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湖北一学校“江南style”替代第八套广播操(图)   图为3000多学生早操齐跳“骑马舞”。钟炜 摄 The more than 3000 students morning exercises together jump"Riding dance".ZhongHui perturbation

  中新网襄阳12月7日电(上官纯青 刘绪君)经过一周的学习、试跳和比赛,从7日早晨开始,湖北襄阳职业技术学院学院学生的早操由做第八套广播体操变成了《江南style》“骑马舞”。学院负责人表示,红遍全球的《江南style》节奏感强,动作幅度大,相比做广播体操,学生更乐意参与,值得一试。

Beijing xiangyang, December 7(ShangGuanChunQing LiuXuJun)After a week of learning/Attempt and competition,From 7 morning start,Hubei xiangyang vocational and technical college medical students from the early eighth set of broadcasting gymnastics became[Jiangnan style]"Riding dance".College officials say,Known around the world[Jiangnan style]fast-tempoed,Movement range big,Compared with radio do gymnastics,Students more willing to participate in,Worth a try.

  7日早晨6时50分,湖北襄阳职院医学院的3000多名学生整齐地排列在操场上,《江南style》音乐一响起,学生们就跳起了劲爆的舞蹈“骑马舞”。 连跳了两遍,护理1110班同学方艳妮的额头上已微微出汗,“《江南style》节奏感强,又非常时尚,同学们在跳的过程中感到非常有趣。” 方艳妮说。

7, 6 in the morning at,Xiangyang hubei vocational-technical college medical school more than 3000 students in orderly rows on the playground,[Jiangnan style]Music sounds,The students jump up awesome dance"Riding dance". Even jumped twice,Nursing 1110 class FangYanNi forehead already perspire slightly,"[Jiangnan style]fast-tempoed,And very fashionable,The students in the process of jump was very interesting." FangYanNi said.


According to the dean of college WenMaoXing is introduced,In order to strengthen students' physique,The hospital has been organization students do in the morning radio gymnastics,Can the students enthusiasm is not high,Short of exercises the effect.recently,College in survey found,At present many students like to jump[Jiangnan style].so,College decided to morning exercises to jump[Jiangnan style].


In order to let the jump"Riding dance"To achieve the effect of fitness,Institute of physical education teachers[Jiangnan style]Adaptation on the.Physical education teachers ZhangXiaoPing told reporters,Medical school version of the[Jiangnan style]In the retained the most original dance moves at the same time,Into the aerobics/Jazz and so on many kinds of dance elements.


"Using the fashionable element,Innovation to develop college students' sports activities,This is what we do beneficial attempt."WenMaoXing said.(finish)
