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好声音收官“烟嗓”走红 专家:练音不妨学狗叫--亲稳舆论引导监测室

好声音收官“烟嗓”走红 专家:练音不妨学狗叫


想学《中国声音》,KTV里练“烟嗓”? Want to learn[China's good voice],KTV practice in"Smoke throat"?


专家分析“烟嗓”其实有很高技巧难以模仿,要想练成“好声音”不妨学学狗叫 Expert analysis"Smoke throat"Actually has a high skill is difficult to imitate,If you want to practice"Good sound"Might as well learn dog barks


[China's good voice]Into the final stage,And micro bo on good voice of the students have never stop,Have net friend say,[China's good voice]Is smoke throat"Big party".Also have media reports said,Tutor YuChengQing once put words,To find is"Smoke throat"girl.and"Smoke throat"Wu mo sorrow because alternative voice and maverick performance,Let's YiLunSheng.The reporter interviewed famous voice experts.Vacation immediately,KTV and will be more a group of"Study hard bitterness practice"Of wheat the,Experts also to have warned,The practice in the KTV"China's good voice",Sing two or three song will leave well enough alone,Prevention vocal cord congestion.


啥是“烟嗓”? What is"Smoke throat"?


“好声音”中的“烟嗓”: "Good sound"of"Smoke throat":


This is a kind of high vocal skills,When sound is vocal cord partial vibration,Then through the resonance cavity to amplification,That was more perfect in vocal register with metallic simple sense.


medical"Smoke throat":


Long-term smoking drinking,Voice will be dumb thickening,This kind of medical significance"Smoke throat",To vocal cords will cause great damage,Then chronic pharyngitis will also actively seek.


1 “烟嗓”就是沙哑?周迅算不算“烟嗓”? 1 "Smoke throat"Is hoarse?Zhou xun calculate do not calculate"Smoke throat"?


专家:这是一种很高的声乐技巧,和抽烟无关 experts:This is a kind of high vocal skills,And not smoking


because[China's good voice]that,A kind of noun"Smoke throat"All back into the line of sight."I'm a cat throat,I really want to become smoke throat!"Online and net friend for help,Now the girl fine voice is not popular,A pair of"Smoke throat"Just more sexy.


Famous voice experts,The drum tower hospital otolaryngology WangJianQun professor said,He also noticed the smoke throat,But from his point of view,Smoke cigarette smoking and throat has nothing to do,Is a kind of high skills."You see lee generation such as spray singer,His voice is vocal cord partial vibration,Then through the resonance cavity to amplification,That was more perfect in vocal register with metallic simple sense."WangJianQun professor says,And they are not the whole song use"Smoke throat",But in certain duration,This is full of simple sense voice for them"Icing on the cake".WangJianQun professor says,Old super girls"zhang"Good at"Dolphin sound",Principle in fact is the same,A man's vocal cord width in there,so"Dolphin sound"Also is only one of the regional voice.


Experts stressed,"Smoke throat"Is not"Sand throat",Like zhou xun said that raucous voice is not"Smoke throat","Have you noticed that,These good voice students talk,The sound is not broken."WangJianQun said.


The expert reminds:Long-term smoking drinking,Voice will be dumb thickening,This kind of medical significance"Smoke throat",To vocal cords will cause great damage.Southeast university affiliated zhongda hospital otolaryngology HuangZhiChun director told reporters,A large number of smoking and drinking can cause inflammation of vocal cords,"Because the vocal cords are always inflammation cases,Easy to produce the vocal cords polyp,Vocal nodules,And chronic pharyngitis will also actively seek."


2 吴莫愁的声音好模仿吗? 2 wu mo sad sound good imitation?


专家:那是“挤”出来的,学这样唱歌容易伤嗓子 experts:It is"crowded"Out of the,Learn to sing so easy to hurt his throat


in[China's good voice]in,There is a"geeks"Wu mo sorrow,To her dispute has not had stayed.WangJianQun think,Wu mo sorrow can on the stage"blockbuster",Is through the low voice/Extrusion method of vocal cords,In the laryngeal cavity sound."In normal when voice,We will through the diaphragm position up luck,the‘gas’Burst through vocal cord to continue upward‘send’,Through the expansion of nose pharynx ministry and pharynx ministry,Finally through the mouth out,This is we can hear."WangJianQun said,Want to voice,breathing/Vocal cord vibration/Resonance and sound bite at four o 'clock"integral",But wu mo sorrow pronunciation method is a sedulous sex/Ornamental in vocal register hold down his throat,thus"crowded"The sound.This is not the net friend understanding"Smoke throat".


WangJianQun remind said,In singing performance,Occasionally to join one or two similar to wu mo sorrow such unique pronunciation can achieve"surprise"effect,but"This voice method is long time to let a small part of the vocal cords curl up pronunciation again,Vocal cord has been in a state of fatigue,Easy to spoil his throat."


Expert view:so,What kind of voice is"Good sound"??"tone/Intonation and expressive force are very prominent is my heart of a good voice.In this[China's good voice]The students' voice,JiKeJuan escape voice let WangJianQun satisfactory.


3 怎样才能练成“好声音”? 3 how to practice"Good sound"?


专家:学会腹式呼吸和胸式呼吸,不妨学学狗叫 experts:Learn to abdominal breathing and chest breath,Might as well learn dog barks


Sound or resounding or magnetic,[China's good voice]Let the public fully experience the charm of a good voice.How to like[China's good voice]Students practice as a good voice?Experts say,Improve music literacy is practice"Good sound"The fundamental condition for,At the same time learn abdominal breathing and chest breath,From the voice of"Good sound"training."Can moderate exercise,Let the pubic region muscles more powerful,Finally a lot less from alcohol and tobacco,It will cause a certain degree of vocal cord damage."


"When the high can't sing up,I used to like fei yu qing as his head back."For such"Singing skills",WangJianQun denies."After the high voice to have a degree,Pop songs used is in vocal register pronunciation,If the upward forward or center of gravity,Channel will occur deformation,Can not reach the purpose of high will sing up."WangJianQun think,Pop singer like singing when add some similar body movement,And not for auxiliary voice,But in order to increase personal expression.


Expert view:For many years,WangJianQun has been all over the country to voice epidemiological survey and research,Research and summed up a set of medical treatment method of voice diseases,Especially a set of simulation dog barks voice exercises.WangJianQun said,This method will have a stomach from a feeling:Relax throat and neck muscles,Use belly breathing,Cooperate proper gas,Will voice raised to head position,It is using head cavity resonance,The most effort,Effect is very good also.


4 KTV为啥练不出“中国好声音”? 4 KTV why don't practice"China's good voice"?


专家:长期K歌有损声带,别喝啤酒和冰水 experts:Long-term K song to vocal cords,Don't drink beer and ice water


Long vacation soon,Many people watching[China's good voice]At the same time,Also want to use vacation time to singing in KTV"Practice exercises".But experts WangJianQun voice but told reporters,In the KTV is never made a"China's good voice"of.instead,The long hours in the singing in KTV,It can also cause a vocal cord congestion/Problems such as vocal nodules,Will backfire throat singing will be bad.


Reporter in many hospital otolaryngology interview also found,In the KTV sing all night in the"The wheat"Have varying degrees of appeared problems such as vocal cord bleeding.Southeast university affiliated zhongda hospital otolaryngology HuangZhiChun director in the near future is treated in such a case in the KTV"Study hard bitterness practice"Of wheat the,A female university students in and students to sing the discovery after all night,Voice unexpectedly raucous, no sound.To zhongda hospital examination found,Because of long time singing cause vocal cord fatigue,The student appeared vocal cord mucosa bleeding symptoms.


The drum tower hospital WangJianQun voice experts said,The long hours in the singing in KTV,It is apt to cause the vocal cords of early fatigue,Appear congestion/Problems such as vocal nodules.He suggested in singing in KTV,After two or three song will"Enough is enough"For relaxation,Can't has been a vocal cord fatigue"The wheat".

  专家提醒:在K歌的过程中随时注意喝水,除了白开水,还可以喝菊花茶、蜂蜜水等饮料,吃点润喉的梨、香蕉、西瓜等水果也不错。切记唱完以后立马喝冷饮或啤酒,这样对嗓子很不好。如果声音嘶哑超过两周没有痊愈,甚至愈加严重,就应该及时到医院进行喉部检查,可能是声带小结、声带息肉等器质性病变症状。(记者 杨甜子 于丹丹)

The expert reminds:In the process of K song always pay attention to drink water,In addition to plain boiled water,Still can drink chrysanthemum tea/Drink honey water, etc,Eat some throat pear/banana/Watermelon fruit such as well.Remember to sing the immediately after drink or beer,This to his throat is very bad.If rustiness more than two weeks did not heal,Even more serious,Should promptly to the hospital for throat examination,May be vocal nodules/Vocal cord polyp etc organic disease symptoms.(Reporter Yang sweet fruit YuDanDan)
