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《焦点访谈》盘点流行语 收“白富美”“屌丝”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
The Beijing times reported
On January 2,,CCTV old news[Focus interview]Analyzes the 2012 words/The words and vulgar,"GaoFu handsome""BaiFu beauty""Prick silk"Such as in popular language.
On January 1,,CCTV program of 19 years old news[Focus interview]The first big change.According to CCTV news center official micro bo,Show a new host,Time to 17 minutes,Also increased BaiYanSong/YangYu two reviewers,Packing also more fashion.
【焦点访谈】盘点流行语 屌丝白富美1月2日,《焦点访谈》在前一期盘点新法规的基础上,再次以盘点为主题。节目梳理了2012年度字、年度词和流行语。节目同样充满别出心裁的亮点,比如在解说年度国内字“梦”字,就采取了漫画、普通人采访和新闻背景蒙太奇式的切换手法。
On January 2,,[Focus interview]In the previous period inventory on the basis of the new rules,Again with the subject of inventory.Program combed the 2012 words/The words and vulgar.Show the same full of fancy window,Such as interpretation in the domestic"dream"The word,Will take the cartoons/Ordinary people interviewed and news background montage of switching technique.
In popular language on the inventory,"GaoFu handsome""BaiFu beauty""Prick silk"Are equipped with vivid cartoons.Carrier style of imitation video and photos,"Yuan fang,What do you think"And with the expert commentary is to let people laughing.
对于《焦点访谈》的变脸,网友看法不一。观众网CEO张拓认同改版效果:“看新闻开始让观众开心了,变成一个学习的媒介了。 ”也有部分观众对节目内容的深度性表示出担忧,微博网友张硕洋称,改版后的节目背离了“焦点”与“访谈”的真理,没有深度,“风格清新淡雅,何必占用黄金时间”。
for[Focus interview]In the face of the,Opinions differ among net friend.Audience nets CEO ZhangTa identity revised effect:"See the news began to make the audience happy,Become a learning media. "There is also a part of the audience expressed concerns on the depth of the program,Micro bo netizen ZhangShuo Yang said,After the revision of programs deviates from"The focus of"and"interview"The truth of the,No depth,"Pure and fresh quietly elegant style,Why take gold time".
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