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一岁女孩发烧住院4天死亡 家长质疑没护理记录--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Family question:Why is"Primary care"The patient,Dead four hours before but no nursing records the response:Suggest family do medical appraisal


Just full one full year of life XiaoXuan Lin(alias),After four days in hospital,died.


Because a fever doubt is had measles,She on sept. 6 to fuzhou infectious disease hospital treatment.The first three days in hospital,She was still calculate stability,Until September 10, morning,A nightmare start.


Who also don't know,From the beginning to the end of the fever life short more than six hours,XiaoXuan small body,Through how pain.XiaoXuan father LinYouMin says,The child before death several hours,Medical personnel are not to know the child's illness.He also many times in children after a fever,Seek the help of the doctors and nurses,But they did not appear in time.


【家属质疑】 [Family question]


Primary care for children with high fever to 40 ℃ why no medical personnel?


According to LinYouMin introduced,Because of persistent fever three days,On September 6,,One year old daughter XiaoXuan from ningde city hospital turned to fuzhou the infectious disease hospital treatment.That day afternoon,Classics doctor is diagnosed,to"fever,Rash in dispute:measles?"Will XiaoXuan accept in hospital.


After admission,XiaoXuan condition still calculate stability.On September 9, 7 in the evening,XiaoXuan hang out a bit,Enron sleep.But I didn't know,On September 10, 0 30 points make,XiaoXuan and have a fever,38.7 ℃.LinYouMin immediately report the nurse,The nurse to give children ate 3 ml of ibuprofen suspension fever.


5 in the morning when xu 40 points,LinYouMin feel wrong,Give children temperature,Discover the child burn to 40.2 ℃.He felt well,Find the doctor on duty immediately,I can't find them,And to find clerk.Clerk let himself with ice cube physical cooling.He sought to ice with cloth with apply is in XiaoXuan axilla cool down.After a few minutes,He measured the child axillary temperature is 38 ℃.He doesn't trust,Then after a few minutes,He measured the child body temperature,Found up to 38.5 ℃.


LinYouMin again to find the nurse,The nurse suggested that he find a doctor.so,He hurried to the doctor's office for someone,The doctor advised him to give the child to eat 3 ml of ibuprofen suspension,In addition to without any treatment.


Didn't expect,This a finish feeding medicine,The child immediately turn white,Whole body has become feeble the.With ward's parents said,This situation not.He hurriedly hold children to watch the doctor's office.The doctor found serious implementation of the rescue immediately.At that time the children have no breath,The doctor rescue for over an hour fail to work.10 the 7 am,The doctor declared XiaoXuan rescue invalid death.Cause of death for:Cardiopulmonary arrest.


The death of the child,Let LinYouMin a hard to accept.Question XiaoXuan family hospital management as well as to the patient's medical problems,So that his child/A need to primary care from the patients at 2 PM and 6 PM,Persistent fever to 40.2 ℃,But no medical personnel to inspect and processing,The tragedy of death in children.He said,In accordance with the provisions of the primary care patients,Medical staff must be an hour to patrol a children's illness,If medical personnel obligations,Timely discover the child condition changes,Take timely measures to,Maybe the child will not death.


 【院方回应】 [Response to the hospital]

  入院当天已经下发病重通知 The admission notice issued seriously ill

  患者高烧体温下降可4小时后再测 Patients with high fever hypothermia can be measured again after 4 hours


According to the families of the patients with question,Fuzhou infectious disease hospital to reporter the other day[About # # # medical process circumstance explains].


Shows that:Children to the hospital that day to notice is seriously ill,And the father LinYouMin signed confirmation,Medical records are the original record.


Why level of care but four hours to see the nurse to check?Hospital responded that,The nurse on duty on September 10, he prefer when seen after children,In strict accordance with the level of nursing standard every hour tour ward a,And will patrol record in"Seriously ill/Level 1 nursing rounds card"on;According to conventional diagnosis and treatment,Temperature 38.5 ℃ above children can take antipyretic.The child in the morning 38.7 ℃ 00:30 fever when taking a ibuprofen,Nearly six in the morning:00 a fever to 40.2 ℃,Less than 6 hours drug half-life cases,Take physical cooling namely ice forms,And the child in hospital in repeated fever,The highest temperature was 40.2 ℃,Oral ibuprofen and ice pack after physical cooling temperature can drop;At 02:00,Children body temperature dropped to 37.5 ℃ and go to sleep,According to conventional nursing,Patients body temperature drops to 37.5 ℃,But after four hours to temperature.Notice to surf the nurse children father children's temperature,Not in violation of nursing standard,To the patient's nursing in place.


Hospital think:In the event they attached great importance to,In 2012 September 10th afternoon held that nosocomial experts committee meetings,After forensics investigation,Discuss carefully,Agree that,In fuzhou children infectious disease hospital treatment of nearly 90 hours clear diagnosis,In the medical/On nursing without any fault,Death is its critical illness,The result of rapid development.Such as family members have objections,The Suggestions through legal procedures medical appraisal.


Fuzhou infectious disease hospital medical colin section chief said in an interview,"If the result decision we have wrong,We are willing to bear the corresponding compensation.In the hospital under the condition of no fault,According to patients' economic conditions,The hospital can give a certain humanitarian aid."


 【声音】 [voice]


Family hands kept a pad of heavy medical records,According to family members to provide copy medical records,Some in the industry put forward some views.Family members also expressed his own voice.


 声音1 Voice 1


Children in the medical records"Seriously ill"Whether be modified?If issued"Seriously ill"Why no special care?


The personage inside course of study says,From family members provide the medical records to see,Among them there are some details of the contradiction.


On September 6, 2 PM,The hospital medical records show,The child's temperature is 37.5 ℃,This is not high,At the same time,Double lung and heart inspection are also shows no obvious anomaly,spirit/Reaction good,Development normal...The result of preliminary diagnosis for:1. The fever/Rash in dispute:measles?2. Congenital deafness;3. Spirit/Movement retardation.


Generally speaking,A doctor to the hospital physical examination for the most serious."spirit/Reaction good,Development normal"And diagnosis results"spirit/Movement retardation",This kind of contradiction that is a bit confusing.


At the same time,In the doctor's advice in the single,On September 6, at two o 'clock in the afternoon,The doctor"Seriously ill"says.This obviously and above cases to the hospital physical examination results discrepancy,Physical examination is used in word"not"/"no",But the doctor's advice but display"Seriously ill".What is the basis of seriously ill?The patient no dehydration appearance,Also does not have the coma/dottiness/Symptoms such as fever.


In addition,Seriously ill tell family members need to sign the doctor's advice,Medical records also did not see the relevant notice signed by family members became seriously ill.Then 6 ("Seriously ill"A doctor's advice is not in conformity with the provisions.


The personage inside course of study says,According to the above information to analyze,There are two kinds of cases,A kind of circumstance is children do have problem,But doctors don't seriously,ignored,No written in the hospital medical records.Another kind of circumstance is as parents said,Kids really no problem,The doctor's advice in the home page after modification.


"Hospital lying."According to the doctor has been seriously ill notice things,Children LinYouMin father said,The child admission physical examination index are very good,He did not sign a issued by the hospital"Seriously ill"notice,If the children really seriously ill,According to care for,Level is not according to the illness tend to stable level of care,And should be the special care.


 声音2 Voice 2


病重患者高烧6小时没有进一步采取措施不符合常理 Seriously ill patients with high fever six hours without further take measures do not conform to the common sense


The personage inside course of study also proposed,If according to the hospital saying is a admission"Seriously ill",And live for 4 days and still have a fever,Illness unstable patient,In a fever of 40 ℃ above the highest to six hours,Medical records are only show,Simple take antipyretic,And physical cooling,And no further examination and take measures,It's a bit does not comply with the common sense,Especially in 2 a.m. to 6 o 'clock when the nursing medical records also does not have any records.


According to the relevant provisions of the ministry of public health,According to the doctor's advice and illness by the nurse for critically ill patients in hospital nursing during the process of objective record.All special/dying/Seriously ill/Special treatment/Should be the strict observation of disease and the big three days of the patients should use critically ill patients with nursing records.Contents include the name of the patients/Families don't/Medical records in hospital,(Or medical record number)/Bed number/page/Record the date and time/Access liquid quantity/temperature/pulse/breathing/Blood pressure and observation on patient's illness/Nursing measures and effect/The nurse signature, etc.


This the personage inside course of study says,Critically ill patients with nursing record more time should be specific to minutes,Rather than appears four hours of blank.


声音3 Voice 3

  医院管理不到位 The hospital management is not in place


The personage inside course of study says,Since there is no see complete medical history,Hospital whether there is fault,It is difficult to determine the.But the hospital medical staff work and no rigorous,Management is not in place,This obviously.


For example, according to the relevant provisions,Within 72 hours after admission,The hospital according to the patient must make diagnosis,Did not find the cause,They must find other department consultation,Or to please the superior hospital to consultation,Diagnosis of a patient.Cannot come was released from the hospital,Don't let the patient to clear up exactly gave birth to what disease.And XiaoXuan until death,Her death certificate on direct cause of death by disease in this or fever/Rash in dispute:measles?

  声音4 Voice 4

  患儿家属称“医院在伪造病历” Families say children"The hospital in the falsify medical record"


"The hospital in the falsify medical record."Families children said,On September 10, 12 o 'clock in the morning from his hospital copy back to the child's medical history,In the nursing record was found to have 6:50 take"Ibuprofen suspension"And successively for children's temperature.In, in the morning:After 30 nurses and doctors didn't give children do any inspection,6 point many children have in the rescue,

  怎么可能为一个停止呼吸且即将停止心跳的患者服药降温和测量体温呢? (东南快报 林雅 程立葳)

How could it be possible for a stopped breathing and heartbeat is to stop the patients medication cooling and measuring temperature? (Southeast express, Lin ChengLi flourishing)
