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六龄童惨遭群狗疯狂撕咬 缝150余针做梦仍呼救--亲稳舆论引导监测室


6龄童惨遭群狗疯狂撕咬 6 age child were crazy dogs bite


全身大小伤口50处 缝合150余针 抢救及时已无生命危险 The whole body size wound 50 place more than 150 suture needle rescued in time has not life-threatening


To today,Six little space has been in the armed police general hospital for three days in hospital,He is still often shouted in his sleep:"dad,Quickly put the dog play go!"Three days before,Little space is QiBaZhi stray dogs throw himself on the floor,Frantically worry for more than ten minutes,dying.After the doctor's rescue,Xiaoyu finally escaped back from dying.


群狗围攻男孩 Dogs siege boy


Xiaoyu parents from henan xinyang those WuGongZhe,Parents with 3 years old little brother in the tongzhou jobs,Small space and grandparents live in haidian district tamura,This year on September 1, small space just a grade in elementary school.


9, small space at home in the morning after breakfast and then on the second grade's two children together to oneself just move behind the factory premises to pick up scrap.Six little space how also didn't think,In this block of at ordinary times he very familiar with the field is incredibly QiBaZhi stray dogs are staring at him.about,A stray dog rushed to the small space,They pull up little yu head/Limbs crazy worry.


soon,Grandma in the room heard the cries of small space.Xiaoyu grandmother recalled:"Ran cries have changed,Tore heart crack lung of."That day,Grandma heard from the window to see out,The child has been QiBaZhi big dog throw himself on the floor inclose for worry."I was silly,Bare feet on ran behind,As he ran to find tools,Run up to find a big stone,Move up severely toward the dog group hit,This just put the dog group away."


And grandma ran to the small space in front,The child has been dogs bite marks the more than ten minutes,Clothes torn,Head was covered with blood.Rushed to help neighbors with minibus small space taken to the hospital.


一度处于休克 Once in a shock


soon,Xiaoyu was sent to the armed police general hospital emergency department,The doctor emergency treatment be moved to burn ZhengXingKe for further treatment.Burn ZhengXingKe director BaiXiaoDong said:"When children were sent has been in a state of shock,The whole body is bite wound,The wound of fat grain scattered a suit,Injury is very serious."BaiXiaoDong called in the branch MengXiangXi/WangJiaZhe two doctors,Emergency operation scheme for consultation,At 4 PM xiaoyu pushed to the operating room.


Small space from the scalp to limbs all have different degrees of laceration,Greatly small wound in 50,The most serious is the right leg knee lateral,Bite by a dog with a diameter of 5 centimeters of irregular meat hole,Muscle layer surface has been bite crack,The skin tissue defect serious.


做梦还在呼救 Dream is still in distress


In order to give children keep relatively intact skin appearance,Doctors use each thinner than a fine line for small space for wound closure,50 place sizes for wound received more than 150 needle.In order to prevent children rabies virus infection,Injection of the wild dog vaccine and immune globulin,Operation conducted for four hours to finish.BaiXiaoDong said,The child to hospital is timely,Surgery to go smoothly,If a little late consequences will be unimaginable.


Postoperative xiaoyu gradually regained consciousness,Can speak simple with his family,But be bitten by the dog's nightmare is still not get rid of."In the evening dream ran out every now and then‘Grandma has a dog chasing me,Dad quickly put the dog play walk......’"Grandma said.

  医生告诉记者,小宇目前已经脱离生命危险,但是需要进行两次手术对伤口进行处理,而且术后需要转入专业的抗感染医院,进行一段时期的病毒感染监测以防感染狂犬病毒。(记者 吴亭 通讯员 张薇/文 通讯员 周明政/摄)

The doctor told reporters,Small space has been out of danger,But the need for two operations on wound treatment,And the need to turn to professional hospital fight infection,For a period of virus infection monitoring in case of rabies virus infection.(Reporter correspondent WuTing ZhangWei/text correspondent ZhouMingZheng/taken)
