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大学生课余打工照顾八旬拾荒老人(图)鹏飞和八旬拾荒老人杜国仁(大连晚报记者 张瑜/摄) Allen and years old DuGuoRen glean and collect scraps old man(Dalian evening news reporter ZhangYu/taken)


"I was born in the countryside,See not is the old man endure hardships."Linquan slide set a peasant Allen,In the dalian in liaoning university,Work with the low income to help a years old man glean and collect scraps,Dalian citizens by the appreciation of praise.now,Dalian media learned of the matter,Help the old man has been over for the family.


老人捡烟头令他心酸 The old man pick up cigarette made him feel sad


21 year old Allen is dalian jiaotong university institute of materials of junior students.This summer,Allen in dalian when working,Meet up with old man DuGuoRen glean and collect scraps.

  “他年龄比我爷爷还大,当时老人正弯腰费力捡起一个烟头塞进嘴里。 ”李鹏飞说,当时他感到特别心酸。于是他扶起老人,把打工饭店刚发的一包“红金龙”塞到老人手里。李鹏飞出生于临泉农村,家境贫寒,他说最看不得的就是有 老人受罪。老人手里有一部好心人送的便宜手机,于是,他给老人留下自己的电话号码,并叮嘱老爷子:“有困难随时可以给我打电话。 ”

"His age is bigger than my grandfather,When the old man was bending over to pick up a cigarette into his mouth. "Allen said,At that time he was particularly feel sad.So he helped the old man,The job of hotel just send a pack"Red dragon"Plug in to the old man.Allen was born in linquan rural,poor,He says the watch is a old man shall not suffer.The old man hand have a good intention to send cheap phone,so,He gave the old man left his phone number,And he told:"Have difficulty can always give me a call. "


经常为老人送吃送穿 The old man often for food to wear


Even if has not received a phone call,Allen from school every day walk three station way to see the old man,Sometimes he will from the school dining room for the old man brought a box of hot food,Sometimes it is a few pieces of clothing.Sometimes he what all don't take,Just talk with the old man.

  这段时间,大连气温骤降,杜国仁住处低矮的房檐上结满了冰柱,木门边缘上冻了,李鹏飞费力地拉开房门后,屋子里一股难闻的霉味扑面而来。在这个 5平方米左右的小屋里,除了一张床,随处可见成堆的废品。老人只靠几床潮湿发霉的棉被御寒。看到这一情况,李鹏飞把老人领回自己的宿舍呆了一天。 “宿舍不准留宿,我只想让老人在有暖气的屋子里呆一会儿,再给他拿几件厚实的衣服”。

This period of time,Dalian air temperature pelter,DuGuoRen dwelling low eaves is covered with ice pillar,Wooden door edge of the freeze,Allen difficulty after open the door,The house on an unpleasant stale.In this 5 square metre of the small house,In addition to a bed,Can be seen everywhere piles of waste.The old man only by a few bed quilt warm wet moldy.See the situation,Allen gave the old man get back his dormitory for one day. "Dormitory are not allowed to stay,I just wanted to let the old man in a heating room for a short stay,Give him take a few pieces of thick clothes".


媒体开始帮老人寻亲 Media began to help the old man a tracing

  老人烟瘾很重,一天要抽两三包烟。没钱买,他就去捡烟屁股,现在,他的香烟都要靠李鹏飞供应。对这个家境并不宽裕的小伙而言,每天6元的烟钱也 是笔大开销,有时他宁可自己少吃一口也要供老人吃饭。 4日那天,因为功课忙,李鹏飞没给老人送饭。 “听说他饿了两天,我特别自责! ”

The old man a chain smoker,One day two three packs of cigarettes are smoked.Does not have the money to buy,He went to pick up YanPiGu,now,His cigarette all want to depend on Allen supply.For when the poor guy concerned,The smoke of every 6 yuan money also is a big expense,Sometimes he would rather their eat less a also want to eat for the old man. 4 day,Because work busy,Allen didn't give the old man to send meal. "Heard that he was hungry for two days,I am very self-reproach! "

  李鹏飞说,考研日期一天天临近了,自己没办法再去打工,供养老人变得越发困难。李鹏飞一直试图帮老人寻找亲人,目前此事已引起大连媒体的关注, 有媒体已打听到老人的户籍地为黑龙江省北安市通北镇通胜村。采访中杜国仁说,自己很想家。 “老人不止一次说想老家,但这个心愿我没能帮他实现。 ”李鹏飞说。

Allen said,One's deceased father grind date day by day is near,His inability to work again,Support the old man became all the more difficult.Allen has been trying to help the old man looking for loved ones,At present it has caused dalian media attention, Media has to find out to the old man's registered for heilongjiang province BeiAnShi pass BeiZhen TongSheng village.DuGuoRen said in an interview,Himself very homesick. "The old man more than once said to their hometown,But this desire I couldn't help him realize. "Allen said.

  “我家也有老人,老吾老以及人之老。 ”李鹏飞如此解释自己的行为,关于帮助老人这事,他并没有和家人说,“真不是啥大事,没啥好说的,能帮老人找到家就成了”。(李家林 吴尚)

"My home have the old man,Expand the love of the old. "Allen so explain your behavior,To help the old man about this matter,He didn't and family said,"Is not what great things,Nothing to say,Can help the old man found home became".(LiGuLin wu is)
