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中学生流行“催眠游戏” 初二男生教室昏倒受伤--亲稳网络舆情监控室

Attention reason:Deep squat down half points more minutes,Then suddenly stood,The brain produce swimmy move immediately,The mind a blank,Like the hypnosis,This is now popular in fuzhou middle school students"Hypnotic game".The results,MinHou grade 4 boys XiaoBin(alias)Play had an accident:He fainted in the classroom on the spot a coma,After the hospital to come back to life,But canthus is bit broken,The bad tooth and bit.
The reporter learns,The risk of similar games in young students is very popular in the.Due to the lack of basic medical knowledge,Hard to avoid accident.While the school may not monitoring to such specific game behavior,Only repeated orders"Pay attention to safety",But still hard to put a stop to the occurrence of risk behaviors.
游戏:深蹲40秒,突然站立,瞬间晕眩 The game:Squats forty seconds,Suddenly stand,Moment dizzy
Yesterday morning,Reporter saw XiaoBin,MinHou grade 4 a boy.XiaoBin body great,DaDongTian dressed only in a QiuYi and a thin coat.Is there a scar on the right corner,A tooth is loose,"Is that day was the depletion."Mention 8, the scene in the morning,He's a little embarrassed,"How to stand up of all don't know,Wake up has scraped his."
XiaoBin memories,He told the students"Play games"Is in the 13 at noon:Twenty or so."The game"Actually very simple,XiaoBin squatted on the ground,According to the normal frequency breathing 14 times about forty seconds,Then suddenly take a deep breath,Suddenly stood up.The accident happened at the moment,XiaoBin didn't stand straight fainted,Forehead depletion on the chair.
The junior middle school second grade LinKaiCheng teacher introduction,He hears immediately after to shout a teacher,Drive XiaoBin to white town hospital.At this time XiaoBin has woke up,"At that time the feeling is very tired,Like just off the ball,The whole body is all I have no energy."The school also rushed to the hospital.To be on the safe side,XiaoBin that afternoon was sent to hospital minhou county.In the infusion oxygen after confirmed safe,XiaoBin released on the day,The next day the normal classes.
The little animal husbandry(alias)XiaoBin with the same grade,She told reporters,This game is very popular among the boys,May be because after squatted stand will have a sense of vertigo,Everyone call it"hypnosis".Usually at the start,There will be another boy to stand of boys chest press,But at that time XiaoBin have dizzy,Don't know anyone by him.
医生:深蹲站起致脑缺血,严重者会昏迷 The doctor:Deep squat stand to cerebral ischemia,May will coma
"This is typical of orthostatic hypotension symptoms."Fujian province made hospital department of pediatrics chief physician ZhongRiRong is introduced,The so-called orthostatic hypotension,Also called orthostatic to take off the virtual,Is due to the change of the position,For instance from prostrate or squat,Suddenly to erect,Lead to head to offer hematic inadequacy and cause hypotension.
In the XiaoBin"Hypnotic game"As an example,He long time squat,Systemic pressure increases,Means that the return to the heart and to the output of the blood to reduce,Resulting in head to offer hematic inadequacy.Now start up,Very easy to stand,Blurred vision,dizzy,weak,Even incontinence,The most serious like as XiaoBin,Fainted on the spot.
As for the stand to take a deep breath,ZhongRiRong analysis,Suction can increase blood flow to come,Thus compensation for suddenly standing in cerebral ischemia,This should be"The game"A preventive measures.But XiaoBin may squat down too long,Breathe in and doesn't work.
ZhongRiRong special remind,In daily life,People squat down for a long time,Suddenly got up and will induce orthostatic hypotension,Different degree just.This has nothing to do with the body is sturdy.
调查:危险游戏花样百出如何监管成了难题 survey:Dangerous game pattern how to regulate became a problem
The reporter interviewed many home school,Found that in addition to"hypnosis",There are many similar dangerous games.Such as hold your nose in situ circle,After continuous ten laps stopped suddenly,Most people would fall over,Or can't clear the direction of travel.It is investigation"Ear nest vestibular"The function of a kind of way,When the pilot recruitment will use,But if there is no professional presence,This game is very easy to cause the damage.In addition,Including inverted/People carry the pommel horse the traditional game,Have accident.
Teacher zhang is a rural middle school's physical education teacher,He told reporters,Now the children are effeminacy,Usually arrange a PE antagonistic ball project and production activities,He is being very careful,He was afraid the problem,But students after school break or some of the game behavior,To make the school complete monitoring is not reality.The school and the teacher can only reiterated"Pay attention to safety",But whether students listen to go in,Don't know.
记者从闽侯四中了解到,小斌晕倒后,校方马上召集班主任和任课老师开了个会,通报了这起意外事件,要求教师平时要注意学生的游戏行为,防患于未然。(海峡都市报 记者 张伟)
Reporters from MinHou 4 to know,XiaoBin faint after,The teacher in charge teacher and immediately called a meeting,Report the accident,Requests the teacher at ordinary times should pay attention to students' game behavior,Nip in the bud.(Channel metropolis daily reporter zhang wei)
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