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女教师坚守山村26年 受中央邀请去北戴河度假--亲稳舆论引导监测室

女教师坚守山村26年 受中央邀请去北戴河度假 校舍旁边,是徐云玲和学生们用了多年的石头校舍 Next to the new school,Is XuYunLing and students with years of stone buildings 女教师坚守山村26年 受中央邀请去北戴河度假 徐云玲介绍墙上光荣榜里的学生作业 XuYunLing introduce the wall in the honor roll student work


Still remember in 2006,The henan business exclusive reported the“substitute”20 years of rural female teachers XuYunLing?


Early August,As the only representative of henan province,She was the party central committee、The state council please to beidaihe on vacation。


惊喜 surprise


穷山沟里的老师受邀去北戴河 QiongShan ditch teacher was invited to go to beidaihe


In late July 2012 a day,A even dream all dare not to think of the good,Landed in the“Gully channel”The female teacher XuYunLing head。


“The party central committee、The state council incredibly want invited me this valley teacher,To beidaihe resort!”Speaking of these,Qi ear hair、In a gangly, XuYunLing still feel incredible。“Total felling the oneself just did some trivial things,The party central committee、The state council incredibly so seriously,Give me this mountain village primary school teacher so much care。”


As the only province invited object,XuYunLing also specially before departure“Dress up”a:Let his daughter to dye the hair,Spend 70 yuan to town bought a dress、A pair of leather sandals。


起程 depart


市委领导来给她送行 Municipal party committee leadership to see her off


In XuYunLing BiYangXian MaGuTian town SunZhuangCun MaZhuang teaching school from three sides。XuYunLing is in a place like this,Stem 26 years。


On August 2,,XuYunLing with a large female children started with。The county organization department、The bureau of man himself to see her off。“Municipal party committee organization department minister lee、Yang minister also came,Dark sit a circle of people。”And the neighbors didn't know she'll be out of town。“Some people think I'm on the zhengzhou。”


接见 interview


跟李源潮握手,她激动得想哭 LiYuanChao shake hands with,She was so excited to want to cry


On August 4,,XuYunLing, arrived at the destination:beidaihe。


That night,Member of the political bureau of the central committee of the communist party、Member of the secretariat of the central、The central organization department minister LiYuanChao and state councilor and secretary-general of the state council makaay and other leaders special repast,From the national 62 experts and outstanding grassroots workers a dinner of welcome。


62 people,There are two times to control the“The shenzhou”Flying apsaras“Hero astronaut”JingHaiPeng,Have developed“Oriental god rice”Chinese academy of sciences XieHuaAn……


Shake hands with LiYuanChao moment,XuYunLing excitement said some want to cry,“Feel leadership is very kind,When shaking hands also special soft。”


The next day,The standing committee of CCCPC political bureau、Member of the secretariat of the central、Vice President xi jinping,Member of the political bureau of the central committee of the communist party、State councilor LiuYanDong also specially to beidaihe see them。In the afternoon,XuYunLing to the LiYuanChao the symposium。meeting,Everyone speaking,“At that moment,Suddenly feel very inferiority。”


XuYunLing said,The somebody else all is you、celebrity、Senior teacher,I was a QiongShan ditch school teacher,What all don't know。but,She still ventured,Said said student's quality education problems。


遗憾 Sorry to


没能跟“英雄航天员”合张影 Not to“Hero astronaut”$ZhangYing


Say to the harvest,XuYunLing said,One is to see the dream of the sea,The second is open horizon,To know the outside world is what kind of。


Make XuYunLing impressive and GuoHai hotel,“Never lived that advanced hotel,Put on face、Bath with,Are very complete。”


“Hotel prepared and bathing suit,I told miss two people can't swim,Also went to the water bubble the bubble。”In my hometown,XuYunLing and her husband has been living is adobe、Ferula bed。


Mother and daughter both the most regrettable things,Is not to space hero JingHaiPeng ZhangYing together。“Head one day,Many people argue with JingHaiPeng had a group photo taken,We are sorry,I didn't go。Thinking of QiBaTian time?,Will have the opportunity to。Who knows,Not after two days,JingHaiPeng went away。”


归来 return


拖着伤腿建新校舍 Dragged leg injury in a new school buildings


On August 10th night,XuYunLing returned home。


Back to MaGuTian town,And she became the plain、A woman teacher:A gray T-shirt,A black 7 minutes of pants,A pair of yellow is cool procrastinate;Colored hair also gradually off color,The head place show rays of white silk。


Because a leg in March this year“Touch live”,Played steel plate,XuYunLing walks limping。


Seeing will school begins in September,XuYunLing this two days worried,Because others donated new schoolhouse fence haven't cover good。


She also did not pain,Top the sun,In a piece of brick running。


故事 The story


她的故事是《凤凰琴》再现 Her story is《The order of the phoenix harp》reappearance

  早在2006年6月,河南商报就以《二十年执著相守 泌阳女教师独弹〈凤凰琴〉》为题关注过这位深藏山区的女教师。

As early as in June 2006,In the henan business《Twenty years persistent phase keep biyang female teachers only play < phoenix harp >》Attention under the deep mountain female teachers。


Fate seems to be always in the test the honest and have tenacity wife、Mother and teacher。


First husband got nephritis,Family struggling;In 2005,,Son SunZhenYu and because power socket sudden burst,thumb、Index finger、Middle finger was blown;Only every five days,Is the female children go to school YaNan the hospital diagnosed with thyroid cyst,Must be hospitalized for surgery……


She also had the idea of escape,To Beijing to work,But looking at the opening still spin around children,XuYunLing cry。


In 2009,,The fate of the haze finally melted。


That year,Her the“substitute”The teacher“Become a full member”the,Monthly wages by the original postiche increased to 1200 yuan。


In 2007,,She was awarded the national Internet users“Touched China ten big worm”;On 2011“China's good”。


“不管别人理解不理解,该做的就要去做” “No matter the others understand don't understand,The will to do”

  20多年来,她经历了家人重病、受伤,没钱生活,更没钱建校舍 徐云玲两次想过“出逃”,可眼见孩子们要无学可上,她心软了

For more than twenty years,She went through family serious illness、injury,No money life,More have no money to build schoolhouse XuYunLing two thought“escape”,But seeing children to be there is no school,Her heart melted


Media to the,Donations than the,She instead is pushed to the media outlet wave


“Xu teacher money hand over fist!”“I heard someone gave her donated 160000!”


XuYunLing is the iron man?Misfortune and heavy duty,There is no thought about running away from the?


In fact,For more than twenty years she had two moved“escape”thought,But conscience and responsibility,That she doesn't allow children there is no school、No one to take care of her husband。


She clung to,And wait for their spring。


Now the donated 160000 yuan new school built in sight。XuYunLing said,As long as capable,Will always here to teach it。


代课缘由 Substitute the reason


因为一个辍学的小女孩,她主动请缨代课 Because a school girl,She volunteered substitute


Many people who read the XuYunLing story,Gasp in admiration at the same time understanding born suspicion:Since MaGuTian town SunZhuangCun MaZhuang teaching school are in urgent need of the teacher,Why not send a public past?


This MaZhuang from the geographical environment began to speak of。MaZhuang more than 200 people,Scatter them in play roll stone、The hen bay、M ShangGou, eight in the valley,Mountain GaoLin close,Fangyuan 5 km within no school。


In order to make the Eva read book,Town in 1983 in MaZhuang established teaching school。But because here the hard conditions,Multiple teaching too arduous,As usual the teacher had to have a few,Finally all“fled”。


Real let MaZhuang daughter-in-law XuYunLing determined to substitute is a school girl at home。“At that time,A 12 years old girl,Stroll every day in the village。I asked her‘Why not go to school’,She said‘Village elementary school too far away,Don't want to go to’。At that time the kids to the village elementary school,Had five tao river。”


Seeing such children more and more,High school graduate XuYunLing to sit still。In 1986,,She volunteered substitute。


Surprisingly,“Substitute teacher”identity,And have no effect on MaZhuang teaching school's quality of teaching。MaGuTian town center school officials said,The primary school each semester each exam in comparison,MaZhuang teaching school each grade scores were the top three in the whole town。


XuYunLing was also counting over,During these years she taught students,There are 11 people admitted to the university。“A student WangRui call,The first two days just seen,Is a graduate student? Review。”


退缩与出逃 Back and run away


家庭频遭变故,她也想过退缩 Family PinZao changes,She also wanted to shrink back


XuYunLing family is troubled。


In 1987,,Husband SunRongGe got nephritis,Can't to do hard work。“When lying in bed,Weak very,And he said ten words,On the one。”


“In 1989,,I once thought will never leave him。Home both patients,Take care of the old man and the child,Still have to teach students,Really can't stand the,I want to get out of this environment。”because“softhearted”,escape,XuYunLing just moved his idea。


Since then,She used pindling shoulder carry the whole house。She took advantage of the spare time learned to plow their fields harrow、A sow and men work,And everything in。


but,Fate has not to stop the play tricks on XuYunLing。


In 2005,,Son SunZhenYu in the study,Side of power supply socket sudden burst,thumb、Index finger、Middle finger was blown,Drop the lifelong disability。Only every five days,Female children and grandchildren YaNan the hospital diagnosed with thyroid cyst,Must be hospitalized for surgery。At this time,Deficits in the family,Already owe 40000 multivariate money foreign debt。


In order to make more money,XuYunLing also thought a Beijing nursery school to go to work,The salary of 1000 yuan a month is equivalent to a year's income for her。


Just when she was about to set off,Many parents seek to come。“Xu teacher,You go the children can change?”Will soon start,There are 8 children there is no school,XuYunLing heart melted once again,She chose to leave。


夫妻同心 Husband and wife concentric


卧病在床的丈夫帮她批改作业 Stay in bed husband help her corrects students' papers


The most difficult that a few years,Husband SunRong unity something doesn't help。


In order to let her husband's disease better,At the same time, don't delay students' class,Every day XuYunLing woke before dawn to cook、fields,Every day,She also more get up early,To more than 10 kilometers outside the town located in mountain for her husband。Mountain road go bad,Several times almost even life are latched on to。


Speaking of that past,High big SunRongGe always low head pick your nails,silence。XuYunLing is said with a smile:“How also get carry down。Which be like young people nowadays,Young children,About himself did not have a good time,And went away。”


Suffering and did not put the couple down,instead,Their feelings in the years of temper,More and more deep。


Even if is ill in bed,Graduated from high school with is the SunRongGe will also help wife corrects students' papers;Body a little good,He is looking for stone、Carry the trees,A new school buildings for his wife。now,His wife has a headache and fever,He is the best“Substitute teacher”。


A reporter to interview,The stone with three classroom still stood in the entrance of the house of XuYunLing。wall,Greatly small bluestone clearly visible;The roof is composed of dozens of root article tree support set up。XuYunLing article by tree said:“These are his(SunRongGe)One from the mountain cut down,Carry back。When nothing,He went to the mountain looking for stone,Garnish with rack truck pull the stone home。”


Material after disposed,XuYunLing so he brought out all his wages and sell one season peanut money,Built the“Stone buildings”。


四方捐助 Four square donations


每位捐助者,她都能随口说出 Each contributor,She can speak freely


XuYunLing fact is the henan business, a number of other media,More and more man begin to pay close attention to this remote elementary school。


XuYunLing said,Three rooms“Stone buildings”in,Almost all things are good intention of donation。“This big blackboard and clocks,Love is at the volunteers donate;Recent batch of computer,Is China agricultural development bank of the donation;Just set up new school buildings,Shanghai jump network company funded,Gave 160000 yuan。”


For the name of the donors,Whether the company or individual,53 years old XuYunLing are clearly remember。“The world is more than amazing,We can't forget the somebody else!”


In order to make donations computer have animations,“Computer illiterate”XuYunLing also specially to his son、Daughter learn switch machine and typing fingering。She said,Social development too fast,Rural children also imagine city children,But can't,Conditions can't keep up with。“Now someone to donate the computer、money,The new school also cover up,I will do everything in my power,Teach them more knowledge。”


Which day XuYunLing not,Someone will replace her?This problem XuYunLing occasionally in the minds of flash。But she consider more is now:“As long as I can teach,Body no problem,Will have been teaching down。”


幸福的烦恼 The trouble of happiness


村里有人议论“徐老师发大财了” Village about someone“Xu teacher money hand over fist”


Media attention,Will the plain rustic female teachers MaGuTian pushed the opinion in the teeth of the storm。


Big female children and grandchildren with said:“Have time to fix the motorcycle,Garage man said‘You there's a xu teacher know,Make the!’‘I heard someone gave her donated 160000!’‘Every day the car door cart,Reporter way,Is to send money……"


The most let SunKe unbearable is,“Sometimes my mother clearly is good for others,Some people did not understand,Said she how how……”


At this time,XuYunLing accepted the thread of conversation:“And others say I bought a house in the county,In the biyang to his son to buy a villa,Whenever I hear this,I will laugh,Said that if really like he said,I would be more happy。”Say that finish,She leave the laughing。


XuYunLing said:“No matter the others understand don't understand,The thing to do, I will do it。”


She said,School donated 160000 yuan basically all used up。The school floor brick、Decorate material,Are they put money。To save money,XuYunLing in only two new classroom between the fine painting,And his wife and living houses,Only with a layer of BaiShiHui。

  衣柜则是几十年前结婚时的衣柜,桌子也破旧不堪了。整间房屋里,只有徐云玲8月10日回来时,别人给她送的那束鲜花是新鲜的,淡淡的花香散了一屋。(李雅静 邓万里)

Chest is decades ago wedding wardrobe,The table was also worn out。Whole houses in,Only XuYunLing August 10, came back,Others sent her flowers that is fresh,A mild scent spread a house。(LiYaJing DengWanLi)
