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台湾公务员考试题现大陆政治体制 国台办称有益--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
本报讯(记者商西) 针对近期台湾公务员考试题目中出现科学发展观、大陆政治体制等内容,国务院台办发言人杨毅昨天表示,两岸同胞进一步增进相互了解,是应该的,也是有益的。
Report from our correspondent(Reporter quotient west) According to the recent Taiwan civil service exam questions appeared in the scientific concept of development/The mainland political system, etc,The state council, Yang yi, TaiBan spokesman said yesterday,The compatriots on both sides of the further promote mutual understanding,Is should,Is also beneficial.
At yesterday's Taiwan affairs office routine press conference,A reporter asked: this year Taiwan examination of grass-roots civil servants appeared in the scientific concept of development/The mainland political system and the communist party of China, such as the topic,Taiwan related departments explained that Taiwan civil servants should learn more about the mainland,know.Excuse me spokesman have any evaluation?
Yang yi, spokesman for the Taiwan replied:"The increase in communication and cooperation/The communication increasingly close under the new situation,The compatriots on both sides of the further promote mutual understanding,I think that is as it should be,Is also beneficial."
According to the report,Taiwan civil service examination held on 19th this month,In the paper the rare appeared the party constitution and mainland political system of the two questions.
the,Test on 15:"The Chinese communist political system,Which of the following in the party and the state institution is set up?"Below are four options: the central military commission/Politics and law committee/The state council and the commission for discipline inspection.The correct answer is: the central military commission.
the,The 16th titled:"The communist party of China's a strategy to"people-oriented/comprehensive/coordination/sustainable"As the core and write the party constitution,This strategy is what"?Options include the scientific concept of development/Harmonious society/The three represents and the primary stage of socialism theory.The answer is: the scientific concept of development.
this,Taiwan"Ministry of examination"LiJiXuan spokesman said,Related topics in the outline with proposition"The world's major political ideology and the relations across the Taiwan straits"category.kuomintang"legislator"LuoShuLei said,With increasing cross-strait relations closely,Civil servants to know more about the mainland,know,Otherwise in the future if distributed to"MAC"work,How to deal with the work?She thinks,Civil servants should be more knowledgeable,Not only know that Taiwan's internal affairs,So will can't keep up with the step of time.Democratic progressive party (DPP)"legislator"HuangWeiZhe said,Hope the from all walks of life to neutral objective view,As long as conforms to the principle of proportion,Proposition direction should be able to accept.
其他表态>>保钓 Other comment > > the fish
若数典忘祖必遭唾弃 If several typical forget ancestors will was spit on
At the press conference yesterday a reporter asked: Taiwan"tsu"/Democratic progressive party (DPP) some people said,In the diaoyu islands issue,Taiwan and the mainland can't stand together to challenge Japan/Challenge the security alliance,Excuse me spokesman have any idea?
And reporter mentioned,Recent mainland airlines often near the diaoyu islands,Hard to avoid can cause tension in Taiwan,Is in the mainland can also have a tacit understanding arrangement?
, Yang yi, said,Diaoyu island and its subsidiary island is the immanent territory of China,Maintenance of diaoyu island and its affiliated islands sovereignty is the compatriots on both sides of the common responsibility."History will institute someone's words and deeds.If several typical forget ancestors,Break the Chinese nation's sense of honor,Will eventually were all Chinese children to spit on",Yang said.
>>新政 > > the New Deal
增设台湾居民签注点 Add Taiwan residents endorsement point
Yang yi, introduced in the conference,The ministry of public security to,Since February 5 day,Yancheng city in jiangsu/Zhejiang wenzhou airport port add Taiwan residents endorsement point,So far the mainland port Taiwan compatriots endorsement point has reached 32.
A reporter mentioned,Taiwan recently is the mainland residents to Taiwan new swim five supporting measures,Including the group guest daily quota up to 5000 people,Personal swim daily limit multiplication to 2000 people,Control of the peak time visitors flow,Excuse me the mainland have any comment?
"It is understood,The sea journey will and Taiwan trip will do you mention the relevant contents of further consultations.", Yang yi, said,"Whoever is beneficial for the promotion of the mainland residents to Taiwan tourism sustainable development measures,Are optimistic it."
作者:商西 (来源:京华时报)
The author:Quotient west (source:Jinghua times)
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