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为高分家长一掷万金请私教 中考体育培训玩起1对1--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
In order to get full marks in tests in sports/High scores,Students take part in all kinds of tests sports training/"Enjoy some kind of privilege",This is not unusual.In such and such tests in sports training,A manager with four or five basic training with the students.But this year,A watched pot is the parents for the children in the upcoming sports in the tests"efficient"To score high,Even at the price please up one-on-one tests sports private teaching.
体育中考还差两个月 Physical tests also sent two months
突击高分,家长无奈请了私教 Assault high scores,Parents but please strange teach
Last Saturday afternoon,A university track,Hangzhou a key high school grade boy"xiaoyu"(alias)Under the guidance of the coach is private key training their physical tests of endurance events in the 1000 - meter run.He ran the two ring 800 meters,"xiaoyu"Has obvious feel physical strength overdraft,Personal trainer to breathless"xiaoyu"said:"Still want to pay attention to pace,You just a circle ran 350 steps,Have to adjust to about 300 steps."
"xiaoyu"Told reporters,His physical tests project chosen is full sphere/Rope skipping and 1000 - meter run,The first two results are just so so,But 1000 m but let him very collapse,"Just when success is 4 minute 30 seconds,Almost can only take three points it(Full marks for ten points),Can now run into four points for 10 seconds."
"Sports to improve performance after all than literacy class much more simple test part,Physical examination 30 points,Parents can't do not pay attention to.In fact we since last September began to accompany him the practice run,In addition to the bad weather,We almost every day with him to run,But 3 months down,The school final a test,A second result actually didn't improve,We just worried.""xiaoyu"Mother said,Another two months to take an exam,They also know that it's too late,So will think please one-on-one private teaching,Good are the most efficient to help my child to improve his performance.
The reporter understands,Although only lasted two months time,but"xiaoyu"Mother to son three test items please private teach flowers cost is 5400 yuan,More than the cost of a pair.
体育训练需要竞争性 Competitive sports training needs
选对合适的项目更重要 Choose the suitable project is more important
"One-on-one must have effect,But the effect is not so than a pair of good."Hangzhou a sports training officials said,They never offering recommend private teaching course,But this year do have to ten students to physical tests in their private teach here please,The first two years from no,"Have a plenty of and cultural cram school time the conflict,More is parents feel from the examination didn't much time,‘force’The coach gave them private teaching,Good posthaste refueling."He even frankly told reporters:Usually like sports children,Must be more easily in the mid-term exam sports score,And more don't need before the test concentration"Boning up on","Parents to high school and realized that spend thousands of yuan even tens of thousands of dollars to the child to the sports training,As was to help him develop interest in sports."
“如果要非常应试地准备体育中考,那么初二下学期就应该有针对性地训练了,临近考试才匆忙备战,效果一定要打折扣的。体育是竞争性的项目,而且训练时的氛围很重要,一对一的训练效果反而不见得比一对多好,对考生的心理也会造成很大的压力。”杭州宏优体育的教练吕扬帅建议道,“选对项目比选培训机构重要多了;一般人认为容易上手的排球其实最难拿满分;实心球则是相对容易稳定发挥的项目。”(记者 李颖)
"If you want to very exam preparation physical tests,So there should be the next semester pertinently training,To prepare for the test is in a hurry,Effect must be watered down.Sports is a competitive project,And the atmosphere of training is very important,One-on-one training effect but not more than a pair of good,The candidates psychological also can cause a lot of pressure."Hangzhou macro optimal sports coach LvYangShuai advised,"Choose the project than choose training institutions was more important;It is generally believed that easy volleyball actually got a full mark in the most difficult;Full sphere is relatively easy to stable play project."(Reporter kit-tai)
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