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学校布置假期社会实践 全家人托关系就为盖个章--亲稳舆论引导监测室


社会实践只是盖个章吗? Social practice is just build a chapter?


学校布置假期实践 学生要补习没时间 家人托关系求社区 近八成盖章无障碍 The school layout holiday practice students to cram don't have time for family holder relationship between community nearly eighty percent barrier-free affix one's seal


“You give me build a chapter it”、“I promise next time must really to community practice”、“Without this chapter,Even if didn't finish his homework”……Summer vacation is coming to an end,In addition to black-and-white work outside,Many schools also response municipal education commission on holiday homework diverse requirements,The arrangement of social practice。


however,In order to successfully in the community、Street for a“Qualified chapter”,Students and parents have racked thought。

  对于这个看不见、摸不着的 “作业”,记者在走访中发现,一些学校对"合格章"的真实性并不关心。

To the see、touched “homework”,Reporters found that the visit,Some schools to"Qualified chapter"Does not care about the authenticity of。


Clearly is in order to let the students"All-round development",In the end it evolved into go through the motions。No wonder some parents say,homework,Spell is strength,And to complete the social practice,The spell is relationship。


The city will school begins elementary and middle schools,This assignment you really finished?This chapter is for? Who cover?


全家托关系就为盖个章 The family has relation to cover a chapter


“These are,Has built a stack of the。”In dongcheng district of peace street east the riverside community,Reporters on the table with a turn,He found a lot of social practice of receipt or brochures。According to the staff said,These are all waiting to let residents' committees to affix one's seal,There is no lack of among them ain't no participated in social practice,But want to temporary“At the last moment”of。


In the interview,Parents and students also said,Social practice will record to school in the assessment,May and bound、Evaluation of merit has relationship,So in order to cover this chapter,Is almost family general mobilization,To community、The street has relation to complete。


Reporter noticed,Every school social practice return receipt each are not identical。Dongcheng district some primary school is the unity of social practice acknowledgement of receipt;And some area county school but return receipt nail became a this,Thickness of more than ten pages。


Although there are numerous have Jane,But the content of the social practice but generally speaking the same,For example doing a meaningful public welfare activity、Help in the community of the lonely old man, etc。

  文/记者王田 成怀喜

Wen/reporter plus ota into bosom xi


今年暑假常见社会实践作业类型 This summer common social practice the types of operation


Public HuoDongLei:Participate in community organization environmental protection、Public welfare activities lecture tutoring class:Each community in different form held moral lecture hall,Including poetry reading、Model deeds such as lecture corretly class:Such as games、Ball games、manual、Expand training


Science experience class:Visit science and technology exhibition hall、Participate in scientific experiments, etc


实践太单一补习班挡道 Practice is too single cram school in the way


“Social practice takes up too much time。”The school to high haidian a demonstration senior high school students xiaoyu said,Although know not only learning,But the holiday has been all kinds of remedial class have a full,No time for social practice。


Many parents also think,Social practice when can do,At present the most important tasks of a child or learning。In addition,Community organization's activities are generally singing、dancing、cleaning,Even took part in the,To the child's ability also not exactly have to improve。


不想参加社会实践的原因 Don't want to take part in the cause of the social practice


Holiday to cram school,Have no time to social practice content is too single,Can stimulate the students' enthusiasm of their parents think that practice has no meaning,Don't let the children take part in the school itself does not pay attention to,Students also don't need to take it seriously their own laziness。


到底盖不盖 门槛不一样 What cover does not cover the threshold is not the same


The reporter interviewed the 31 community residents' committees and the sub-district offices found,Before the start of the near two weeks,Is the students“For seal”peak。Because the distance at this time there is a period of time,Even if meet strict supervision units need to take a complete social practice,Could also“dine”。But this chapter cover and not cover,All the neighborhood of MenJianEr but each has high and low。


要求严格 过期不补型 Strict overdue don't fill type


This year to peace street east the riverside community“report”Child as high as more than 200。

  社区的工作人员小婕告诉记者,虽然提前准备好了回执,但并不会轻易让学生带回学校。从7月20日到8月10日,社区已举行了5次暑期活动,在这期间只要 参加了任意一次,都会给盖章。如果一次都没有参加,社区则会要求他们在社区做一次卫生扫除算是补偿。除此之外,都不会给盖章。

Community staff little gem told reporters,Although early ready acknowledgement of receipt,But will not easily let students back to school。From July 20, to August 10,,Community has held five summer activities,During this period as long as took part in any time,Would give affix one's seal。If a all did not attend,The community will ask them in the community for a health eliminate be compensation。In addition,Never to affix one's seal。


恩威并施 设黑名单型 Temper justice with mercy set blacklist type

  黄村东里社区居委会在暑期举办了多场活动,如分发应急手册,做公益活动等。如果学生没有参加任何活动就来求盖章,居委会会先给个警告,并将没有正当理由 “补章”的学生写进“黑名单”。“我们会告诉他们,你在这里已经有‘备案’了,如果再有下回,是绝对不会给盖章的。”工作人员说。

Community residents' committees dongli overhead in summer field activities,Such as distributing emergency manual,Do public welfare activities。If students did not take part in any activity will come to affix one's seal,Neighborhood committee will first give a warning,And will have no grounds for “Complement chapter”Students written into“blacklist”。“We will tell them,You have been here‘record’the,If have the next time,Is absolutely won't give the affix one's seal。”Staff said。


特殊对待 心慈手软型 Special treatment softhearted type


Article 13 BeiXinQiao street community staff ZhaoLing said,Because there are many community of the floating population,And these children to a holiday will die,Can really participate in the activity of students is not much。


therefore,Community for these children especially relaxed policy,Even if they come back after school,Can also smooth get residents' committees to cover chapter。


Community although cover the chapter,But every time a activities or will inform the students。“Is the hope that they can melt into the community,But didn't want to use seal deliberately‘card’they。”ZhaoLing said。


高抬贵手 候补替换型 Gao tai2 gui4's hand.i alternate replacement type


These street offices including under the jurisdiction of the beautiful garden、KangChengYuan, etc more than 20 community,Already in the beginning of summer started a activities。Staff said,If a child for a variety of conditions can't participate in the activity,So after activities“Make up a deficiency”Back also can smooth the affix one's seal,Such as the distribution of newspapers, etc。


XingHua community may let the students to hand in their papers or painting instead of。“Children learn all pretty busy,A holiday even playing time all have no,Let alone the social practice。”A neighborhood committee staff said,They and the children's parents lived a community,Lower the head not looked up and saw,Don't affix one's seal will hurt harmony。


For students“short-cut”To the social practice qualified chapter behavior,Some schools way is with one eye open,But also have individual schools take different measures,blow“for”"behavior。


学校回访:将以抽检形式查“作业” The school pays a return visit:Will check form check“homework”


This morning,Dongcheng district west total cloth primary school the relevant person in charge told reporters,Schools for students to participate in community practice activities to call or visit forms of the check。If the school in the process of sampling inspection found that students who don't really involved,It will also serve as invalid processing。


In every twenty,Schools and dependency of the sub-district offices have a communication channel。According to reflect,At present has not received from the street about“ceng”Chapter feedback。


校社联合:对口实践 任主任助理 School clubs joint:The practice of any director assistant


Vacation every year continual,TaoRanTing streets will be within the jurisdiction of Beijing with the first ShiWuZhong learn to carry out youth holiday volunteer work。School for street eight community actual demand,In each community arrange two high school students, assistant director of the community,Responsible for supporting youth、science、For the old service and other related work。


After the holidays,For high school students, assistant director of the streets of the community"Job performance",After hearing of community based on the opinion suggestion,Open holiday practice“Appraisal table”。


教委可依自身情况与学校沟通实践内容 Education commission can depend on oneself circumstance and school communication practice content


The reporter understands,Students for open field of vision、Exercise ability,The city began to carry out the“Primary and secondary schools of Beijing comprehensive quality promotion project”,The provision,The school will be the implementation of the assessment activities are included in the school classroom teaching evaluation、The students' comprehensive quality appraisal。


For the parents of the students in summer vacation gathers together before the end of the practice of children to report the phenomenon of affix one's seal,Municipal education commission of the office staff said,Students to participate in social practice, especially in the community to participate in the practice,Is the ability to own life、The learning ability of the exercise。


and,This kind of practice are not limited to the to the community to participate in labor,Parents can also and school communication,According to the actual situation of the students themselves、Hobbies, etc to make practice content。

  此外,市教委有关处室工作人员明确表示,学生的假期社会实践活动,只会在学生综合素质评价中有所体现,和学生毕业考试、升学无任何关系。 文/记者王南

In addition,Municipal education commission relevant office staff made clear,Students' holiday social practice activities,Only in the students' comprehensive quality evaluation reflected somewhat in,And students graduation examination、Bound without any relationship。 Text/reporter WangNa


借鉴美国 By learning from the American


In the United States,The child is generally from 12 years old start to participate in community service activities。


Students to participate in social activities in the record in college is an important material。generally,No social service records of students no matter how good grades,Universities in the United States are not accepted。because,American universities think,A not to participate in social service students in moral character is not perfect,It is not worth the expense of school training。


新加坡 Singapore


Singapore's national social development and the ministry of education、Government department formulate and implement a student community service projects,Make to participate in community service students can get extra extracurricular activities points or emblem。


Singapore in primary and secondary schools under the guidance of the plan,Have organizes the student to carry on the social practice and community service。Such as Singapore overseas Chinese middle school students each year provisions must be completed 25 hours of social practice and community service。


This text/reporter WangYan WangTianBai ice internship reporter HuangJinYu and Rachel(In addition to the signature)Wen/reporter WangYan ZhaoYingYan
