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广州一幼儿园被指灌学生香皂水 涉事教师否认--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  【现场】对话 记者:你叫什么名字?梁:我叫梁炜俊 记者:你今年几岁了?梁:三岁半了。记者:今天星期几?梁:今天星期四。记者:那你为什么不去上课呢?梁:因为我害怕闫(音)老师拿泡泡给我吃。记者:那个泡泡是什么泡泡?梁:是那个香皂泡泡。记者:她是灌到你口里的吗?梁:我就吞下去了,我感觉有点呕。记者:她为什么给你灌香皂水?梁:因为我做早操做得不好。

[field]Dialogue reporter:What's your name?beam:My name is LiangHuiJun reporter:This year you a few years old?beam:Three and a half years old.reporter:What day is it today?beam:It's Thursday.reporter:Why don't you go to class?beam:Because of my fear of a leap(sound)The teacher take bubble give me to eat.reporter:The bubble is what bubble?beam:Is the soap bubbles.reporter:She is pouring into your mouth?beam:I will swallow,I feel a little oh.reporter:Why did she give you irrigation soap water?beam:Because I do morning exercises to do well.


[interpretation]LiangHuiJun,3 years old,Liwan district in guangzhou city, a kindergarten class reading,The another ten days full four years old children in the answer with reporters showed rare calm,Not stage fright.Now because of fear of the teacher's punishment,He would rather to drop out at home.


[Over the same period]LiangHuiJun reporter:Isn't it bad?beam:Bitter very shout,terrific,The bitter,Are not good.reporter:Any body uncomfortable.beam:have.I ate feel a little oh ah.reporter:When to eat for you.beam:Last week,Thursday.reporter:Still want to go to the kindergarten?Beam shook his head reporter:Why don't want to go?beam:I'm afraid.


[interpretation]Ms. Zhang is trabecular mother.Ms. Zhang said family in 16 daily soap to trabecular bath when he was informed,Kindergarten teacher is so the soap rub into bubbles,Let the child drink of.Until the late 19th,Trabecular still jittery.

  【同期】梁炜俊母亲 张女士昨天晚上,我就坐在这个位置,我就用这个沐浴露给他搓搓搓(澡),他说,我们闫老师也是这样子搓搓,然后叫我舔,我说好不好吃,她说当然不好吃咯,苦的嘛,我说,那你干嘛要吃,我做早操做得不好,她才叫我吃的,我说不吃不行嘛,不吃(可是因为)我做得不好咯,那没办法了。

[Over the same period]LiangHuiJun mother ms. Zhang yesterday evening,I sat in this position,I will use this shower gel give him rub rub(bath),He said,Our teacher is also like this leap rub,And then he told me to lick,I say is not good,She said of course not good cough up,Bitter!,I said,Then why do you want to eat,I do morning exercises to do well,She just call me to eat,I say don't eat not well,Don't eat(But because)I do not cough up,That's no way.


[interpretation]According to ms. Zhang memories,After the incident,The child had no appetite,exceptional,Say see food has the feeling of nausea and vomiting,Until today before easing slightly.

  【同期】梁炜俊母亲 张女士那我就觉得奇怪了,我孩子吃饭的量有多少我是知道的,星期天那天也没什么饭,到现在的胃口也不怎么好。然后以前吃饭,他是吃一大碗,现在就是一小瓢一小瓢给他吃,现在胃口就不怎么好。

[Over the same period]LiangHuiJun mother ms. Zhang that I feel strange,The amount of my child to eat how many I know,Nothing that Sunday dinner,To the present appetite also not very good.Then eat before,He is eating a big bowl,Now is a small gourd ladle a gourd ladle to him to eat,Now it's not how good.


[interpretation]Ms. Zhang worry about the children lie,specially"To try and risk of",Test results and performance in children.

  【同期】梁炜俊母亲 张女士因为那天说完了,我不服,怕我小孩撒谎。我自己也这样搓搓搓,舔舔舔,然后我就马上很不舒服了,头就开始有点晕晕的感觉了。那个香皂很腻的嘛,很肥的嘛,就像吃油一样,那味道不舒服,我马上用牙膏擦完了之后,喝水也没味道,吃饭也没闻到。

[Over the same period]LiangHuiJun mother ms. Zhang because that day had said,I'm not,Afraid of my child lying.I myself have such rub rub,Licking lick,Then I immediately very uncomfortable,Head start a bit dizzy feeling.The soap boring in life,Very fat!,It is just like eating like oil,It uncomfortable,I'll use toothpaste after wipe,Water also didn't taste,I have no smell.


[interpretation]This is LiangHuiJun in gold way longyuan kindergarten,Liwan district of guangzhou city is the first class kindergarten,Belong to private kindergarten,For eighteen years BanJiao history.The zoo said,Case is under investigation,In the reporters what inconvenience.

  【同期】广州金道花苑幼儿园教学主任 梁小姐(录音)(不愿面对镜头)昨天我们接到家长的投诉,我们已经正在调查。我觉得对于一个入职三年的老师来说,她现在的一个年级的话,如果贸贸然接受采访,这个事如果是子虚乌有的话,那确实是一个很大的压力,所以我们不方便(要求)这个老师接受你们的采访。

[Over the same period]Guangzhou gold way longyuan kindergarten teaching LiangXiaoJie director(recording)(Don't want to face the camera)Yesterday we received parents complain,We have are investigating.I think for a appointment three years for the teacher,She is now a grade words,If a trade interview,This thing if it is groundless words,That is really a big pressure,So we don't convenient(requirements)The teacher accept your interview.


[interpretation]As an administrative departments,On December 21,,Guangzhou liwan district education bureau for the response.


[Over the same period]Guangzhou liwan district education bureau related department person in charge I just talked to our department the comrades talked.First of all the things happened,The child to kindergarten and comfort.First let(children)He protect the body.The second,Is what is at present situation,It is the result of,Has not yet been determined,Also in the further investigation.The third you say regulatory,We think it is,Our kindergarten monitoring,Is not equal to the whole education process monitoring.Another is that you say to the monitoring,We also must, in accordance with the relevant policies and to operate.

  【解说】一边是一个三岁孩子的“一面之辞”,一边是涉事老师“拒不承认”,且这所幼儿园在教学区并未安装视频监控设备,“无图无真相”,缺失的 “画面证据”注定事件成为“无解的真相”,而背后更应当反思“阳光、透明”幼儿园的建设。

[interpretation]One side is a three years old of children"YiMianZhiCi",One is the teacher in things"Refused to accept",And the school in the school districts did not install video monitoring equipment,"No pictures without the truth",missing "Picture evidence"Events to be"No solution of the truth",Furthermore, the more should reflect on"The sun/transparent"Kindergarten construction.

  【同期】广州市荔湾区教育局相关科室负责人你说在监控这个方面,从市到区,都没有一些相关的文件,都没有要求,就是省市有没有要求装监控设备,让幼儿园完全的透明化。在监控过程呢,省市都没有相关的要求。新华社记者 周强

[Over the same period]Guangzhou liwan district education bureau related department person in charge you said in the monitoring,From the city to the area,Have some relevant documents,Are not require,Is the provinces and cities have required to be monitoring equipment,Let the kindergarten completely transparent.In the monitoring process it,Provinces and cities are not related requirements.Xinhua news agency reporter, zhou qiang,


HuiHui jack Bauer


audience:675149 people

  +收听已收听最新消息 2012年12月13日 15:16习近平视察广州战区的消息引起高度关注。此前的广州军区在已改为广州战区。这是中国军事体制的重大变革。战区与军区,都是区域和军事组织,两者的组成要素基本一致,但其性质不同。军区是主管军队建设的,属军政系统,可称为战斗力生成系统;战区是主管作战行动的,属军令系统,可称为战斗力释放系统。更多 广州报道(完)

+ listen to has to listen to the latest news on December 13, 2012 of the guangzhou better xi jinping war sparked high attention.Previous guangzhou military region in has been changed to guangzhou war zone.This is China's military system of major change.War zone and military area commands,Are all areas and military organizations,Both elements are basically the same,But the different nature.The military is the construction of the army,Military and political system of,Can be called the combat effectiveness of generating system;War is the director of operations,Belong to military orders system,Can be called the battle effectiveness release system.More guangzhou reported(finish)
