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80后父母另类学前教育:孩子不上幼儿园自己教 (图文无关) (Graphic has nothing to do)


In 2010,,Foshan 3 to 6 years old children in the garden the number 197900 people,Preschool 3 years RuYuanLv 99.15%.The next two years,Education department also predicted that preschool 3 years RuYuanLv kindergarten to stay above 99%.now,The baby is in kindergarten age seems to be each family's first choice,There is even parents for one or two years in advance has been on for children which kindergarten worry about.however,Or because of economic reasons,Or does not agree with some of the kindergarten now teaching ideas,Have so a group of parents' ideas began to quietly changed,They are the children in kindergarten when,Chose to let the child at home,The parents their education and take care of.In the age of enough in kindergarten gradually become trend trend,And parents to preschool education pay more and more attention to the back of the stage,A group of"minority"After the 80 parents why do you choose this alternative preschool education,This kind of education mode and what are the advantages and disadvantages?Yesterday reporters through visit the understanding of the parents and the point of view of the kindergarten.

  文/ 记者陈昕宇

Wen/reporter ChenXin yu


Diagram/reporter dragon into pass


有80后父母选择让孩子不上幼儿园自己教孩子 After 80 parents choose to children in kindergarten oneself teach children


有家长:这种教育方式既省钱又能保证“教学质量” Parents had:This kind of education mode not only save money and can guarantee"Teaching quality"


有专家:与同龄人相处学习机会仅靠家庭难提供 Some experts:Get along with peers learning opportunities only on family difficult to provide


Case a


5 years old baby one day he never went to the kindergarten


Live in the city of zen baby she(alias)5 years old this year,Age child has in the middle shift,But she is a day nursery school haven't been."She now life than in kindergarten rich and colorful than."In foshan a TV media work father Mr. Ding told reporters,She now mainly from mother to take care of,In order to better education daughter,Mother resigned as in the magazine when editing work.


According to the schedule made by the parents to her,She is now at 8 every day to get up on time,And my mother cooked breakfast together,Mother doing breakfast will give she put some nursery rhyme.After eating breakfast,She is in the mother's led running out,And then to market to buy food.11 when back home,Mom started to do the housework,She arranged for the course is painting,Or do manual,Or practice on the piano for half an hour.After lunch at noon,She began to nap,Afternoon 3 when after waking up,Mother accompany she play,Then snacks.Afternoon 4 when,Village other baby has come back from kindergarten,Mom took she to the village to the garden to find other children play together.


At 6:00 in the evening,She eat dinner,And my dad got home becomes"Time father",The father took she near village in the cake course,Or to the community swimming.Night 9:00,Dad began to she tell a story.Story after the end of time,10 at night she go to bed on time.


In order to let she and more people to have contact,Parents have a time will take her to the friends and relatives house to play,Through the door to enrich their knowledge and increase the opportunity to learn.Parents also often go to market to buy flowers she pet,Even at home,She have a piece of his own side dishes to.


She such a preschool education career until next year will end,Parents plan,In the age of six she for its contact a kindergarten let her again large of the previous year,In elementary school before let her to adapt to the collective life,Complete a smooth transition.


宁宁爸爸: She dad:


家里有争议 效果还不错 Home controversial effect is good


Dad said she,Choose not to send her in kindergarten,Main was read a book child education books,Says the children before the age of 6 in this stage,Is the most important period behavior habits,And at this stage of education influence parents is very important."We want to children in 6 years ago education initiative grasp in our own hands."Mr. Ding said,In the two years before she was small,Home to such a decision had dispute."Especially their old people is against,Think that develop the child's mother graduated from the university,Work is also good,His teaching will become a housewife,Other children in kindergarten culture the outcome is still unknown."Mr. Ding said,He ultimately agreed with his wife:Oneself teach.


Two years later,Mr. Ding to her daughter's performance feel very satisfied."Now she saw people in the elevator,Will the initiative called uncle aunt good."Mr. Ding said,And some of the children in the kindergarten age compared,Daughter appear more polite and caring.


案例二 Case two


梁先生: Beam sir:


与其花钱上幼儿园 不如自己教 Instead of spending kindergarten teaching as oneself


Live in zen city, south of the town of the original Mr Parents beam wife in a enterprise work,The child to the kindergarten contact a few kindergartens,Find some good kindergarten reacted comparison.And at home nearby some private kindergarten,The monthly fee count down to 1900 yuan in 2000 yuan or so."Think of his wife was a month income also however 2000 yuan,Bring your own as well."Beam said Mr..


Other parents said,Don't send children in kindergarten at home is near couldn't find the right kindergarten,So want to make his home with,When the child 4 or 5 years old,Self-care ability a bit stronger to kindergarten classes or executive."I have already found out about the news in advance,The kindergarten is small or middle shift is 35 people,But with slightly older children,The executive general will adjust for 40 people a class,Registration will accept them,I am going to let children before the quota."Zen city parents ms. Zhang told reporters,Find satisfaction kindergarten is not easy,Therefore temporarily sent her children to give up the idea of kindergarten.


观点PK View PK


另类学前教育 Alternative preschool education


好不好? good?


有家长: Parents had:


In the tutor children targeted or stronger for now parents in preschool education stage"Buck the trend"practice,A young mother said willing to try."If the home the nearby kindergarten don't really good,It would be better to teach yourself."Live in the south of parents miss Chen says,Early childhood teachers to form a child's psychological influence."Now the kindergarten class 1 more than 30 people,With the most three teachers,The child if we can't get any attention and appropriate education,Some even produce negative mentality."Miss Chen said.


But parents liu had it in sidelined."The first two people all want to go to work,Don't have the time.secondly,Children always play at home,Not with the other kids communication,To a child's growth is bad."


幼儿园: kindergarten:


同龄人相处机会家里难提供 She gets along with her schoolfellows opportunity to provide home


"Before also heard of such a case."A kindergarten the principal told reporters,Choose the child at home the cause of education,More parents choose to take the children at home his teaching is the major reason for economic into consideration,These parents in 80 is given priority to,On foreign some preschool education methods have a certain understanding,And both parents have a party income relative is not high,Stay at home to take care of the children's more for my mother,But mother also willing to accept this arrangement.


HuiJing kindergarten it long analysis says,This practice actually also has drawbacks,Because at home when the children get parents uncensored attention and care,But in the kindergarten,The child in a big between collective,Get teacher pay attention to opportunities that are equal,This kind of environment will make children to learn and others to communication, cooperation skill,Children can also get imitate their peers as reference the opportunity to learn,And such environmental home is not have."


It long said,"Although parents can through as much time for children and other people to provide opportunities,But relative to spend the whole day in the kindergarten eat live play,Home can provide time space actually very may be not enough."Kindergarten the principal said.


建议:上小学前上1年幼儿园很有必要 Suggestions:The elementary school on one year before it is necessary to kindergarten


"Parents in 3 to 5 years old this time choose not to kindergarten,His children education the key is to ensure that children and other group cooperation exchanges have enough time and space."HuiJing kindergarten it long Suggestions,If parents really take oneself teach children's way,Should as far as possible much let the children to take part in the social collective activities,At the same time the parents to their children in different age stages growth characteristics understand somewhat,For example the child which age paragraph the beginning ability training should be paid attention to,Focus on training and at what time.


"And such education can't to nurse or relatives,Still had better by the parents to take control."It also recommended that long,In the elementary school children before 1 year,It is quite necessary to let the child last year kindergarten,Let the child understand the collective life how to communicate."Because the campus life is very regular,For example a class probably how long,Children must want to sit down."It long Suggestions,The adaptive phase the early start, the better.


She day(Learning to play timetable)

  8时 起床听儿歌,陪妈妈做早餐

8 up to listen to children's songs,With mother do breakfast

  9时 跑步,然后陪妈妈买菜

9 when the running,And then with my mother to buy food

  11时~11时30分 画画或做手工或练琴

11 ~ 11 30 points to draw or do manual or practice

  13分~15时 睡午觉

13 ~ 15 when take a nap

  15时~18时 玩耍、吃点心

When 15 ~ 18 while you play/snack

  19时30分~21时 爸爸陪伴上兴趣班或游泳

When 19 to 21 30 points when the father with interest or swimming

  21时~22时 听爸爸讲故事

The 21 ~ 22 when my father tell a story

  22时 睡觉

22 when sleeping
