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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:搜狐的网友大家好,今天很高兴我们邀请到了澳门基金会行政委员会委员黎振强先生。黎先生,您好。

Sohu net friend of everybody is good,Today very happy we invite to macau foundation administrative committee LiZhenJiang sir.Mr. Li,How do you do.
  黎振强[澳门基金会行政委员]: LiZhenJiang [macau foundation administrative committee]:你好。

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您今天来参加我们2012年亚洲教育论坛年会有什么样的感受呢?

You for joining us here today 2012 Asian education BBS annual meeting what kind of feeling?
  黎振强[澳门基金会行政委员]: LiZhenJiang [macau foundation administrative committee]:我感到非常的高兴。澳门基金会也是亚洲教育论坛的发起单位之一,今天出席的嘉宾都是对教育工作很有研究,很有经验的,所以说今天有这么一个机会跟大家交流有关开拓西部教育的问题,是很有意义的。

I feel very happy.Macao foundation is also Asian education BBS launched one of the units,Today all the guests were is the education work is very good,Very experienced,So said today there are so a chance to communicate with us about exploit western education problems,Is very meaningful.
   搜狐教育主持人:  Sohu education host:您刚才也提到了,澳门基金会是我们亚洲教育论坛的发起者之一,当初发起这个论坛的初衷是什么?

Did you also mentioned,Macao foundation is our Asian education BBS one of the sponsors,At the beginning started this BBS's purpose is?
  黎振强[澳门基金会行政委员]: LiZhenJiang [macau foundation administrative committee]:我相信应该是澳门回归以后,我们也深深的感受到澳门有今天,澳门能够走到今天,与这么一个一国两制的成功实践是分不开的。我们国家对澳门的关心和支持,让我们感觉到也应该尽我们一份力量,为国家的教育事业做一点贡献。

I believe that should be macau after reunification,We also deeply feel the Macao have today,Macao can go today,And such a successful practice of the "one country, two systems" are inseparable.Our country to macau's care and support,Let us feel should also do our part,For the country's education career do a little contribution.

Do you have for the Asian education BBS development status satisfaction?
  黎振强[澳门基金会行政委员]: LiZhenJiang [macau foundation administrative committee]:还不错,很好。

Is good,Very good.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:那么谈到澳门基金会大家可能都会觉得这个和教育关系不是特别大,想请您简单介绍一下澳门基金会与我们中国教育之间的一些关系?

So when it comes to macau foundation everybody can think this and education relation is not particularly big,Want to please you a brief introduction of the Macao foundation and our Chinese education some of the relationship between?
  黎振强[澳门基金会行政委员]: LiZhenJiang [macau foundation administrative committee]:我先介绍一下澳门基金会的一些背景资料。澳门基金会在澳门是一个财产独立的法人,它的主要的宗旨是发展澳门的社会、经济、教育、文化、慈善等方面的活动,总之对澳门的发展活动我们是给予大力的支持。

I first introduce the Macao foundation some background material.Macao foundation in Macao is a property of the independent legal person,Its main aim is to develop the Macao society/economic/education/culture/Charity activities, etc,In a word on Macao development activities is to give our strong support.

In addition we have a purpose,Is with the relevant institutions may, in accordance with the provisions of the law,On the correlation of exchanges and cooperation,When it is required,Can also give aid.

We macau foundation capital source mainly four aspects.One of the Macao special administrative region is specialized in gaming company,They 1.6% of the gross income,Allot we.The second is the SAR government give appropriation.The third is from macau or out-of-town donation.The fourth is the legal income.

So we have such a background,Also can see us for education career,For the development of culture,As a major task.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:那么你能不能介绍一下目前澳门教育发展的情况?

So can you introduce current macau education development situation?
  黎振强[澳门基金会行政委员]: LiZhenJiang [macau foundation administrative committee]:澳门回归以后,特区政府对教育工作非常的重视,在教育方面的投入也不少,澳门基金会也配合特区政府在这方面做了大量的投入资源,比如说回归以来,我们大概对整个的澳门超过四十家大学、中学、小学的校舍建设给予了支持。当然作为特区政府,从教育的角度也在不断的在提升,也不断的在发展。

After the return,The SAR government to education work very attention,In education in not a few,Macao foundation also cooperate with the SAR government in this respect to do a lot of input,For example the handover,We probably for the whole macau more than 40 university/Middle school/Primary school building construction gives support.Of course as the SAR government,From the point of view of education is also in constant in ascension,Also constantly in the development.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:最后一个问题,我们回到亚洲教育论坛上,你对于今年亚洲教育论坛有一个怎样的预期目标?

The last question,We went back to Asia on education BBS,You for this year Asia education BBS have a how to the expected objectives?
  黎振强[澳门基金会行政委员]: LiZhenJiang [macau foundation administrative committee]:我相信亚洲教育论坛通过这么一个活动,集思广益,大家从不同的角度介绍情况,介绍经验,对于我国,尤其是西部的教育是会有很大的帮助。

I believe that Asia education BBS through such a activities,brainstorm,Everybody introduction situation from different angles,Introduce the experience,For our country,Especially western education is there will be a big help.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:最后,因为我们搜狐每年到年末的时候都会一个很大型的教育盛典,它的主题叫做"致青年",那么您能否为我们亚洲的广大青年说几句祝福的话?

finally,Because we sohu every year to the end of the year will be a very large education grand ceremony,Its theme is called"To youth",So can you for our Asian the vast Numbers of young said a few words of blessing for you?
  黎振强[澳门基金会行政委员]: LiZhenJiang [macau foundation administrative committee]:我祝福我们的广大的青年好好学习,为我们的国家,为我们的人类做出更大的贡献。

I wish our vast youth study well,For our country,For our human make more contribution.
  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:好,谢谢您接受我们的专访。

good,Thank you for accepting our interview.
