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大学生吐槽寒假甜蜜烦恼 每逢佳节“被相亲”--亲稳网络舆情监控室
90后大学生吐槽寒假甜蜜的烦恼,网上高喊早点开学 90 college students after vomit slot winter sweet trouble,Online Shouting starts early
独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节“被相亲” Alone in foreign land here,Whenever the holiday season"Have been dating"
Winter holiday at home,Visiting relatives and friends greetings is to hear the most times:"Have object??O help you introduce a."Dating became many warm-hearted took advantage of the holiday arrangement for their children"Extended/priest"Chinese New Year is the most busy.Facing parents such measures,Some college students suffer from"Fear of false"Alzheimer's disease,On the Internet"Shouting"Before school starts,Don't want to be"On a blind date".
吐槽“被相亲” Vomit slot"Have been dating"
大学期间无心恋,谁知“相亲”找上门 No mood to love during the university,Who knows"On a blind date"seek
Chen students from nanjing university of finance and economics,This year, junior year.In the past time,She didn't put the heart in love during the university,But have been busy with her studies and all kinds of social practice.The present situation of the family seems to be not satisfied with Chen,Although she performed well in school,But there has been no boyfriend to her family"Try so hard"."Been arrange a blind date last year,Although the family said simply dined together with each other,But at both sides parents talk about the topic of the talk about the wrong,Finally, even say‘If the two form in the future in-laws will be more busy than now’Saying things like,.Fang is a disguised form‘On a blind date’!.""My family seemed very try so hard for me,Every time the holiday home asked‘Ever like the boys at school’‘If there is a boy like you’Or something like that."For the family,Xiao Chen is somewhat helpless,"I can understand the feelings of the family.But always feel to fall in love in university is always impractical.Although if classmates told me that the girl around three don't talk about field in love,You really‘left’the,But I feel or let's give it put the current learning task is complete."Of course,,Xiao Chen is implicitly said:"If you really meet‘cross-eyed’the,Will consider."
为相亲扮“女神”,无奈“见光死” For to play the part of"The goddess",Is helpless"See the light die"
Everybody says"On a blind date"than"Free love"more"By spectrum",However, dating is not necessarily a way.In one university in nanjing junior girls YanYan was arranged by the parents to deeply"orz"a.In a daze to put on a daily dress,Element face down just with each other and her mother went to the restaurant.The results found that,A mother and daughter also in,Turned out to be"A pair of two"The blind date!The boy's face and comely,Through the way of the world,Just embarrassing situation,YanYan heart uncomfortable,He asked a sentence,The compasses,Don't talk much.After his early put this matter behind us,Who knows this boy reached out to her a week later,Said think she has temperament,Willing to make friends first.YanYan inner feeling:"Don't talk in the boys' eyes is temperament!"
Later in the QQ chat,Found the boy master degree,Some institutions have a in nanjing"Iron rice bowl",A gentleman,Size and fitting for height,In general is suitable to yourself.But since left for others"Have temperament"The impression of,YanYan decided a road walk to black,Abandon their lively personality,Especially have to control their own"Poison tongue".In 53 pages long chats,Ordinary people see it is a bit too reserved,Unsmiling my fair lady,Or the"The goddess".YanYan describes himself facing flashing QQ bar,And revising their own languages,Just into Jia Fu like Lin daiyu,"Pay attention to step by step,Always care about",In an unguarded moment, afraid of bad misstep,"Call people to sneer at".Once nearly fell,To be the boy found himself"Nervous of large"The nature of the,Is the boy a question,She used his quick wits,"Just I take a shower,Is my roommate help me to reply!"Ride out the test.
However, if this Duan Reyou no later"Little ambiguous"Or after the second meeting"See the light die"the,"Nature really is too difficult,And will eventually be found,Everyone still don't according to the requirements of the other wronged himself."
有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫 Many things don't open,To have a remarkable
Nanjing university of technology can say up is a regular summer students"yuelao"the.He told the reporters,There are several to the person has in his hand"See the eyes"the."Although still can't avoid the split of results,But at least they are‘Development of fast,An ending unhappiness’."Summer students parents in the eyes of the blind date is not similar to arrange the formal atmosphere."I think dating is actually providing a platform to know each other,Parents should not be on the platform leading role."When it comes to"Have been dating",XiaoXia feel ridiculous."Hide from our parents,Change form with us to date,This is a very embarrassing thing."It seems to XiaoXia,Whether it is a dating or dating,Most results are"Many things don't open,To have a remarkable.""Although I may act as such for many times‘paternalism’The role of,But from the results seem to be the most on free love."
家长委屈 Parents injustice
“我不操心你操心谁啊!” "I don't worry about who worry about you!"
说起“被相亲”,90后们一肚子牢骚,家长却感到很委屈:“我不操心你操心谁啊!白长这么大了,连找对象都得我给操心。”听了孩子们的埋怨,为人父母的也心有不甘,认为孩子不懂自己的一片苦心。 记者了解,关心孩子婚恋问题的家长大都出于以下几种考虑。一是认为孩子阅历浅,即使在校谈了对象也未必能成,而对自己安排的或是经过家长把关的较为放心。二是认为孩子工作以后时间会更紧,没时间谈恋爱,所以自己先张罗着。还有一些比较传统的家长认为一般二十五六岁就应该结婚,自己才能尽早抱上孙子,而孩子都二十多岁了还没谈过对象,只好亲自操持。
Speaking of"Have been dating",After 90 they grumble,Parents felt very grievance:"I don't worry about who worry about you!White long so big,Even I find objects to worry about."Listen to the children's complaint,Parents also have,Think children don't understand their own a piece of hard. Journalists understand,Parents are concerned about their children dating problem for several reasons.One is to think that children experience,Even in the school talk about the object may not help,For the arrangement or by parents to check more at ease.2 it is to believe that their kids work later time will be more tight,Have no time to fall in love,So we set out.As well as some more traditional parents think general s should get married,Can embrace grandson on as soon as possible,And children are more than twenty years old haven't talked about that object,So we have to also see this in person.
Most matchmaking university student family conditions are good,Even if the graduation marry soon,Students basic don't need material things I worry about,So on the choice of blind date conditions are relatively high.In paper studied of female college students XiaoCao told reporters,Parents arrange blind date were better,Home to open a factory,The parents are civil servants,At least have cars have room at home.As a matter of fact,These mutually close of object is both parents based on the principle of suitable in advance"conspiracy"To discuss good.
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微博吐槽 原来吃饭没这么简单啊 Weibo vomit slot turned out to have a meal not so simple
每逢过年期间,“被相亲”屡见不鲜。很多网友对此“吐槽”无力,只得在微博上“诉苦”。诸多网友微博的个人资料显示,他们之中绝大部分人都是90后的大学生。@邹小小小远则于22日晚在微博上“宣泄”,“妈呀!!!被摆了一道啊!!!原来不是吃饭这么简单啊!!!我是被相亲啦!!!”网友@七只非非喵则“哀叹”,“没想到我这么快就走上了‘被相亲’的道路,感觉好凄凉啊。”有些网友无奈出“奇招”应对“被相亲”,“@xxx,赶紧的,女扮男装一下,临时男友走起。”面对如此纷繁的“被相亲”经历,一位网友甚至改编唐代诗人王维的名句,感慨道,“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节被相亲。”(记者 周炎炎 曹恩惠)
Whenever the Chinese New Year period,"Have been dating"Nothing new.Many netizens have"Vomit slot"Unable to,Had to be on twitter"complaining".Many users of weibo profile display,Most of them are college students after 90.@ zou small little far, on the evening of 22 on weibo"vent","Mama ah!!!Be a ah!!!Ll: not to eat so simple!!!I was dating!!!"Seven netizens @ not meow"lament","Didn't think I have stepped onto the so soon‘Have been dating’The path of,Feel so sad."Some netizens is helpless"For all"To deal with"Have been dating","@ XXX,hurry,Female disguised as men,Temporary boyfriend go up."In the face of so complicated"Have been dating"experience,Even a netizen adapted in the tang dynasty poet wang wei's quote,Regrets way,"Being a stranger all alone in a strange land far away,When dating."(The reporter Zhou Yanyan Cao Enhui)
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