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兰州被劳教母亲起诉劳教委 欲揭露其滥权行为--亲稳网络舆情监测室
昨天,“所外就医”的赵梅福正式向法院提起诉讼,要求判决兰州市劳教委对其作出的劳教决定书无效。 yesterday,"Outside the medical"The ZhaoMeiFu formally to court,Lanzhou city labor education commission for judgment on the detention of a decision is invalid.
"Blood tests/Blood pressure/A chest X-ray/Do electrocardiogram,finished,Also not to check the results,He said send me home."ZhaoMeiFu told reporters yesterday morning,Shuttle her GaoLanXian lanzhou west branch town police inspector WeiYongBin and WeiQing all police,Had all the"send"Into the work camp.after,Gansu farmers ZhaoMeiFu to Beijing to visit son,And to the national letters after registration,On November 12, lanzhou police take back the detention.
ZhaoMeiFu lawyer WangFu said,The key lies in the lawsuit"revealed"Lanzhou city labor education and practical decision-making authority of lanzhou city public security bureau"Abuse of power"behavior.so,Don't consider is generally the detention object first priority relief way administrative reconsideration.
WangFu also said,Hope that through ZhaoMeiFu the detention of the litigation,To undertake the task of the pilot reform of the detention of lanzhou city the detention charged with more"The momentum of reform"In this certain national the detention system reform in the pilot,lanzhou/nanjing/jinan/Zhengzhou become the first pilot cities.
一份劳教决定为何两次使用? A detention decision why two use?
两年前做出的劳教决定,今天是否可再次执行? Two years ago the detention decision,Whether today can be performed again?
According to the morning paper reporter understanding,Since 1998,ZhaoMeiFu for cultivated land is the village committee forced back and neighborhood disputes,Many accuse,And was beaten,May 8, 2005,ZhaoMeiFu think GaoLanXian public security bureau in dealing with the case do not fulfill their duties in accordance with the/Has partial DaRenZhe too,Since then began to complaint,And therefore be several administrative detention.
On May 14, 2010,Lanzhou to labor education commission"Blue the detention [2010] no. 83 decision of reeducation through labor"(Hereinafter referred to as"The decision in no. 83"),Decided to ZhaoMeiFu reeducation through labor in a year.
But in gansu province was sent to the woman(rehabilitation)Work camp implementation after three days of reeducation through labor,ZhaoMeiFu was suddenly released(At that time,Labor education and work camp all did not explain why).
Two years later on November 12,,In Beijing to see the son and in the national letters after registration,ZhaoMeiFu is Beijing in gansu province lanzhou city GaoLanXian staff over to the JieFang personnel,By their back to lanzhou,And again in gansu province women's work camp.The basis for the detention is still the two years ago"The decision in no. 83".
however,The two years ago/The detention for a period of one year of the detention decision,Today whether can be carried out again?
兰州市公安局的官方回答是: 2010年5月14日对赵梅福的劳教决定作出后,皋兰县公安局将赵梅福送甘肃省女子劳教所执行。但2010年5月17日,劳教所以赵梅福“经诊断,(患)高血压期(心肌缺血)、子宫肌瘤、泥沙状胆结石,治愈后再予以收容”为由拒收,通知皋兰县公安局将其送回家中治疗,该劳动教养决定未予执行。2012年11月12日,皋兰县公安局再次将赵梅福投送劳教所执行。不过,兰州市公安局并未解释,为何赵梅福被送劳教所执行劳教3天后才被拒收?也未说明为何在赵梅福因病被拒收时,未履行任何告知程序。
Lanzhou city public security bureau official answer is: On May 14, 2010 ZhaoMeiFu detention decision for the after,GaoLanXian public security bureau will send ZhaoMeiFu gansu province women's work camp execution.But May 17, 2010,The detention so ZhaoMeiFu"The diagnosis,(with)Hypertension period(Myocardial ischemia)/Uterine fibroids/Sediment shape gallstones,After cure to be holding"For rejection,Notice GaoLanXian public security bureau will send home the treatment,The decision of reeducation through labor for implementation.On November 12, 2012,GaoLanXian public security bureau will again ZhaoMeiFu delivery work camp execution.but,Lanzhou city public security bureau have not explained,Why ZhaoMeiFu was sent work camp implement three days after the detention to be rejected?Also didn't explain why in ZhaoMeiFu due to illness rejected,Fails to fulfill any told program.
为何一天连下两份劳教决定? Why one day even two under detention decisions?
赵梅福是否因进京被劳教?警方说法自相矛盾 Whether ZhaoMeiFu for performers were the detention?The police saying contradictory
Lanzhou city public security bureau to make public response,Ignore a important facts:ZhaoMeiFu service and its family's detention decision,There are two.For a number"Blue the detention [2010] no. 83 decision of reeducation through labor",For a"Blue the detention [2010] 23 decision of reeducation through labor".
The morning paper reporter than carefully,Two copies of the content of the decision completely consistent,Decision time are on May 14, 2010,Detention period are decided on May 7, 2010 to May 6, 2011.
Is different,In addition to the different number,"23 the detention decision"In 2010, implement the detention decisions,That is ZhaoMeiFu served the family,and"No. 83 the detention decision",Is the ZhaoMeiFu was sent into the work camp"Out of nowhere"of.
A lawyer WangFu think,The same is on May 14, 2010,Lanzhou city labor education commission based on the same facts and reasons,Make two copies of the detention decision,Is very serious behavior,Serious violation of the"Not the two penalty"The basic principle of law.the,Lanzhou police and based on this the detention decision,To ZhaoMeiFu will be in place,Infringe upon the rights,Make it personal freedom is in not certain state.
In fact,Have been granted permission"Outside the medical"ZhaoMeiFu of,Now also not clear,What is public security bureau or work camp aspects,The decision to put into the work camp;Don't know whether this was put in place with a recent performers on appeal.
More contradiction is,Lanzhou city public security bureau detention section LiuKeChang also said,The ZhaoMeiFu detention is to continue to implement the 2010 decision,And ZhaoMeiFu November this year in Beijing has nothing to do during the period of behavior.
but,Lanzhou city public security bureau in November 30, issued by the public[About ZhaoMeiFu reeducation through labor case investigation of the bulletin]in,reply"ZhaoMeiFu this time again go to Beijing appeal,But also in collusion with TianShuiShi farmers ZhaoMou and sun appeal together.This is ZhaoMeiFu to the lanzhou before the new leadership hair 3 SMS and gansu complaint for Beijing registration certificate."
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