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吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


WuQianLian husband son first exposure.吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲低调出行。 WuQianLian low-key travel.吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲与任贤齐曾饰演小龙女与杨过。(资料图) WuQianLian and ren had as little dragon female Yang guo and xiao longnv.(Material chart)吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲与任贤齐曾饰演小龙女与杨过。(资料图) WuQianLian and ren had as little dragon female Yang guo and xiao longnv.(Material chart)吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲饰演小龙女。(资料图) WuQianLian as little dragon female.(Material chart)吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲饰演小龙女。(资料图) WuQianLian as little dragon female.(Material chart)吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲昔日写真。(资料图) WuQianLian old photo.(Material chart)吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲昔日写真。(资料图) WuQianLian old photo.(Material chart)吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲昔日写真。(资料图) WuQianLian old photo.(Material chart)吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光吴倩莲昔日写真。(资料图) WuQianLian old photo.(Material chart)吴倩莲一家三口现身机场引骚动 丈夫儿子首曝光


四川在线-天府早报12月14日报道 Sichuan online - tianfu morning post reported on December 14,


Because in[Return of the new]in"Little dragon female"Be familiar with the story of the audience WuQianLian,In recent years, few appearance.yesterday,Tianfu morning paper reporter received sole writer,WuQianLian said, with her husband and a boy from Shanghai take economy to jam.In chengdu shuangliu airport,Was not fair/A simple dress up passengers WuQianLian has not been recognized.When see a reporter joint unit,She surprised,But polite request declined to be interviewed,Then quickly take taxi away.


读者报料 戴眼镜,已有白发 Readers are attempting to wear glasses,Has white hair


衣着朴素 Dress is simple


同机乘客鲜有人识 Few people know flight passengers


yesterday,Tianfu morning paper reporter received writer,Say WuQianLian 3 take off from Shanghai but the CA4516 flights to chengdu.According to the writer who pay Sir Revealed,At that time in Shanghai pudong airport when waiting,Wearing a red guard WuQianLian clothing with a three or four years old boy sit just across the street,WuQianLian to boy's close,A smile face dew and boy playing with mobile phones.And WuQianLian that has a face of landmark sideboards husband has been on one side make a phone call,Just sit down,Less than a few minutes and got up and answer the phone,Seemed very busy.Said Mr. Pay:"At that time I did not recognize her is WuQianLian,She and the children have been playing with mobile phones,Used is only ordinary mobile phone models.Two people use English communication,Occasionally say a few words to Chinese."


Until after the plane,Mr. Pay is WuQianLian didn't recognize her.But to pay Sir's surprise,WuQianLian a bank is not like other stars that take the first class,But on economy class."They three sit in the front position,About ten row,WuQianLian window,The boy in middle,Her husband sitting in an aisle seat."Mr. Pay after WuQianLian recognized,Looked at a,"Her plain yan,Did not make up,A lot of white hair,Wearing a pair of common lens frame glasses."


And pay as Mr,A lot of flight passengers did not recognize WuQianLian,More than three hours of flight,Not someone to disturb her.Only a call"OuYang jun - quiet sunflower"The net friend published micro bo said:"Go to chengdu aircraft run up against WuQianLian a family of three,By economy,As a lot of white hair,Dress is simple,Enjoy the joy of family,Women need to return uncut jade to return true."


记者接机 虽消瘦,气质尚佳 Reporters pick up is thin,Temperament considerations


婉拒采访 Decline interview


拖家带口打车离去 Family leave a taxi


Yesterday 15:42,WuQianLian sits on the ground.Off the plane after the WuQianLian,Has replaced the red guard coat,To wear a blue sweater,Collocation dark blue jeans,Pedal yellow their snow boots,Wearing a color transverse stripe scarf.Just put your hair back taken pierced her,Look unglamorous,Figure as was so thin,But temperament considerations.


Writer who pay Sir Revealed,Off the plane after,WuQianLian did not hurry to leave,She and her husband after going to the bathroom,He himself took the boy into the toilet.After coming out,WuQianLian beside free drinking water place after a cup of water,Hello to the boy's drink,Oneself also drink a few bites.meanwhile,A mother with their children to drink water,WuQianLian make joint nozzle,Also politely at the mother smiled.For the rest,WuQianLian push dress has three sales of private luggage barrow,And her husband hold the boy,Out of the gates.

  昨日并未有人前来为吴倩莲接机,3人走出出口后,吴倩莲与丈夫耳语了几句,便抬头张望大门的指示牌。记者立马上前采访,吴倩莲看到竟然有记者出现,吃惊不小,不过随即微笑礼貌拒绝采访要求,并加快了脚步想要离开。而吴倩莲的丈夫,看到记者拍照,爱护妻儿心切,立马把抱在怀里的小孩转到背面,并大声地用英文对记者说:“get out!”

Yesterday did not someone to WuQianLian for pick up,Three out of the export,WuQianLian and her husband whispered a few words,Then look up the plate.The journalist immediately to interview,WuQianLian see was a reporter appeared,shocked,But then smile polite request declined to be interviewed,And quickened his pace wants to leave.And WuQianLian husband,See the reporter photos,Love wife and children eager,Immediately the arms in child turn to back,And in English loudly told reporters:"Get out!"


Reporters to trot in 3 people behind,To WuQianLian shows that no malice,Just care about her recent situation,WuQianLian a smile face dew decline,And her husband will continue to use English to reporters"stop/away!"But also to the airport security complaints.WuQianLian husband see a little emotional,He whispered in English let him hold children walk first one step,His stop to the reporter said the polite:"embarrassed,Please don't be so."Reporters asked for other,WuQianLian refused to respond to all shook his head.Although rejected,But WuQianLian has been kind,Polite to add.


then,WuQianLian three quick take a taxi away.


过去·红得发紫 The past · enjoying great popularity


曾与四大天王合作 Once with four heavenly Kings cooperation


44 years old this year WuQianLian,Was born in Taiwan,University major is drama.In the sophomore,Because of her that one"Looks very firm"photos,Is Hong Kong's pick,Then he went to Hong Kong film.1990 years after the film,And Andy lau cooperation a[romance]A gun and red,Open the Hong Kong film market.then,WuQianLian successively and Tony leung chiu wai/Chow yun-fat/The dawn/Aaron kwok/Leslie cheung and red star and ang lee/Johnny to/XuAnHua/Jing wang, and other well-known director cooperation,Worked on[Midnight song]/[Half life fate]/[Waiting for you to come back]/[Gamblers II]/[Eat drink man woman]/[Return of the new]Film TV play.


In 1996,,With the cooperation and Leslie cheung[Midnight song],WuQianLian won the third golden deer award shadow.In 1998 with the dawn[Half life fate]A piece of the 4th Hong Kong film critics learn best actress.In addition,WuQianLian get more at the Hong Kong film awards best new actor nomination and two best actress nomination.


In the 1990 s,With pure and fresh and natural acting and a pair of charming small eye WuQianLian,And 袁咏仪/Yang caini is known as Hong Kong's most red Cenozoic actress,And WuQianLian sing[romance]The theme is until now is KTV popular songs.


现在·非常低调 Now · very low-key


悄然退隐结婚生子 Quietly retire marry and have children


In 2002,,Has always been low-key WuQianLian because the entertainment industry slump pulled out of the entertainment industry,When you started on the website CEO,Since then more low-key life.Last November,For a WuQianLian a show again without exposure.Long absence of she asked what busy,Her answer was to the media at the scene,"I am now housewife,This phase is family oriented,As with the child."Remarkably,Before this never have any about WuQianLian conceived from the report,WuQianLian immediately by the media ask,But she also answer their questions,"Had already taken,Is a boy,Two years old,He is winding I and husband."


It is understood,WuQianLian in 2007 and birthday low-key and dating three years of ring outside her boyfriend in the United States Las Vegas marriage registration.before,WuQianLian often light backpack self-help travel,But since through a friend know love diving after her boyfriend,She also change the stroke,Become a double common swim.


Low-key after marriage,WuQianLian refused to reveal the name of the husband,Only know each other and her age,In the United States is engaged in the medical career.But in 2009,Because Andy lau and ZhuLiQian registered marriage in the United States,Net friend in the retrieval of Las Vegas marriage registration data,Will WuQianLian and husband data dig out together.Data shows,WuQianLian husband called"TsaoMung",According to the insider said the writer"Name is cao,In pharmaceutical industry,To live in Shanghai but city single-family."It is understood,WuQianLian second year after marriage,41 years old gave birth to son.
