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安徽筹建精子库 捐精者身高超165cm成硬门槛--亲稳网络舆情监测室


recently,guangdong/Jiangxi provinces sperm bank after be in an emergency,And through a variety of channels called for male citizens donate sperm.Reporters yesterday from the relevant person in charge of anhui provincial health office, have learned,The people's liberation army 105 hospital by provincial health department approval,Is currently the only province to a human sperm bank.

  据统计,在已婚夫妇中,不育症的发生率为15 % ,其中由男性因素引起的不育症比例高达45 % 。人类精子库就是以治疗不育症、预防遗传病和提供生殖保险等为目的,利用超低温冷冻技术,采集、检测、保存和提供健康精子的机构。

According to the statistics,In the married couples,The incidence of infertility is 15% ,Of which male factors of infertility rates as high as 45% .Human sperm bank is to treat infertility/To prevent genetic disease and provide reproductive insurance for the purpose,Use of cryogenic refrigeration technology,acquisition/detection/Save and provide healthy sperm mechanism.


ZhuYue is 105 hospital preparation human sperm bank office director,He told reporters,At present the preparation of human sperm bank is"All systems go only owe dongfeng","personnel/equipment/Qualification at present have reached the ministry of health asked for,Is preparing for filing materials."

  今年2月,105医院人类精子库招募了大约100名志愿者,并进行了一次为期三四个月的运营演练。据介绍,模拟运营为捐精志愿者设定了三个硬门槛,即身高165cm以上、大专以上学历、年龄为22 ~45周岁。除此之外,要求志愿者身体健康、没有传染病和遗传病史。

February,105 hospital human sperm bank recruited about 100 volunteers,And made a three four months of operation practice.According to introducing,Simulation operation to donate sperm volunteers set three hard threshold,That is above height 165 cm/College degree or above/Age for 22 ~ 45 one full year of life.In addition,Asking volunteers to body health/No infection and genetic history.


For each volunteer,Human sperm bank will according to the national ministry of health related regulations give traffic and delays subsidies.According to the existing standard,If volunteers by screening the semen/Was convicted of the qualified,Volunteers donated to 8 to 12 times,Qualified period subsidies every time is 200 yuan,In the three months to complete donor will also get love reward 200 yuan.


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  为避免近亲结婚的伦理悲剧发生,朱跃表示,卫生部制定了严格的法律法规,要求一个捐精者只能向一个精子库供精,而且一名供精者的精子最多供给5 名妇女受孕。“我们会为每一份精子建立一份电子和书面档案,包括精子来源、去向等等,至少保留70年甚至更长时间。更重要的是通过精子库供精生出的孩子将来结婚,都会要求先查阅捐精者的档案材料,以避免发生近亲结婚。”朱跃说。(新安晚报 汪子钰 记者王庆)

To avoid intermarriage ethical tragedy,ZhuYue said,The ministry of health has formulated strict laws and regulations,Require a donor can only to a sperm bank for fine,And a fine for those most sperm supply 5 women conception."We will for each sperm to establish a electronic and written records,Including sperm source/To and so on,Retained for at least 70 years or even longer time.More important is through the sperm bank for fine produce children get married in the future,Will require to refer to the archives material of donor,To avoid intermarriage."ZhuYue said.(WangZiYu WangQing xinan evening news reporter)
