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  本报记者王小波 实习生雷冲/文

Our reporter wang interns LeiChong/text


Lost family alone,A special group.In fact,This is the price of risk accident holds,City of many families are faced with such a risk.These people have suffered pain,A lot of people are still faced with lack of policy bring all sorts of stress.We have been advised them to leave the house of closed,Come out to join to the normal life,The but again failed to provide them with special help they need.


"We went to the went,Only be upset is granddaughter"


No wind in the air,The window is intensive cicada sound MingZou.Summer in some district of shijiazhuang,MaLianXi open swollen eyes,See little granddaughter clean(alias)At present, drifted over,The familiar figure let her mind FLASH general pop-up another man's figure.Is that she has died, the son of six years."All over,What things can't again."She had numerous times forced oneself not to want to,But this both father look so much alike,The little girl's every petty action every word as the same as the needle stung her.


Long-term insomnia nearly destroyed MaLianXi body,Puffiness body had oppressed her unbearable heavy burden.In this village life for a whole year,In addition to procurement necessaries of life,She almost don't go downstairs.Don't know the name of the neighbors rushed her friendly nod,Her head a flash into the house,"bang"Sound shut the door.Are deliberately avoided,Because she is afraid of the somebody else asked her:"The child??How old,Where work?"


MaLianXi granddaughter to total with the feeling of guilty,But she could not control his emotions.Small jie just learn to walk,Father accidentally drowned,Soon in a mother,There is no back.


That experience has become her heart never remove pain.Before the,Small clean father just quit from the school come out,He told his parents,"We five people crowded in such a small house,I'm going out to do it on his own,The big house,Improve life!"


This inspiring story just opened died,Small clean skin of his father's shadow."I know in her little heart actually pressure pretty big."MaLianXi said.from,The child will show a kind of and age disproportionate adult cavity.Also in the kindergarten,The teacher found that small jie always sit on the seat sigh.Last summer,From kindergarten graduation little clean suddenly to MaLianXi said:"grandma,We move it?"MaLianXi cross-examine along while,Small clean to tail off through clenched teeth squeeze out a few words:"Children always ask me,Your dad is how dead?"


Hear this,MaLianXi resolutely from live for twenty years of local moved.Old and new residence is located in shijiazhuang city two major Angle,In addition to close relative person,No one know them.Small clean still careful to keep the secret,She pleaded with grandma,Let aunt participates in the school organization's parents.


For MaLianXi to,The most difficult days have survived.Small clean in kindergarten,The cost of hundreds of yuan per month plus three days two head make pneumonia,Often let them under.Son died,MaLianXi was suddenly knocked out heart disease,Think of the tumbledown home,She stood up and carry.The horse for her husband to do two major surgery,Physical charge is 30000 yuan,Is full of scrape together and put relatives.And the family of all monthly income of only 2000 yuan.


Her husband during be in hospital,Helpless MaLianXi to state family planning commission/Neighborhood committee and played a ring ask for help a telephone,Ask such as she lost the only family have any special policy,Get answer is,"There is no relevant policies."


Discouraged and depressed package with her,MaLianXi was born in a special family,Father was studying in Japan,She from urine are delimited"guy"children,15 years old he entered into the factory,in"Be education"The status of her organizational arrangement always chose to follow."I am minority,That could have to be two foetuses,A factory or cadre kept the door work,Say make two foetuses index glory,Also organization we wore red hibiscus attended a city commendation congress.When my family has had an accident,But no one to organization,Even if it is a little comfort ah!"


Body go from bad to worse,Also the head up a few cyst,MaLianXi didn't dare to go to a hospital."We go to the old couple,Only be upset that the child,We walked her to do?"She once and a misery loves company sister discussed this matter,The sisters consultation result is,The children send an orphanage."Home again difficult I wouldn't do it,We have inherit a flesh and blood separation of pain,Never want to inherit the second."MaLianXi voice decibels in a straight line,Frighten small clean confusedly from ran out of house.


"I only hope someone can accompany me to chat,Listen to me tell"


"Let me see LeiLei take a look!"Husband GeLu Ann struggle from the clutches of the heart disease come back to life,Clutched the LiRuiYing hand,Gush so a powerful words.LiRuiYing tears was poured out,Hurriedly call a son Greg to before bed,She deeply afraid this is her husband's last words,For then husband this has been heart disease torture to the weak.


soon,Husband is heart disease devitalization,The year is 1998."Didn't expect him to so walked first,Like a day falls!"LiRuiYing eyes swollen after her husband's death is no longer disappear go down.Her suicide,Fortunately, was found timely saved back.


Son LeiLei let her find the hope of live,"I can't leave LeiLei,He at that time only 17."


Son became LiRuiYing alive significance.


Father's death,To Greg big blow."Every time from their hometown to father back after chenjiayuan's time."The body also is gone from bad to worse."His body was bad,And his father had heart disease,And epilepsy……"Mentioned son,More than LiRuiYing always choking,Say a word.


At that time only in the LiRuiYing behind silent support son,Encourage son,Mother and child are depended on each other.


In November 2008,The sick son died.LiRuiYing can not carry,Let the sky fell,She hit the sky-high."A little hope all have no ah!"LiRuiYing burst into tears,That kind of desperate cry,That was life completely overriding cries,Clawing at.Everyone be upset her,relatives/Old colleague/Old students have come to visit and look after her,Her old mother also moved to live together with her.


Her two cry faint at home,Wake up and you want to,"If so don't wake up good,This is my last happiness."She promised to you no longer do foolish things,Everybody just rest assured a bit slowly.


The LiRuiYing old mother returned,The son and the things are burned,She promised you a good living,But a son see things the whole people is in memory,Then only tears……


She doesn't go out at ordinary times,"I saw and son about the size of age,Just want to touch up,ask,Then no tears."


now,LiRuiYing house empty,Filled with thick taste.She lives alone in the inside,Only the new 84 - year - old mother will come to accompany her."I don't afraid of death,He was afraid the Chinese New Year festival,Is afraid that the oneself a matter to make a disease,Is afraid that the oneself want to talk but can only say to listen to,So lonely……"


In LiRuiYing old man son died,The body suddenly collapsed,Seem to all kinds of sickness suddenly found a breakthrough."Her husband died that year I had a heart attack,I just for a son has been supporting,Didn't get ill.now,A bit of a stimulus,Heart rate is not faster."Tummy bug/Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation/Degenerative joint disease also afflicted her right knee,Now she has not moved down.


And according to LiRuiYing such loss of single family,National family special assistance policy subsidy is $100 per month.Such economic aid for old people can only be a drop in the ocean."I'll give you something to read."LiRuiYing old man ShenShenBiBi zone reporters came to compartment,It put a big wardrobe.The old man compound shiver talk to open the wardrobe door,The top of the wardrobe a layer was spick and span,GeLu Ann and Greg's portrait quietly trust in there."No person I put both of them put my side,People want to come to I put both of them in here."The father and his son in such a way that gather together,The old man left a LiRuiYing alone from nature.


She is outside and people often tell their own experience,Hope others can cherish your life.She said,She is just too need someone to pay attention to care about her,Can chat with her,To hear she complained of.


In a virtual QQ space BaoTuan helpless


LiRuiYing and WangJun acquaintance is in a loss of single family QQ group."Enthusiastic elder sister",Is WangJun in this group give the impression."Today is the son's death,I drank half jins of wine,cry."A loss of the old man in the group said,WangJun quickly on-line comfort.


In fact,That old man is better off than WangJun much better,She and her husband,Pension is better than the king are considerable.WangJun solitary lives in shijiazhuang northwest a warren of the same village,Middle-aged and her husband divorced,Old age lost only baby daughters and sons.


Two days ago,When the daughter's birthday,She received QinGuMu telephone call,Each other only said 1 note body,Her tears that fix flow on the ground.University graduate daughter grown tall and straight,After a family,Clever clever daughter is deep joy husband's family.Those days,WangJun live in colorful sunshine.


The wonderful feelings in 10 years ago to an abrupt end.It was the New Year before,That her love life,Her whole life hope in a highlight for the car accident sweet away jade so young.That year,WangJun 54 years.From despair to slow,The king is 10 years is in for her daughter spent rights.


She dragged emaciated body,Keep back and forth between zhu state of shijiazhuang,10 years had made only 50000 yuan compensation.In June this year,WangJun in a rage will all of the file material go up in smoke,Swear since then put down the matter,Let yourself live out the rest of my life,Perhaps this is another world the daughter to do.


Her daughter's relics are take the relatives,They afraid of her ChuJingShengQing.Some memory but can't erase,Sat alone in the empty house,The past like series,Scenes WangJun emerge in mind.Empty lonely with the approach of the end of the year and be more desolate,"People celebrate New Year's eve me of a."


In WangJun inside the village,The 3322 people TuanZuo together,Chess entertainment field,She seldom go downstairs,The neighbors all don't know this familiar with the strange woman,She is afraid is somebody else asked:"Children and husband where work?"There are few warm-hearted man can completely finish listen to tell her,She was concerned that she might encounter XiangLinSao type strange eyes.


More time,They in virtual QQ space BaoTuan heating,Talk each other.sometimes,They will on the network about together to a small range of party,With MingXiang flow in a short time together,But all become their precious memory.


The only trouble back at home WangJun now is how to pension?She had ask around a nursing home,She have a monthly pension have 1600 yuan,Have their own area not big a house,With her income,Can't afford to stay sectors of society to establish endowment mechanism.If the choice of family endowment,Is ill in hospital operation even a sign people have no,Encounter this kind of situation?


She put her own worries written in the group,Hope one day countries can make them such loss only old man placed together endowment,Got everyone's approval."I now the body is good,I can take care of you in a nursing home,This house is not much use,Just hope everybody can get together,ZhiLengZhiRe,Let us go with dignity."This is her life last path wishes,But for now, just a vision.Perhaps sight someone just need a family for him(she)Signature on an operation permit,This story kept in the news,Someone will so sad for several days.


To lost only family lack of rigid policy


In march this year,The loss of single parents have drafted a written text,Entrust the CPPCC national committee members to the congress ZhangXiaoMei presented a suggestion.This proposal said:


"China's first generation of only child's age has set up a file in the 30 s,Their parents has entered the aging.According to the statistics,At present our country only children of accidental death in the family about has millions.Only children coming of age at 20 years early death,Almost equal to the broken homes,Most parents can't brood,In later years,Only in pain for the rest of my life.These families old to knees no child,Worry BingWo in bed when no one to take care of,Deathbed no one care.Therefore, it is necessary to from policy/Legal aid scope expanding."


Advice and a widespread social concern is caused,But as a result of this part of the family in the whole society is still"The small",Their rights and situation in some places still is ignored."Although our misfortune is just an example,This kind of risk is hidden in each of the single-child family."A loss of single mother said.


Beijing university professor of the department of social XiaXueLuan told reporters,Because China's family planning policy of no precedent to follow,This policy was designed to related to the risk of expected shortage,Focus on strictly control population,And in the one-child family accident harm the social assistance are defect.Its outstanding performance is,To lost only family subsidized standard is not unified,Financial support is not strong,No relevant laws but basis,The local government subsidies and randomness of great,The lack of protection of the system.


Because of this part of the family strictly abide by the state policy,To their risk and misfortune,Countries should rightly be policy attention.XiaXueLuan Suggestions,Countries should publish relevant policies,In the housing/endowment/medical/Ride and other public services give them special care.In addition still should increase financial support,In establishing a rescue fund,All kinds of AIDS should be unified rigid requirements.


As for many of the unity of the old man puts forward focus pension requirements,XiaXueLuan think there is certain difficulty.With China's aging arrival in advance,Get old before it gets rich has brought serious pension problems,All beds nervous nursing home,Have a hard time set up other a pension system.But the government in this part of the people to provide home-based care,Or for an elderly person into a nursing home opened the green channel, etc,There is great room for improvement.


What hinders them into normal life


The lost family situation affects the social from all walks of life's heart,And all kinds of social support system has not yet been fully ready."We will be offered to help the old man lost family for residents,application"Neutral personnel"subsidies,Apply for low-cost housing."Shijiazhuang long march west street neighborhood committee ZhouFengLing director said,"Such family we can understand their pain."Week of director of one of the family lost family alone,"We give he applied for low-cost housing,But he is in bad health,No work,Each month by 400 yuan low premium life.To be honest,ocean,Expenses for medicine are not enough.But residents' committees can do co., LTD., after all,What is the policy he can enjoy we would help him to apply for.""Hope to have such a foundation or the country has issued some subsidy policy,To increase their economic subsidies."Weeks director frown,Is also very helpless,"After all, residents' committees are no economic source,Sometimes can only spend their own money to take some fruit to look at them.


Let these lost only old people is a pity,Local volunteer service and Beijing/Shanghai there is gap."The news always say there are volunteers to the door,My granddaughter also needs to have the volunteers give her to do psychological counseling,But we once didn't wish to."MaLianXi said.With her,Many of these special family so far have not seen a trace of volunteer service."We can have dignity gone finally a ride?"This is many lost parents only exists in the heart question.We have been advised them to leave the house of closed,Come out to join to the normal life,The but again failed to provide them with special help they need.


This situation is gradually improving.In the family planning special on family care,Shijiazhuang city walking in the forefront.On July 2,,The city issued[Shijiazhuang city family planning special family care assistance measures],In addition to the one-child seriously ill threshold aid ascending to 15000 outside,The lost family and singleton female parents of the accident,All can be obtained from the relevant rescue.


Shijiazhuang city population and family planning commission relevant controller introduces said,[way]The first need to raise capital of 13 million yuan,Take city/area(county)Secondary financial sharing method,At present the municipal financial capital already in place.Shijiazhuang city will gradually establish maintain the dignity of the family/Increase economic subsidies/Carry out family care/Provide medical security/Implement emergency aid"Five one"Family planning special family care AIDS service security system.This support system will be improved step by step,It is not temporary,Will is a kind of long-term mechanism.
