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爱情难敌糊涂发财梦 女大学生七夕前陷传销陷阱--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  8月23日是中国传统情人节七夕佳节。但福建省连江警方23日公布的一起案例令人唏嘘:美丽爱情终究难敌糊涂发财梦,在男朋友的哄骗下,来自湖北的女大学生小王深陷传销陷阱。 On August 23, is a traditional Chinese valentine's day the Tanabata festival。But fujian LianJiangXian police released 23 cases with a sigh:Beautiful love after all irresistibility foolish dream about making money,In the boyfriend on next,From hubei female college students in wang MLM trap。


The day,Fujian LianJiang police bulletin said,LianJiang police 22 success destroyed a pyramid scheme shelter,On the spot 37 people save,Captured MLM backbone molecular LuoMou flat(male,26,hubei)、Text a east、WuMou yan and three people。


Police said,From hubei college students graduated from wang didn't take long,Just in their hometown to find a stable and well-paid jobs,20,Her boyfriend for her to quit her job and came to LianJiang with his business,And their parents in the near future will come LianJiang,Want to let her see parents。


In order to love,22 afternoon,Wang from a great distance to the boyfriend to LianJiang lodges place,Find its to be engaged in pyramid selling,In order to fool her dream about making money will come to cheat。so,Wang wants to leave,But be changed MLM organization control,She is constantly struggle kick up a fuss。


Fortunately,,Another friend cheat to MLM organization LiangMou hubei man while wang kick up a fuss care not tight opportunity,Call back to salvage。


22 afternoon 4 when xu,LianJiang police received a telephone call from hubei province said:Their relatives from hubei to LianJiang looking for a job,In a MLM shelter was illegal detention,Request police to save。


After turning,The police immediately start the investigation,Only half an hour to find alarm people describe domestic,And then destroyed the MLM shelter。


The interrogation that,The illegal pyramid selling shelter to invest tianjin days lion cosmetics company as a cover,Let members pay 2800 yuan“jiamingfei”,Say as long as pay 2800 yuan can invest cosmetics company to become the boss and get bonus,Everyone's name can only into a cold,The more development of referrals,The higher level,Treatment also increase;From the salesman to housekeeping to director、The manager,Eventually become a senior manager,Development become a senior manager,Can enjoy the company provides 18 kinds of preferential treatment,In the future everything open、Live villa,Food and clothing not sorrow。

  警方提示,非法传销组织人员往往抓住年轻人、特别是大学生急于在社会锻炼、渴望成功的心理以及工作难找的现实,通过网友、老乡、同学、朋友介绍,诱导欺骗涉世不深的年轻人参加,年轻人要加强防范意识,避免落入非法传销的陷阱。(黄英豪 龙敏)

Police clew,Illegal pyramid selling organization personnel often catch young people、Especially the college students in society to exercise、Eager for success and work hard to find the psychological reality,Through the net friend、villagers、students、A friend introduced,Induction cheat wet behind the ears of young people to participate in,Young people should strengthen awareness of prevention,Avoid falling into the trap of illegal pyramid selling。(HuangYingHao LongMin)

  作者:黄英豪 龙敏

The author:HuangYingHao LongMin
