别人旧衣服长大,从小就懂事 Others wear old clothes to grow up,Was sensible


1998 years,Native in shangluo in shaanxi province ZhenAnXian segment ZongLi and his wife with a period of pass brother and less than three years for the pass,Came to work heze,“Home in the mountains,Very poor,Happened to a relatives here,We in the fresh peach town ni village life beginning part-time job。”The family on board factory's doing odd jobs to turn to earn money,A living is more than ten years。


“The child is always doing things for others。”Section of the mother YangCaiXiu into said。The period since childhood in there with their parents into work life,Can understand the hardships of parents,In such an environment growth have long wiser。


Because the family meager income,Often accept put person in the village,The period of the child into clothes,Are the children through the village。“Then the children to grow up,self-esteem,We can't bear to watch him to wear other's old clothes,Let him to buy new。”YangCaiXiu said,Even if push him much buy a few,He also only buy one,Also comfort parents said,A clothes will suffice,Clothes without,And to make money for themselves,For parents to buy clothes。2011 years,In order to support their,The period after the second into work and go out。


“Earlier this year,Children work in zhengzhou,Bought the return ticket on after only 10 yuan。”In zhengzhou bus stop,He met an old man disabled,Left arm only half,Saw the old man to beg,Section pass not hesitate to place with only 10 yuan to the old man,“He was hungry,This want to buy roasted sausage to eat。”Section pass to tell YangCaiXiu,Get YangCaiXiu affirmation。


给朋友帮忙,比给自己办事还用心 To friends to help,To his work than heart also


“Live together for so many years,He is our brothers。”For the first time pass blunt past save NiGuoLiang,NiGuangBao 1:00 also not surprised,In his eyes and several partners,Section pass very handout spirit。“Among friends,Who need help,His own things than to the heart。”PengFei said。


From 25 when the accident happened,Now has over the past four days,Ni walled village for the period of the spontaneous take turns into the wake。“Sometimes people too much,Let some villagers go back,Night generally have seven or eight others stay。”The villagers NiZhiJing said,“The whole family is a good man,We hope that we can do things。”


As NiZhiJing said,Pass the family and the villagers for a harmonious relationship,The family in the village life more than ten years,The villagers live in the home,But villagers never charge the person for any costs。“It is for them is good,Will welcome by the villagers,As we by the same。”The villagers NiShiYuan said。

  “小时候调皮难免的,但从十三四岁开始,段传进就表现得很懂事。”倪志景说,他和段传进的父亲年龄相当,对于晚辈段传进讲义气的本性早有耳闻。“段传进出事后,他的朋友从各地赶来为他倒酒、烧纸。”倪志景告诉记者,虽然家境贫寒,但是传进生前和伙伴们出门,经常尽力帮助那些有困难的孩子。(记者 周千清 )

“When I was a child mischievous unavoidable,But from the start 13 or 14,The period is played into very sensible。”NiZhiJing said,He and period of pass father's age quite,For the younger generation period of pass handout spirit nature had heard。“The later period in and out,His friends from all around to poured wine for him、ShaoZhi。”NiZhiJing told reporters,Although a poor,But pass before and partners to go out,Often try to help the children who have difficulty。(Reporter ZhouQianQing )


异地见义勇为 合法权益受保护 Beyond the legal rights protected heroic


《On strengthening the protection of the rights and heroic personnel opinion》says,For in the heroic personnel assess heroic happened behavior,The government has an obligation to inform never hesitated to personnel census register seat of the government,Communication consultation,The work for heroic work rights and interests protection personnel,Avoid treatment implement appears blank。(ZongHe)


