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海内外学者会聚西安 共话“老龄与健康政策”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网西安10月13日电(记者 冽玮)来自中国、美国、加拿大等国家的学者13日会聚西安交大,出席“老龄健康政策”国际学术报告会,探讨老年与健康,不同研究机构不同研究领域的专家,从各自的领域和专业视角对老龄问题展开研讨。

Xian Beijing on October 13 (Reuters)(Reporter junwei sweet taste)From China/The United States/Canada and other countries of scholars 13 convergence xi 'an jiaotong university,attend"Aging and health policy"International academic report,To explore old age and health,Different research institutions different research fields of experts,From their respective fields and professional view of ageing expansion discussion.


China's aging population is present accelerated growth and old age/The life cannot provide for oneself the old man/Empty nester large Numbers of trend.According to the forecast,China's 65 + years old from 2005 in 100 million(7.7% of the total population)Increased to 3.3 in 2050-410 million(Total population 23.0% - 26.5%),Most need care + 80 - year - old will from 2005 in 13 million to have increased rapidly in 1.1 in 2050-160 million.


The xi 'an jiaotong university"Aging and health policy"International academic report,In China's population aging process to speed up,The old to the medical and health services and long-term care services has increased dramatically demand under the background of the held.China's aging population quantity and speed are global population at large top countries,The old man with an average annual growth rate is equal to 2 times in western countries.therefore,Ageing research is more special historical severity and realistic urgency.


It is understood,Many foreign famous universities and research institutions have established a special old research center,Formed a relatively mature and full discipline system.Beijing university/Tsinghua university/People's university and other universities also have been established to aging and health scientific research institutions.The domestic many famous scholars are strongly called for and advocate span natural and social science research the thorough exchange old age of the latest research theory/Methods and empirical analysis results;Promote to build elderly health friendly society/Security mechanism and scientific management scheme to provide information support/Target design and policy Suggestions of interdisciplinary studies;Advocate span natural and social science research comprehensive cross elderly health scientific atmosphere;By establishing with international view and level exchanges and communication,Formation of the old world health span natural and social science research network.


According to xi 'an jiaotong university population and development institute director LiShuZhuo is introduced,From an aging population trend arises in the 1990 s,In this research field,Xi 'an jiaotong university population and development research institute of scientific research work at home and abroad with the aid of various forms of cooperation,Always follow the international front,And always walk in the forefront of the domestic academic circles.


Research team in China many times the disadvantaged groups/National and province population and development strategy and serious social problem research,With the domestic government departments at all levels had a close cooperation,Has formed and the state/Local governments at all levels cooperative research network,For this topic research development and research achievements of diffusion and promotion provides powerful conditions and security.


At the same time,Xi 'an jiaotong university public policy and management, the school also rely on years of policy and practice research,Anhui chaohu area in uniform/LeiHeShi Yan city in henan province, such as the establishment of the population and social policy experimental plot,Help to academic research achievements into can operationalization policy and implement,Played a"Policy converter"role.


On that day,Also held xi 'an jiaotong university"Aging and health research center"Was inaugurated.The national development and reform commission deputy director general HaoFuQing social development/Shaanxi population, deputy director of the state family planning commission ChenZhao,The United States is the university of southern California IrisChi professor address.(finish)
