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  特约评论员 刘文嘉

LiuWenJia special commentator


Whether census register department cop a response,Or the self excuse,Didn't stop consensus approach the truth:On January 22 -,Shaanxi shenmu"Room elder sister"Registered permanent residence to four,In addition to the two came before,There are two account for kung love respectively account fall in Beijing chaoyang district police station and the Olympic village in shaanxi shenmu county big willow tower police station.


In the previous"Two registered permanent residence this getting"Under the background of the news,The police have responded that wood,In march of 2007,Kung love by Shanxi Province registered permanent residence LinXian settle in shaanxi shenmu county.According to the LinXian public security bureau police station's tiger provide circumstance explains said,GongXianXia and kung love love should be the same person,Series g tiger police station police in account when entry work negligence.


This is a hot potato to throw a wood,But in a more census register the mess.now,"Room elder sister"Account has been made up of two to four,Not only"Work negligence"The reason to become a laughing stock,More local/A wide range of problems are gradually emerging.


Have to with a sigh,"Room's family"terrible!"Room elder sister"And is the survey"Room sister"Events leading role as ZhaiZhenFeng,Is from the hand resources department(One for the money,A room),Many identity/Many homes,,In the office, there is my own business,In the face of power as well as cash/Power suspected of hu.The most important thing is,They can be easily played the existing system and rules,Through the household registration fraud four two dial one thousand jins transfer digestion of public resources.Face up to the fact,We are the wonderment"Room's family"Transfer to other use means get,Or the marvel at the household registration system ChunYiBaiJie management status?

  作为中国社会治理的基础性支撑,作为医疗、养老、住房福利的分配依据,甚至作为治安管理、抓捕通缉的重要手段,户籍制度多少年来在改革的声浪中岿然不动,并显示出了巨大的制度刚性。因为它的存在,多少年轻人必须返回户籍所在地高考,多少老年人必须在户籍所在地看病才能享受医保,多少小夫妻为了一张准生证跑断了腿……即便老百姓为维护其权威支付了巨大的成本,却也不能阻挡它对权力“服软”和“网开一面”。“房氏家族”的发迹史和百姓生态互相参照,我们看到了号称最严格的中国户籍管理的两面性:在兰考大火中七个罹难的孩子面前,它是刚性的 他们因为不能落户而失去合法身份;在“房姐”、“房妹”面前,它是弹性的 她们或他们可以随时变造身份转移或财富。给普通人增添麻烦,给特权提供便利,这样的社会规则不但在自证不合理,更重要的是使“规则”和“制度”本身失去社会公信,让更多的社会成员选择相信和服从“潜规则”。

As China's social management of the basic support,As a medical/endowment/Housing welfare distribution basis,Even as the security administration/Wanted to catch the important means,The household registration system for many years in the reform of the roar of the fat,And showed great rigid system.Because it's there,Many young people must return to census register seat college entrance examination,Many old people have to see a doctor in the census register seat can enjoy medical insurance,How many small husband and wife to a ZhunShengZheng ran his leg was broken……Even if people to safeguard its authority to pay a huge cost,But that does not stop it to power"FuRuan"and"lenient"."Room's family"On the history and the people ecological cross-reference,We saw the most strict as China's household registration management of the two sides:In LanKao fire killed before seven children,It is rigid because they can't settle and lose legal status;in"Room elder sister"/"Room sister"before,It is elastic them or they can always altered identity transfer or wealth.Add trouble to ordinary people,Provide convenience to privilege,Such social rules not only in the card is not reasonable,More important is to make"rules"and"system"Loss of social working itself,Let more social members choose to believe and obey"Latent rules".


Although it has been questioned the legality of the existence of repeatedly,But the existing household registration system still has the bottom line significance.It is indicated the privilege,Can lead to more let a person worry is reasonable inference.

  一则,户籍尚且如此,依附于其上的医疗、教育、养老权益也会存在这样的问题 为普通人设障,为特权让行。而在总体资源有限的情况下,后者与前者也会互为因果;二则,处于中国官场末端的处级干部甚至科级干部都能如此轻松的户籍造假,波澜不兴穿梭于各个身份之间,更大的权力要搞定制度该会有多么轻松。那些被舆论围追堵截却始终神龙见首不见尾的既得利益者,他们是谁,他们如何在体制上攀附结痂?“房姐”、“房妹”事件让我们得窥一斑。

a,Census register do so,Attached to the medical treatment/education/Pension rights also there will be such a problem for the manning,For the privilege to give way.And in general under the condition of limited resources,The latter with the former will reciprocal causation;first,At the end of the Chinese bureaucracy place class staff even middle-level cadres can be so easy household registration fraud,Billows is out of fashion in the shuttle between identity,More power to get its system how easily.The rounding of public opinion but always be secretive in one of the vested interest,Who are they,How do they in the system to scab?"Room elder sister"/"Room sister"Event let we have to peep one spot.


As the past"Room tertiary"/"Room honey"/"Room sister"as,"Room elder sister"Investigation slowly,But also in promoting.As for single event,Public opinion under high pressure,Not far from the truth.But for the universality of the management system for malpractice,Social reform shoulder heavy responsibilities.
