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学生织“围脖”家长玩“潜伏” 专家:此举不妥--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  “8天长假,老爸管得严,不让乱跑,不过山人自有妙计!30日宅家里;1日出去唱K,跟家里人说是去朋友家玩;2日出去涮火锅,就说出门充话费;3日出去逛街,就说去营业厅交网费;4日……”长假前夕,@依旧莼白咖啡 刚在微博上晒自己的计划,一名为@山前老李 的网友突然跟评:“老实在家待着!吃火锅、逛街必须由你妈跟着。”@依旧莼白咖啡 被这样莫名的话搞昏了头。在@山前老李 表明自己是爸爸之后,她连连道歉。 "8 seven-day holiday,Dad pipe tightly,Don't let run,But the pseudonym of own inspiration!30 curtilage home;1 the sunrise to sing K,With his family, to friend's home to play;2 the sunrise to rinse hot pot,He said out words fee charge;3 the sunrise to go shopping,He said to business hall into net charge;4..."Long holiday eve,@ still Chun white coffee just in micro bo bask on his plans,A named @ piedmont Lao li net friend suddenly with evaluation:"To stay home!Eat hot pot/Shopping by your mother must be followed."@ still Chun white coffee is so difficult words make to lose your head.In the @ piedmont Lao li showed his father is after,She apologized repeatedly.


This period of micro bo dialogue,Within a few days by forwarding nearly 30000 times,Although part of the net friend think there are media suspicion,But a lot of 90 young net friend call"Too have resonance the",Also worried about parents are latent in micro blog peep own dynamic,Feel very uncomfortable.


学生:四成担心父母“悄悄关注 students:Parents worry about forty percent"Silently concern"


yesterday,Reporter in changsha part of an interview with high school and college,30% of the students said,His own micro bo be parents concern,Dare not speak out,Someone so in micro bo account from their parents"monitoring";Forty percent of the students interviewed said,Not sure parents play don't play micro bo,Still worried about their own micro bo by parents"Silently concern".


"After 90 injury not ah,After 60 parents too essence of life."Sophomore small li said,They generation parents are pretty"tide"of,QQ/Micro bo all had a slip,Mother will not only look at her each micro bo,Also see friends comments,Even her fans and the attention of micro bo,Mother often view."A home,Mom took me KaiShuan,Which boy in my blog more micro message,Must be mother mistake is my boyfriend,Also help me to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the boy."Small li a bit can't stand my mother's interference.


There XiaoXia students is in"Rebellious period",Like in micro bo spit tank parents and teachers.He said his micro bo never told my parents,But there is a mother reveal some he in micro bo top write of content.To know,Must be his own micro bo was his mother found,Then a cross-examine didn't know,Mother is through the students know his micro bo,and"Silently concern"his.The so-called"Silently concern",Concerns that people can see be pay more attention to person's micro bo,Be pay more attention to person's fans but can't find pay more attention to person.XiaoXia very unhappy,Speeding registered a trumpet,On the micro bo spit tank school and teachers and students between some bold teaser all deleted,Also remove all traces of the Internet at home.


家长:与孩子交流难只好关注其微博 parents:And children exchange difficult to have to pay close attention to its micro bo


"Children grow up,A lot of things is not willing to communicate with their parents,Have to through the micro bo see what was he thinking."Parents say Mr,The son of high school to the micro bo account told him,Some time ago,He at home computer has found the son already logged in micro bo site.In order not to disturb son,Fung chose"Silently concern","I just want to know what his dynamic,As long as he do it is in good taste,Do not interfere with."


Since daughter small elim go abroad to read university,Ms wong special applied for micro bo account,Just to see her daughter's micro bo,As long as the little elim hair a little beef,Can not but make a phone call to be caring and attentive.later,Small elim in micro bo said,Mother's excessive attention,Let her"Both warm and feel more pressure".Ms wong try to change,In their own small bo on hair some fashionable content,Write about at home,Gradually and children in micro bo have made a friend of the communication,Some talk face to face not export words will also in micro bo mutually @.


专家:关注孩子微博最好先沟通 experts:Pay attention to children micro bo had better communication


Changsha psychological society psychology experts LiuLiJing said,From the diary to QQ and micro bo,Between parents and children want to know and reverse know there has been conflict.After puberty,Young people emphasize self consciousness,Prefer to share with their peers,Some things don't want to tell his parents,But do not represent deliberately hide;While Chinese parents often hope all-round attention to their children,With the pace of life more and more quickly,Between family members communicate less and less,The easier it is to understand the parents of children on the way in micro bo.But parents through the"latent"Way peek,Even interference is not recommended,It will lead the child's antipathy.

  “关注孩子的微博,最好事先进行沟通。”刘立京建议,随着孩子长大,家长在与孩子相处的方式方面需要调整,少以家长的身份去干预和改变孩子,多以朋友的身份进行沟通。记者 彭放 实习生 侯新萍

"Pay attention to children's micro bo,The best communication in advance."LiuLiJing Suggestions,As children grow up,Parents and children get along with ways need to adjust,Less to the identity of the parents to intervention and change the child,Many friends with the identity of the communication.Reporter PengFang interns HouXinPing
