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“捐精黑市”监管缺失 伦理风险亟待立法防范(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

“捐精黑市”监管缺失 伦理风险亟待立法防范(图)图为郑州一医院引进的自动取精机。沙浪摄 The graph is a hospital of zhengzhou imported automatic take fine machine.Sand wave disturbing


新疆申请筹建人类精子库缓解精源匮乏 现状业内人士警示 Xinjiang apply for the preparation of human sperm bank ease fine source shortage situation the personage inside course of study warning


捐精伦理风险还应立法防范 Donate sperm ethical risk should also prevent legislation


recent,"Donate sperm"The topic is speculation an uproar,Some media exposure is out of the underground"Donate sperm black market"The spread of.Recently, reporters found in xinjiang interview,In xinjiang,With the increase of patients need fine source,Xinjiang evangel hospitals and xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital have apply to establish"Human sperm bank",But the xinjiang uygur autonomous region health department said:Build library a little difficult.Have pointed out that the legal professionals,Donate sperm encounters ethical risk,To be legal norm.


等待精源需排队一年 Waiting for fine source need to line up a year


32 years old wang ping(alias)Have been married for five years,Five years,She and her husband has been for"Love crystallization"efforts,See a doctor/Been swamped with/Find earth...Can think method,They all tried,But every time all disappointment.Last year,A doctor told wang ping,She had no children was the real reason for the husband who is suffering from disease without sperm,Only rely on for fine assisted reproductie technologies,Wang ping to smooth conception.


however,Wang ping couple went around xinjiang each big hospital,The result obtained is:Xinjiang no sperm bank.If from mainland China obtained the approval of the sperm bank purchase sperm,It needs to wait for 1 year,The wanted if thirsty wang ping couples too long.


It is reported,The above said"National recognition"Refers to get"Human assisted reproductive technology access qualifications"Medical institutions,Xinjiang to receive the qualification of medical institutions have two:Xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital and xinjiang evangel hospital.Each year about 100 people need fine source of the patients to xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital.So far,Xinjiang evangel hospital waiting for fine source of patients also have more than 30 people,Waiting for the longest time limit has reached 1 year.


Wang ping told reporters,She and her husband had a on the Internet"Borrow a son, a"Found in a willing to free donated sperm urumqi people.but,Several times after the chat,The couple feel each other not reliable,And give up.


On September 24,Wang ping couple decided to in the above two hospitals registration,Waiting for fine source.


建精子库可解精源匮乏 Build sperm bank solvable fine source shortage


In the face of the patient and the present situation of the pure source shortage,Xinjiang evangel hospital human sperm bank ChenXiaoMing what the doctor said,Xinjiang it is urgent to establish sperm bank.


ChenXiaoMing engaged in reproductive medicine and human assisted reproductive technology research has been 12 years.He said,12 years ago complaining of male sterility patients,No sperm disease patients accounted for about 1/13,And today,This data has risen to 1/6."According to the day MenZhenLiang situation,In the sterility patients,To remove the testicles to remove the sperm from outside of the patients,Absolute need for fine the percentage of patients is about 1/20."ChenXiaoMing said,Due to the living habits and work/Life stress and so on the various reason,Modern male sperm quality to drop year by year,No sperm disease patient also more and more.


ChenXiaoMing said,Fine source is a headache problem."National foreign for better sperm bank only 10,Points distributes in coastal and developed areas,Its fine source is also very nervous,And the priority use local patients".


According to ChenXiaoMing introduced,At present,Patients should be fine to the xinjiang evangel hospital,Have to make an appointment at the hospital,Again by yuan mainland direction a home sperm bank application qualified semen,Semen specimen need dangerous liquid nitrogen cryopreservation,Only through the automobile transportation,Shipping distance is longer."Long journey/Transit high risk/Need time beware of biological pollution,These are all we need to build their own sperm bank reason."ChenXiaoMing said.


伦理风险管控是关键 Ethical risk control is the key


It is understood,According to the provisions of the ministry of health,Every province only a human sperm bank,Xinjiang evangel hospitals and xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital has the preparation for human sperm bank,however,Autonomous region health department didn't make a definite reply,This is why?


Autonomous region health a staff tell them the whole story.The original,Sperm bank once built,The most important and also the most critical problem is ethical risk control.According to[Measures for the administration of human sperm bank]provisions,Sperm bank management must follow"SanMang principle"(That is to donate by both sides strangers/Help fertilization doctors don't know why donor),Because each a donor sperm can make the most of the five women pregnant,This involves ethical issues,Once donate sperm conception success,After so many years,For conception successful and grown up children meet/Bosom friend even fell in love,do?


"Not only that,It also requires a combination of regional characteristics of perfect,Especially in many ethnic communities.this,We don't have any experience,Need for reference to the mainland,And please the ministry of health experts to consultation with the."The staff said,As for later sperm bank go in time to come,Requires all parties/inspection/After examination and approval to jump to conclusions.


At the same time,The staff said:"Countries are firmly opposed to self-help donate sperm behavior,And will never allow buying and selling fine source.If in the medical institutions have such things happen,Once found that is in strict accordance with the[The regulations on the administration of medical institutions]punishment."


According to the regulation,Donor age 22 to 45 years old in between,Colleges and universities students/The white-collar is donor number one candidate.Contributions of time more than six months,gifts,To donate sperm bank every time will compensate by donor certain transportation/Overtime meal allowance.The first donors still need to wait for six months window period to check whether suffering from AIDS,Six months after inspection qualified can gifts.The contributions,The donor may receive a fee,The cost in all parts of the country have different standard,Between 3000 to 5000 yuan RMB.Due to a male life can only donate some time,so,Urban rumours"Donate a few times,The house down"Saying is unwarranted.Gifts after the success,The donor's data will be kept to the national sperm bank information center.


应立法区分亲生权与血缘权 Legislation should distinguish natural right and right of blood


Xinjiang academy of social sciences that sociology research assistant Yang prosperity think,"Legal to donate sperm with public property,Help the human and reproduce,Should see it as a means of medicine,This is our medical level to improve performance."


But in xinjiang the lawyer ZhangShuBing think,To establish the human sperm bank,The more important is to perfect legislation.


At present,Our country standard donate sperm behavior of the part 3 administrative regulations is[Measures for the administration of human sperm bank]/[Human sperm bank basic standards and technical specifications]/[Human assisted reproductive technology management principle].

  “立法机构应该立法保护合理的捐精行为。”张树兵说,“若孩子是借精生子而得,则与捐精者有血缘关系,按照民法通则和婚姻法规定,捐精者与孩子间的父子关系得到法律承认。可一旦有不良医生泄露信息,捐精者想索要孩子时该怎么办?根据‘上位法优于下位法’的适用规则,难道法官真的要把孩子判给捐精者么?所以,我国应尽快通过立法区分亲生权与血缘权。”(记者潘从武 通讯员廖望)

"The legislature should legislation to protect reasonable donate sperm behavior."ZhangShuBing said,"If a child is pure and borrow a son,The donor blood relationship,According to the general principles of the civil law and the provisions of the marriage law,Donor and children of the parent-child relationship between get legal recognition.But as soon as bad doctors leak information,Donor want to ask for a child what to do?According to‘ShangWeiFa is better than XiaWeiFa’Applicable rules of,Don't judge really want to take the children awarded donor yao?so,Our country should through legislation as soon as possible to distinguish natural right and right of blood."(Reporter pan from wu correspondent liao hope)
