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做黑客门槛降低 90后网络犯罪引关注--亲稳舆论引导监测室

做黑客门槛降低 90后网络犯罪引关注   10月20日,苹果王府井零售店在北京王府井商业街开业。据介绍,这是亚洲地区规模最大的苹果零售店。新华社记者 罗晓光摄 On October 20,,Apple retail store wangfujing opened in Beijing wangfujing street.According to introducing,This is Asia's largest apple retail store.Xinhua news agency reporters LuoXiaoGuang perturbation


30000 yuan cash,The blink of an eye was transferred to the giant network account into the game currency.In march this year,Live in jiangsu xuzhou's Mr. Wang on the Internet inadvertently fall into a scam.Along with the fraud by the public security organs of detection,The author, including Trojan 58 the criminal suspect is arrested success.These criminal suspects in,22 years old of the following after 90 young people account for 40%.


Xuzhou city public security bureau police team and Sue officer told the China youth daily reporter,In recent years the case detection to see,Internet crime shows the characteristics of DiLingHua,"These young people are interested in computer,The technology is a relatively proficient.They on the Internet every day,No stable or legitimate economic source,Are's doing odd jobs to turn an,It is easy to lead to commit crime road".


“浮云”木马案件 "Floating clouds"Trojan case


Mr. Wang is a taobao shop sellers,He and the customer in the online bargaining,Receive a strange net friend dialog box.The net friend profess to know clap nets company's people,Can help Mr. Wang brush clap online reputation.then,Mr. Wang received each other to send a package,The net friend also seems to be"casual"To tell Mr. Wang,At present pay treasure have favourable activity,A cost 100 yuan sent 30 yuan,Only for that night.


Mr. Wang immediately use the bank on the net to pay treasure account hit 2000 yuan,Then suddenly jump out of a computer screen"The giant account rechargeable success"information.And when Mr. Wang inquires the pay treasure account,Find rechargeable without success.Find a on Mr. Wang decisive called the police.


The original,The criminal suspect to hair"Clap new rules"name,The actual to send Mr. Wang is a kind to be called"Floating clouds"New Trojan virus.The virus in the victim use net transfer process,In the background secret interception net transfer information,In the victim without the knowledge of the,Will the victim net the capital inside secret to the criminal suspect designated game account.


After investigation and tracking,Xuzhou police said on solve the"Floating clouds"Horse theft gang,In the capital involved analysis after finishing the police find,In less than two months,"Floating clouds"In the case of Trojan victim nearly people,Involving a value of more than 1000 yuan.


Sue officer told reporters,Using the Trojan theft of technology of the request and is not too high,"They also not hackers,Can only say that the two men write Trojan technology is good,But to use horse will not too high technical requirements."


做黑客的门槛降低了 Do hackers to reduce the threshold


In recent years,After 90 by using the network crime case is not rare.After 90 ZhuKaiHua since 2010,Use net holes stealing credit card,Taking 3 million yuan,finally,ZhuKaiHua had committed the crime of fraud of the credit card/Breach of the credit card management sin,For several crimes was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment 13 year 6 month,Shall also be fined 350000 yuan.After 90 youth XiaoDong wei,By using network illegal gaming platform set up,Specially for the net friend swindle money,In just 10 days get 40 more than ten thousand yuan,In shandong province after being GuanXian procuratorate to the crime of fraud of the suspected of necessity.


"For us,If you really want to‘black’A person's network system,Through the classroom learning content,And their research can be done,But I won't do it.Because of just technology research,Feel fun,Others will admire your technical ability,But my heart is very understand,If really do,It is illegal things,My in the mind have the bottom line."Enrolled in electronic and information engineering college students Marvin(alias)Told reporters.


The Chinese people's public security university psychology professor WuBoXin is very concerned about the youth network crime,In the daily study we often contact involves network of young people criminal case,He found,In the Internet age high crime in 18 ~ 25 years of age,Network for the 90's attract more than any one age.WuBoXin think:"For after 90,The network is the indispensable part in life,Especially young people living in the country,The network is their only way to obtain psychological satisfaction."


As for the crime motive,Remove the conventional money/Fame and wealth/Sex outside, motives,WuBoXin think young people curious motivation is very prominent,And the motivation of amusement,They don't know that they are in the crime.Now the network of young people don't like elder people would only pay attention to in the reality through the struggle to attain success.They think in reality the realization,On the network can realize.For some young people to the network virtual money/Virtual fraction and sit in front of the computer,No day and night,Even for the phenomenon of the crime,WuBoXin said,From the perspective of criminal psychology,People crime is to chase money/Sensual pleasures/Fame and wealth, etc,And after 90 for the performance"Both the reality of the chase,And have to unreal infatuation".


In Marvin seems,Now do hackers to reduce the threshold,The network on a lot of technical BBS has ready-made file,Only need to complete all packing can.He once saw a so-called"Technology da"On the spot to show students black into a government website,"Black in later he can change the homepage information,At that time many people around him to see,He did not change,Just proved his this ability".


减少90后网络犯罪还需多方努力 To reduce the network crime after 90 to various efforts


Marvin said,He had been at school"Network technology security"course,Mainly is to tell us some IT agreement,The security of the agreement content,But in the face of some temptation,Completely must depend on self-discipline.He thinks,Should strengthen the education of teenagers legal common sense,Let every Internet practitioners in the initial contact with the Internet,Give himself with a lock.


Participate in solve major net Sue officer told reporters,A lot of 90 crime because they lack the correct guidance,When he was short of money flower,Write a new found a virus or Trojan software can make money,He will rush in where angels fear to tread."If let their skill have played place,They have sinned possibility will be small."Sue police said,"Floating clouds"Trojan virus in the main author,There is a part of this situation.


In the process of participating in the detection,Sue officer touch the deepest is after 90 criminal suspects take guilt and family education not relationship."Family members to their care less,A Trojan designer in the Internet at home every day,Home asked him doing,He says to do a web site,Specific what to do,What are the economic source,Family is not clear.Another designer is working in Beijing,Family towards his job status know nothing."Sue police said,Now many young people and parents have the generation gap,Even with his parents didn't words,Out after work,Home also silent,"Actually the love of home from a certain extent change their behavior".


"After 90 young people's parents some rarely used network,Some of the network is not familiar with,Their education mode lag,Can not adapt to the needs of children."WuBoXin think,social/The school/The family is not for the new generation education to update,Education means can not adapt to the change of education objects.


After 90 has become inextricably tied to the Internet.They sojourned in the network life,Class although be banned,A class is over will take out their phones to access the Internet.Network to make up for the 90 growth education of weaknesses,At the same time is also very easy to let them in the network lost.WuBoXin said,"In my recent contact in the case,Had met in order to 6 dollars ShangWangFei and murder of extreme cases."


In WuBoXin seems,After a decrease of 90 Internet crime also need to various efforts.First of all,The relevant state departments should profit from the international research results,Don't always speak Chinese particularity,Such as to establish the film classification system, etc;secondly,In view of the network,Can't be ignored for minors"amusement"Software management,The software of a lot of content to teenage growing disadvantage,Even mobile phones should classification;again,The college classroom absence of sex education,Whether can through the network/Mobile phone software, etc for the teenagers accept form,'such education.
