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南科大拟多招山东农村生 多所学校怕影响备考拒绝--亲稳网络舆情监测室
南科大想多招农村娃 农村中学却“谢绝打扰” South university want to recruit rural Eva rural middle schools are"Declined to disturb"
South university last year from shandong recruit 27 a child,Many children in the countryside is more and more outstanding performance.This year the school in shandong province to recruit some more rural Eva,But found,A lot of rural middle schools are the south university will be rejected,because"Fear of the recruitment of students propaganda influence children for reference".
South of shandong university admissions group leader XuHu said,In 2012, south of shandong university, including eight provinces first formal admissions,Rural children behave are particularly good."They began to talent can't,Oral English is not good enough,But they are very hard,Mentality is very good."XuHu on last year from shandong recruit a call JiangTing rural children special deep impression."JiangTing from liaocheng ShenXian one,Talk much,Very hard."He said,JiangTing last year did not score lists,Is later in the enrollment.Recruit into the school,JiangTing did not live up to the trust of recruit students teacher."She is very hard,Result more in front,Midterm several class got to 90 points".Although the adaptive phase JiangTing first year could not get outstanding scholarship,But she apply for to 10000 yuan grants,This year the different kinds of costs are the basic,For home to save a lot of spending.
This year the south university plan in shandong recruit 30 people,Three people than last year."This year, we especially want to recruit more children in the countryside."XuHu said.Yesterday so far to,XuHu has led shandong recruitment groups to twenty middle school admissions proclaiming the,Including some rural middle school."Go down,Unexpected difficult."In the recruitment of students propaganda contact,The more the more rural middle schools don't want to cooperate,He also so eat a lot of rural schools"Given a cold shoulder"."The rural middle school afraid bother,Say the students learning tension,Have no time.This and the urban middle school the difference is too big."Even sent to school recruitment of students propaganda material,Also be many schools on the shelf."We do some research,Found that most children in the countryside from the newspaper.Some local residential,The common networking can.They get very difficult recruitment information."XuHu said,"We want to into some rural middle schools,And students face to face,To give them a lecture."
XuHu says regretfully,He did not blame these schools,Perhaps for them,There is no this experience."In fact at or above the county level and some high school principal consciousness is very good,Like gaotang one/Chapter grave four secondary school are quite good,The top three of the students are applied."He said,After really come into rural middle schools,He found that children in the countryside is also very enthusiastically,Accept the new thing ability is very strong,"They just lack of contact with the outside opportunity."(Reporter XuYuQin)
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