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   搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:各位搜狐的网友大家好,本期搜狐教育会客厅很荣幸邀请到中国知名英语教学专家、职称英语考试培训专家张可华老师,张可华老师同时也是中国第一家职称英语辅导培训机构的创办者,中国第一个职称英语考试得分技巧的研究者,同时也是中国第一部职称英语考试专用辞典的编纂者。张老师您好。首先聊一个网友关心的问题——2013年职称英语考试报名,张老师能否给我们简单介绍一下2013年职称英语考试的报名时间以及地点。 You sohu net friend of everybody is good,Current sohu education saloon pleasure to invite to China famous English teaching experts/Title English exam training experts ZhangKeHua teacher,ZhangKeHua teacher is also China's first a title English counselling training institutions of the founder,China's first title English exam scores skills of researchers,At the same time is also China's first English exam a title for the dictionary writers.Teacher zhang hello.First talk about a net friend concern - 2013 title English test registration,Teacher zhang can you give us a brief account about 2013 title English test application time and place.


张可华[职称英语考试培训专家]: ZhangKeHua [title English exam training experts]:主持人好,搜狐网友大家好,2013年职称英语考试报名很快就要开始了,考试报名无外乎几个问题,一个是时间问题,就是什么时候报名;第二个是地点,即在哪里报名;第三个问题是报名的时候职称英语考试三个类别,应该选择什么类别考试,应该选择什么级别。对报名来说就是这几个最关心的问题,这也是我们网校里面接触提问最多的几个问题。首先全国各个省市报名时间不完全统一,一般来讲从每年的11月份到下一年的1月中旬,如果考试报名不知道具体时间的时候,最好关注我们的网站,我们网站张可华.COM,这个网站会告诉大家具体的时间。如果上网不方便的话,建议关注当地的人事考试中心的信息,一般来讲我们报名时间都是各地人事考试中心来通知所有的学员什么时候开始报名、如何报名、在什么地方报名,在各市人事考试网网上报名,全国报名是统一的。考试一共是三个,一个综合一个理工一个卫生,应该报考什么类别,这是大家最关注的问题。这个还牵扯到另外一个问题,职称英语考试到底哪个类别最难。事实上在我国的人事考试这一块的规定上,综合类其实可以代替理工和卫生,但是正常情况下应该是该报什么类还是报什么类。我们先从两个类别来说,一个省卫生类,这一点很好定位,所有卫生工作类别的同志基本选择卫生类的就好了。理工类本身名称就含有类别非常详细的定位,如果不是报理工类卫生类其实就报综合类,这是大面来说。更具体的说明,职称英语考试和各个大型的单位人事考试政策有着密切的关系,不同的单位有不同的政策,最好的方式是跟人事部门核定到底该报什么类,这样每一类里面都有三个级ABC,A级最高B级中级C级最低。我国的规定C级初级职称、B级中级职称、A级高级职称,很多单位细节规定比如可能评中级考C级就可以了,根据类型级别可以提供一个大致的正确方向,但是具体到每个单位的具体政策,建议问好当地或者本单位的人事部门来定才是最佳选择,如果不知道的话建议打我们的电话,在整个网站上有很多客服为大家服务,他们会给你很专业的指导。

Host good,Sohu net friend everybody is good,2013 title English test registration will start soon,Test registration outside notting have a few questions,One is a matter of time,What time is the sign up;The second place,That is where sign up;The third problem is signing up title English test three categories,Should choose what class exam,Should choose what level.To sign up, is this a few the most concern,This is also our online schools inside contact questions most a few questions.First of all the national various provinces and cities for time not complete reunification,Generally speaking from each November to next year's by the middle of January,If test registration do not know the specific time,The best focus on our website,Our website ZhangKeHua. COM,This site will tell you the time.If the Internet not convenient,Suggestions focus on local personnel test center of information,Generally speaking we time signing up is all personnel examination center to inform all the students when to begin to sign up/How to sign up/In what place sign up,In various cities the personnel examination on the net,The national registration is unified.There were three exams,A comprehensive a polytechnic a health,Should enter oneself for an examination what class,This is everybody's most concerned problems.This also be involved in another problem,Title English exam exactly which category the hardest.In fact in our personnel examination this one on the provisions,Comprehensive actually can replace institute of technology, and health,But under normal circumstances should be what the class or sign up for what kind of.We first from two particular category,A provincial health class,This is very good location,All health work class comrades basic choice health class is good.Name of science &engineering itself contains category very detailed positioning,If not quote science &engineering health class, it is report comprehensive,This is for bedding face.More detailed instructions,Title English test and each large unit personnel examination policy has the close relation,Different units have different policies,The best way is with personnel department approved the exactly what kind of,So every kind of there are three grade ABC,A level the highest grade B intermediate grade C is the lowest.The provisions of our country grade C primary title/B level intermediate title/Level A senior professional title,Many units detail provisions for example may review intermediate exam grade C is ok,According to type level can provide a general right direction,But specific to each unit of the specific policy,Suggest to say hello local or this unit's personnel department to set is the best choice,If you don't know it advice to play our telephone,In the entire web site have a lot of customer service for all services,They will give you a professional guidance.

搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:张老师为我们做了一个很详细的关于职称英语的介绍,刚才提到我们有一个张可华职称英语网站,学生可以从这个网站上得到什么样的信息?

Teacher zhang for us to do a detailed introduction about the title English,Just mentioned that we had a ZhangKeHua title English website,Students can get from this web site what kind of information?

张可华[职称英语考试培训专家]: ZhangKeHua [title English exam training experts]:如果以前学过或者关注过张可华职称英语的可能知道,原来我们推的是京华网校,也是从2008年推出职称英语网上指导以来,每年试听的人数及每一讲试听多少人,我们的网络都有记载,08年第一年推出就有170多万的视频和音频的点击率,曾经推出一个MP3职称英语下载,这个下载达到年80万人次,相信从08、09、10、11、12这几年来大家都知道搜索京华英语网校。很多学员给我们一个建议,做一个张可华.COM网站,专门做职称英语。这个也是我们在2012年为了方便大家搜索,我们就推出张可华.COM,这个学员注册了这个域名,觉得张可华职称英语很火,注册了这个域名花了几十块钱,拿了三年,今年等于奉献给我们,我们也非常感谢。我并不是想让这个域名和张可华这个名字挂钩,或者说提高什么知名度,而是更有利于大家学习。这个网站能给大家提供什么?课程肯定是最核心的,报名的信息、相关指南,刚才说的第一个问题什么时候报名该怎么报,报什么类别什么级别,学习上问题的解决,都可以在我们的网站上获取。如果方便的话,有空可以看看我们的网站。

If had learned or concern about ZhangKeHua title English may know,For we push Beijing is online,Also from the 2008 launch titles since English online guidance,Each year the number of audition and each speak audition many people,Our network are recorded,The first year it launched more than 170 of the video and audio click rate,Once launched a MP3 title English download,The download to 800000 people,Believe in 08/09/10/11/12 in the past few years we all know search jinghua English online.A lot of students to give us a suggestion,Do a ZhangKeHua. COM website,Specialized English titles.This is also our in 2012 in order to facilitate everybody search,We will launch ZhangKeHua. COM,The students register the domain name,Think ZhangKeHua title English very fire,Register the domain name spent a few money,Took three years,This year is equal to the given us,We also thank you very much.I don't want to let the domain name and the name ZhangKeHua hook,Or improve what popularity,But the more you can learn.This website can give you offer?The course is certainly the most core,Registration information/Related guidelines,Just said first question when registration how should sign up for,Sign up for what category what level,Learning to the solution of the problem,Can in our sites.If it is convenient,Free can look at our website.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:职称英语考试报名的时候有哪些常见误区,请给我们介绍一下。

Title English test registration time what common misunderstandings,Please give us a brief introduction to.

张可华[职称英语考试培训专家]: ZhangKeHua [title English exam training experts]:现在网络信息这么发达,很多人可以获得各种各样的职称考试报名辅导学习甚至答题信息,我们有必要纠正一些明显的误区。大家觉得综合类比较简单,这是第一个,很多人尤其理工类的考生觉得综合类是不是比较简单。对于基础不好的学生,不管考什么类都是难的。像我们在讲课时曾经提出的,如果你是该报卫生类的人报了综合类,综合类反而更难,因为跨行业多,既有老师类又有财经类的,卫生类的反而偏简单。事实上具体到底哪个类别难,站在一个老师的角度来说,是无法辨别的。深层来分析一下,考试综合、理工、卫生分成ABC级,假设主持人考的是理工类,我考的是综合类,试卷50%的内容一模一样,预示着难度系数难以分开,有时候国家的人事政策职称考试和人事职称晋升有关系,这种政策变化的时候,今年可能是一种政策明年是另一种政策,建议该是什么样就是什么样,不要想着哪一类简单。

Now the network information so developed,A lot of people can get all kinds of title for the guidance to study and even answer information,It is necessary to correct some obvious error.You all think of comprehensive relatively simple,This is the first,A lot of people especially the science &engineering students feel comprehensive is relatively simple.For basic bad students,No matter what kind of exam is difficult.As we in the lecture was proposed,If you are the type of people health for the comprehensive,Comprehensive but more difficult,Because more than cross-industry,Both the teacher and class of finance,Health class instead of partial simple.In fact the specific exactly which category difficult,Standing in a teacher's point of view,Is the unable to discern.Deep to analyze,Exam comprehensive/Institute of technology/Health into ABC level,The hypothesis test is of science and engineering,I take an examination of is comprehensive,The content of the examination paper 50% the same,Indicates the degree of difficulty is difficult to separate,Sometimes the country's personnel policy title examination and personnel titles of the relationship between the promotion,The policy change,This may be a policy next year is another kind of policy,Suggest this is what is what kind of,Don't think which kind of simple.

The second error,The title of the English exam in the learning process a lot of people in order to recruit students,Said can not remember the words or take a dictionary to solve all the problems,Title English exam dictionary allowed into the examination room.In fact the title English an exam to begin from 2010 degree of difficulty bigger,Not took the dictionary can solve,This is the need to correct mistakes.Title English test of words,You know the whole ZhangKeHua. COM is selling a dictionary,In fact, it is I, the dictionary,History can be traced back to 11 years ago,Until now there are 12 years in optimizing the dictionary,This dictionary is still no guarantee that check to every word.You don't have much time to check words.Simple words,Don't think that you use a dictionary could solve all problems of vocabulary,This is a very important,We need to explain things.Down an error,A lot of people think this age exam titles are generally not young,A lot of people is 30 years old take an examination of the title,Work for 5 years later began to review the first title.30-40 years old even 55 years old the following people are trivial life a lot,Work in a tower of strength,Very busy,Words can't remember them either.I speak video course said,Are we really can't remember?We in the course inside the ingenious arrangement of words,Don't need to remember,Such as a word how to remember how remember special accurate,A words all don't go to memory,Rely on some scoring skills to do topic, you will find the average pass rate all can not reach,Average pass rate was 40% - 50%.Don't think that take this dictionary will do,Do not remember the words will do,I this age will remember?In fact we have a course vocabulary memory,Only need to listen to the video will have a harvest.There is a misunderstanding,Many people now say the title English test and the topic on the Internet and even some say they have been able to joab to 70 points or 80 points or 95 points,Obviously this company is either not recruit people,Either industry of words,Put this project do die,How many points and,Title English exam from proposition for direction to have their own rules,Never 90 points or six or seven very let students know,The exam is meaningless.YaTi itself I can responsibly tell,We do YaTi ten years have no mistakes,We sometimes promotion when there are two words precision,How many points we are specific to the inconvenience of the said.How many points YaTi say it out,It must be false.Light by title English YaTi this is a misunderstanding,Don't think that have YaTi could live.Title English test, on the whole, since is the exam,And our position of the relationship between the promotion,Promotion must be very competitive,Certain English level and have certain relations,These four is the core of the erroneous zone.


搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:聊完误区再聊聊备考,职称英语考试有哪些题型,学生该怎样去备考?

:Chat chat again after error for reference,Title English test what the topic,Students how to go to for information?

张可华[职称英语考试培训专家]: ZhangKeHua [title English exam training experts]:职称英语考试全国大纲里面完全是统一的,包括最近这么多年来全国的职称英语考试全国统考,题型完全一样,不管在四川还是在北京还是在广州拿到的试卷一模一样,只要是同一级的一定是一样的。题型到目前为止有六种。一个同义词选项,这是你试卷的第一部分,15道题查同义词,一句里面有一个单词从四选项找出一个同义词,这个题型拿着辞典一般可以解决,现在难度系数确实提高了,以至于难度系数提高的规律下面再讲。第二个题型阅读判断,一篇文章有七个句子判断正确错误,一共是7分。第三个题型完成句子,这些在张可华.COM都可以找到,一共八道题八分。第四种题型阅读理解,相对来说是最重要也是最难的也是最核心的题型,15道题45分,把阅读理解做好职称英语考试所有的选项选A就可以过了。第五种题型补全短文,一共五道题一道2分一共10分。第六种题型完形填空。第二种题型上考场直接填某一个选项可以得两到三分,节省时间。每个题型有自己的出题方式,有自己的命题目的,测试你的某些方面的能力。职称英语考试意味着你能拿到一篇原版的美国或者英国杂志类的文章或者专业类的文章,拿来辞典可以得懂,为了证明这个。为什么带辞典,大家觉得很奇怪,带辞典是测试的目的,六个题型每个题型都有自己的测试方向和目的。出题上有一定的规律,什么详细的规律我们在这儿不再多说,六种题型最重要的是阅读理解,这一点需要大家注意。完形填空15分,完形填空和阅读理解加起来就60分。

Title English exam outline of the inside is completely unified,Including a recent years the national title English exam the national unified examination,Questions exactly the same,No matter in sichuan or in Beijing or in guangzhou to the test paper as like as two peas,As long as the same level must be the same.The topic so far have six.A synonym options,Is this your first part of the paper,15 problem find synonyms,A there is a word from the four options to find a synonym,This topic with a dictionary general can solve,Now the difficulty coefficient did raise the,That degree of difficulty improved rule below to speak again.The second topic reading judgment,An article has seven sentence correct judgment errors,There are seven points.The third topic to complete the sentence,These in ZhangKeHua. COM can be found,A total of eight problem is eight.The fourth kind of topic reading comprehension,Relatively speaking is the most important and most difficult is also the core topic,15 problem is 45 points,The reading comprehension to the title English test all the options to choose A is A.The 5th kind of topic complemented essays,A total of five problem is a 2 points a total of 10 points.The 6th kind of topic cloze test.The second kind of questions in the examination room directly fill in a certain option can get two to three points,Save time.Each topic have their own sets the topic the way,Have their own proposition purpose,Test some of your ability.Title English exam means that you can get a piece of the original version of the American or British magazine kind of articles or professional articles,Bring dictionary can have to understand,In order to prove that the.Why bring dictionary,We feel very strange,Take dictionary is the purpose of the test,Six questions each topic has its own test direction and purpose.A set of rules,What detailed rules we here no longer say more,Six questions the most important is to read and understand,This need your attention.Cloze test 15 points,Cloze test and reading comprehension add up to 60 points.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:学生们想从您这儿取取经,这些题型得分技巧有什么?

The students want to learn from you get here,These questions scoring skills have?

张可华[职称英语考试培训专家]: ZhangKeHua [title English exam training experts]:这个说来话长,我们在这么多年的教学过程中应该说总结了一些得分技巧,职称英语考试确实有技巧,一个是时间很长,从早年间一直在研究命题规律,命题规律自然有命题技巧。事实上我在网上的视听课程里面很明确讲出命题的规律,一旦找出规律技巧就出来了,这样多说一点。这些题型所有得分技巧立足于两点,第一有一定的词汇量,多少词汇量?职称英语考试A级要求六千个单词,B级五千,C级四千,这个词汇量对于职称英语考试的学员来讲太大。我们准备了高频率词汇,真题里面出现频率很高的词汇,一共一千多,听12个小时,学员反映花十来个小时听这些高频词汇就有信心了。所谓熟能生巧,毕竟拿到的试卷全是英文的,而且全是原版的,这时候没有一定的单词量纯粹靠技巧做,一般来讲我们测试过如果真的没有多少词汇量,没有太多的语法知识的话,完全靠技巧一般在50分上下,特别会做题的人50分上下。有一定的词汇量,词汇量不用太多,有一定的语法知识。一定是什么概念?我在讲职称英语语法上,全国所有的职称英语语法上没有太多人讲语法,我们一直强调语法,讲了六小时的语法,半个小时一讲12讲,大家看的时候有6个小时,整个句子讲完。有这两个基础之后才可以用技巧。

This it is a long story,We are so many years of the teaching process should say summed up some scoring skills,Title English exam do have skills,One is a long period of time,From the early years have been studying proposition rule,Proposition rule natural have proposition skills.In fact I am in Internet audio-visual course it is very clear to tell the law of proposition,Once to find law skills came out,So many speak a little.These questions all the scoring skills based on two points,The first has certain vocabulary,Many vocabulary?Title English exam A level requirement six thousand words,B class five thousand,C class four thousand,The vocabulary for title English exam students too big.We are going to the high frequency words,Really writes appear in high frequency of vocabulary,A total of more than one thousand,Listen to 12 hours,Students reflect spend 10 hours listening to these high frequency words have confidence.The so-called practice makes perfect,After all the papers are all in English,And they were all of the original,At this time there is no certain vocabulary purely by skill to do,Generally speaking we tested if really don't have much vocabulary,Not too many grammar knowledge words,Completely by skill is in commonly 50 points up and down,Special will do question people 50 points up and down.Have certain vocabulary,Vocabulary is not too much,Have certain grammar knowledge.Is anything certain in life concept?I was telling the title on English grammar,All of the country's title English grammar without too many people speak grammar,We have been emphasis on grammar,About six hours of grammar,Half an hour about 12 speak,Everyone to see of the time have six hours,The whole sentence finished.Are the two basic before can use skills.


Vocabulary terms,Six topic title English vocabulary options,We know that can take dictionary,Just have already said belt dictionary can not solve all problems,This time can be used to solve vocabulary skills.Use skills to solve questions vocabulary options to the use of certain grammar knowledge,Suggest that we are free to listen to the questions explanation,Tell you every word in grammar is how to guess its meaning,Pass the students must believe I said that sentence,Some words in the dictionary on the not be found,do?Guess the word.Rely on what to guess?With certain syntactic,Syntax is grammar.Sentence what,To make good use of the word can guess.This belong to become a problem in grammar,With some vocabulary,To know the word met,Underline test your words don't know,With some grammar rules can guess out,This belongs to the scope of the skill.Any other questions are threshing skills,Too speaking skills are not what I worship,I think when you put some course listen to words,Skills natural had.The title of the English exam 15 problem every problem are regular routines,Why out this problem,Why use such a problem do,Even question dry out is regular clear,Why use this question,15 categories of problem,Which category of questions to what options,Are law,Have skills.On the skill this one will listen to them the entrance.


搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:最后再来聊聊张老师的张可华职称英语保过班,押题的准确率很高,保过班的课程设置是怎么样的?

:Finally to have a chat teacher zhang's ZhangKeHua title English assured class,YaTi accuracy very high,Assured class curriculum are?

张可华[职称英语考试培训专家]: ZhangKeHua [title English exam training experts]:04年我们在北京推出第一次保过班,大家觉得有点哗众取宠,实际保过班这三个字在当时推出来的概念是在北京职称英语是第一个,当时我的想法其实是几点。那时候年轻,社会上有很多知名学校,我们刚刚开始推广保过班是展示给大家一个信心,不过就是免费退费,我们的学费当时1280元,给一个辞典,教材定价80多块钱,辞典60多块钱,加起来一百多块钱,如果学生重读了我们明年还要给他一套辞典,辞典每年都在变,教材每年都在变。对于我们当时做这个班的时候所有的团队就强调了,如果想做好一个教学产品,那任何一个学员只要报我们的班,想要得到的结果就是过。职称英语考试有一个好现象,确实有人想学英语,但是更多的人要过。不过怎么办?学校立了两个规矩,如果没过教育产品,那你就不要赚这个钱,要退费。

In we launched in Beijing for the first time after the class,You feel a bit sensationalism,The actual assured class these three words at the time to launch the concept is in Beijing title English is the first,At that time I idea what time it is.At that time young,The society has a lot of famous school,We just start promoting assured class is show everyone a confidence,But is free refund,Our tuition was 1280 yuan,Give a dictionary,Teaching material pricing more than $80,More than 60 dollars dictionary,Added up to more than one hundred dollars,If students stressed the next year we want to give him a dictionary,Dictionary every year in changes,Teaching materials in each variable.For we did the class when all the team is emphasized,If you want to make a teaching products,That any student should quote our class,Want to get the result is over.Title English test has a good phenomenon,Does anyone really want to learn English,But more and more people want to live.But how to do?The school made two rules,If you don't have education products,That you don't earn the money,Want to refund.


After this year but have to want to live,Give everyone a chance to free stress.We protect class so many years adhere to two,A refund,Just now a refund of the full amount wasn't like before, back,One is to refund,One is to stress.We put our course as a product,Choose our products first don't tube student foundation is what,As long as the choice of our product didn't,That is our responsibility./In - we have introduced in two consecutive guaranteed after class,At that time the entire Beijing all dare not to take an examination of people,Older people,I told the students inside,Bearing plant director 59 years old to learn English titles,A lot of people to learn Russian Spanish,These people not only zero foundation also negative foundation,When assured class but words to the refund,We first three years after class the front three rows are older people.In Beijing at that time very sensation,See our website message,Zero base can have.Keep a class to the teacher's huge pressure,All the video comes from the field face to award,Don't do any clip.For instance, in the sohu do the interview time even to clip,All of our curriculum in order to face to award field effect didn't do any minutes clips,With only head end of the movie,The effect still can really.


Now if you all to online will find a problem,Our assured class refund wasn't like before a full refund.We give the national may quote us the remedial class the man said the reason,If you have free time to our class meeting face to award Beijing found a phenomenon,Every year there are appealing to deliberately but comrade,We face to award class 1580,Remote class 1280,In Beijing to find a remedial class ten sessions 12000 dollars,This class is very cheap,To learn two years my tuition only 790,We have materials - yuan dictionary value.We really can't stand deliberately but people exploit an advantage,We believe a remedial class in addition to outside assured,We also very respected real through the learn our lessons to learn English well.Now also have students reflect,30% of the students are the children,The child to the junior middle school high school,At least 30%.These comrades children on the remedial class an hour to 300,For example Beijing,Do not include relatively remote areas of the comrades,1580/1280 they also feel that your.In Beijing one-on-one this phenomenon special fire,Sometimes a high hour 500,1580 can learn is controlled hours can also stressed.Back not refund is not the issue,Don't want to refund will be once.Now products from the point of view of the course set up more accurate,The more you can hit the target,The course is better than the original simple,Once the target,Refund has lost the significance,Even to impart and to remote each participant just sign up have a assured agreement,The role of this agreement is to give everyone a commitment to let you rest assured,Facts have agreement we all want to cash refund.

The curriculum has seven parts,Originally called seven unity,Seven courses together assured class.The first,Free audition.Free audition of this a few speak casually out from behind a speak,At ordinary times any report and the report can hear.Behind the second part first speaking skills,In just started to learn when you want to live,What is the most important?Reading comprehension.To reading comprehension and so difficult,To speak it scoring skills.To see the most difficult thing is such,Then you lack?One is vocabulary grammar.The third part and the fourth part is just the course of vocabulary and grammar.Lexical grammar course in 2012 years ago before this year is this year or so speak about,But vocabulary 12 hours grammar only 6 hours,When you understand that reading comprehension is the content,Need such methods such skills,Need certain glossary grammar,And they began to the fifth part.Title English test there are 50 article reading comprehension,Including institute of technology/comprehensive/health,We each article all speak,Each article are in 25 minutes, 30 minutes finished,Both proposed method and extraction problem.From the second speak first listen to reading comprehension scoring skills,Scoring skills understand then then grammar vocabulary,Then other topic skills,Then blast 50 article reading comprehension,YaTi eventually need to hear things less and less,Don't have confidence to listen to the second part/The third part,A very short,A week can be listened to,Will understand the.


搜狐教育主持人 Sohu education host:相信大家通过我们这期访谈已经对职称英语有一个详细的了解,感谢张老师的作客,本期搜狐教育会客厅就到这里。

:We believe that all the people through this stage interview have title English has a detailed understanding,Thank teacher zhang's visit,Current sohu education saloon is here.
