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Age of young children immune system is not perfect,More vulnerable to external bacteria/Virus violation.At the same time,By viruses, concurrent than adults more disease,Such as pneumonia/myocarditis/Otitis media/Bronchitis, etc,Harm children's health.And these diseases initial symptom is heating,So pay attention to the child body temperature change is particularly important.


The capital ErYanSuo affiliated children's hospital emergency department of doctor of vice director of HuFengHua is introduced,The younger especially one-year-old children,Occur when the upper respiratory tract infection,In the early days usually only performance for heating and without coughing runny nose wait for a symptom,But a lot of disease early performance are fever,Such as pneumonia,encephalitis,Gastrointestinal tract inflammation,Urinary tract infection, etc,So the child has a fever,Should check with your doctor in order to make clear the cause,And pay attention to condition changes.The doctor will usually according to the illness blood test/urine/Then after the conventional definite diagnosis.

李璞谈宝宝发烧(4):给孩子量体温 LiPu talk about the baby has a fever(4): give the child's temperature? ?? ?


Beijing military region general hospital affiliated children's hospital of bayi extremely preterm babies strongroom director/Doctor, deputy director of the LiQiuPing is introduced,Through the temperature to judge the health of children,The first step to know the basal body temperature,Secondly it is necessary to correctly use thermometer,Measured a more accurate temperature.


LiQiuPing said,At present there are many ways to temperature,As the traditional glass mercury thermometer/Electronic thermometer/Chemical sticker/Infrared thermometer, etc,But mainly divided into two categories,Contact type and non-contact."What kind of best method a twist,But no matter use what method,Correctly use are very important,This decide if it can be concluded that accurate data."


发烧标准 体温轻微升高不一定是发烧 Have a fever standard slightly elevated temperature is not necessarily have a fever


In daily life,Often some parents hand touch,Feel the child skin burning,That is have a fever.Some parents think,As long as the child's temperature more than 37 ℃ is ill.In fact,This kind of practice is not scientific.


HuFengHua said,Temperature greater than 37.5 ℃ belong to fever,Temperature is a little higher than 37 ℃,Such as 37.1 ℃ and 37.2 ℃,Due to the outside world is often caused by higher temperature.If the body temperature 38.5 ℃ above,Belong to high fever.


LiQiuPing said,If the body temperature increased significantly,38.5 ℃ or 39 ℃,Everybody is very easy to judgment is have a fever.But for low temperature,Such as 37.5 ℃,Will need to distinguish,Is really a fever,Or because sports cause temperature slightly elevated.


The key is to grasp the child's basal body temperature conditions,Such as the basal body temperature in 36.5 ℃ below,If the body temperature to 37.2 ℃,The signs of fever;If the basal body temperature is higher,In more than 36.5 ℃,So when the body temperature to 37.5 ℃ when,May also no problem,Because nursing or after dinner/movement/crying/Gown too thick/The high temperature all can make the baby a temporary increase in temperature.


基础体温 代谢率不同,基础体温有差异 Basal body temperature metabolic rate is different,Basal body temperature difference


LiQiuPing said,Because everyone's metabolic rate is not the same,Basal body temperature will also differences,Will probably wave 0.2 0.3 ℃.


To know everyone's basal body temperature,Need to be in normal continuous observation for a few days,If every morning/At noon/Evening and night,Each measuring a,Can understand the basal body temperature is on the high side,Or low.General one day there will be a temperature fluctuations,But in less than 0.5 ℃.


Need to pay attention to is,Measurement site different,The child's normal temperature is different also,Generally speaking:Axillary temperature of 36-37 ℃,Rectal temperature than the axillary temperature is 0.5 ℃ or so,Oral temperature than the axillary temperature is 0.3 ℃ or so.


In addition,Of a day,Morning temperature usually than afternoon temperature low;Each season temperature will also have the difference.


测温方式 红外线与贴纸类误差较大 Temperature mode infrared and sticker kind large error


Now thermometric instrument basically has two kinds big,One is the output,As the traditional glass mercury thermometer/Electronic temperature detector,And chemical sticker, etc,No matter which part measurement,armpit/oral/Of rectum,All want to direct contact.Another is the contact,Mainly is the infrared thermometer.


LiQiuPing said,Chemical sticker not too accurate,So now the basic not how to use;Infrared temperature measurement error is also great,Less used for accurate measurement.At present the main clinical use traditional glass mercury thermometer and electronic thermometer,These two kinds of temperature measuring way as long as correct use,Can be very accurate measurement.


HuFengHua said,A lot of children clamp thermometer not cooperation,therefore,Some infrared thermoscope is very popular.but,Infrared thermoscope error is bigger,It confirmed the number of degrees a fever with conventional different,May be some higher.Really sure have a fever,Or in the axillary temperature is given priority to.General in 35 minutes under his arm.


测量部位 测量体表温度较安全 Measuring position measuring body temperature is safe


Some parents ask armpit/Oral and anal,Measurement which part temperature more accurate.LiQiuPing said,It depends on how much the child,Isn't fit,If cooperate with words,These positions can be very accurate measurement.If measurement axillary temperature,Measurement before,Will dry armpit,Don't sweat;secondly,To complete closed to clamping mercury thermometer of mercury head,This is very important.The third,Measuring time must enough,Children in general to 10 minutes,Adult 5 minutes is ok.


Glass mercury thermometer to measure the less oral and rectal temperature,Especially can not be used in not fit children,Because it's easy to bite,Cause serious damage.Rectal temperature also has certain risk,Especially for neonatal speaking,If use undeserved,Very easy to cause the rectal perforation.


relatively,Measuring body temperature is safe,but,Due to the long time,Children don't fit,Accuracy will reduce.In fact,Neonatal also can measure back temperature,Or the temperature of the hip.


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常用测温仪器原理 Commonly used temperature measuring instrument principle


Glass mercury thermometer:Using the principle of heat bilges cold shrink.


Electronic thermometer:Using thermal electronic,Through the heat energy to electronic effect to set.


rectal(anal)thermometers:Adopting high speed thermistor and point welding way,Can more quickly perception body temperature,General only 10 seconds.


Chemical sticker thermometer: like as the test paper,Posted on his forehead,After a while will change color,Different colors for different temperature.This is the use of heating effect,Play a chemical reaction.

  红外线体温计(耳温枪、额温枪):非接触式测温仪,利用红外线对温度的感应确定体温。(记者 林文龙)

Infrared thermometer(Ear temperature gun/Forehead temperature gun):Non-contact thermometer,Using infrared temperature induction determine the body temperature.(Reporter LinWenLong)
