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医学生弃医改行背后:工作超负荷 收入不高待遇差--亲稳网络舆情监控室


逃离白大褂:医学生弃医改行的背后 Escape from white:Medical students abandon cure done behind


编者按: Editor's note:“不为良相,则为良医。”这是中国的一句古话。在世界很多地方,医生都是一个令人羡慕的职业,既有丰厚的经济收入,又有较高的社会地位。医生,作为人们生命与健康的“保护神”,光荣而高尚。

"Not for good phase,; for the."This is a Chinese traditional saying.In many parts of the world,The doctor is a the profession of envy making a person,Both rich economic income,And a higher social status.The doctor,As people life and health"Guardian angel",Glorious and noble.


however,In the social transition period of today's China,The doctor's professional attraction and social reputation appear larger weakening degree.The expert inside course of study estimation,Countries each year hundreds of thousands of famous doctor students training,Only about 100000 people put on"white".In addition to just graduated from the medical students outside,A lot of on-the-job doctors are in line,Especially the grass-roots doctor erosion phenomenon is relatively serious.


The Chinese medical doctor association had children, doctors to investigate the attitude,The results showed that,The doctor don't hope that their children, rising proportion:53% in 2002,63% in 2004,78% in 2011.


Medical students abandon cure done exactly what behind reflects the deep social reasons?How to take strong measures,Keep these"angels",The incentive to bear the mission of the healing the wounded and rescuing the dying?半月谈 reporter recently had fanned out Beijing/jilin/jiangsu/Henan and other places and carry on the depth of the research.([半月谈 internal edition]In 2012, the 10th issue)


"My mother said that the,If I when the doctor,My leg is at a discount!"recent,A doctor children in online publishing such a post,Cause people hot discussion and reflection.Some doctors why not let their children to learn cure?Medical graduates working why don't want to?半月谈记者调查了解到,主要原因是"三大三低":投入大/压力大/风险大,收入低/待遇低/安全感低.


学业压力大,工作超负荷 学业压力大,工作超负荷


"我总感觉自己可能猝死,太累了!"河南某医学院研究生张晨说.这位外科学生当前最大的梦想是"睡觉睡到自然醒"."我们研究生都被当成住院The doctor使用,工作强度太大了.我们是24小时值班制,早上8点上班,次日8点下班.一旦遇到有手术,或者是病人出现紧急情况,什么时候下班就很难说了.交班后走出病房大楼,有种虚脱的感觉,脚下都是飘的,头重脚轻.心里只有一个念头,赶紧回到宿舍睡觉."


从事医学的艰辛是其他许多行业所无法比拟的.医学技术日新月异,The doctor必须不断充电才能跟上潮流,免遭淘汰.半月谈记者从北京多家三甲医院了解到,要进入这些医院,The doctor大都需要博士学历,甚至要有留洋背景.工作后,还要继续学习/考试/做课题/写论文……永远也忙不完.


工作超负荷/劳动超强度,是很多医务工作者的现状.北京同仁医院眼科主任魏文斌是业内一知名专家,同样承受着巨大的压力.该院眼科护士王晶雪告诉记者:"医院本来就很忙,赶上魏主任出门诊,更是忙上加忙.魏主任门诊最高纪录是一天看110个病人.从早上8点开始一直看到晚上9点.Hurry steak a few mouth cool after meal,He then went to the ward.Wei director at work in seldom drink,He said water drink many go to toilet is the number of times more.Make this kung fu,Can see more patient."


And similar WeiWenBin this job is busy doctor,In our country there are many.Nanjing maternity and child health care hospital department of pediatrics director once part dozen drop,See a doctor to the patient side.She said:"Work at ordinary times very busy,Sometimes a day cannot leave the clinic,Want to see nearly patients,Even ten hours of class.Look at long queues waiting for the doctor's parents and children,As a doctor,We have only a little at a time."


Holiday less,No time with family,Don't have time to fall in love,Many doctors is faced with the reality of the confusion., is a surgeon's wife,Her for her husband's opinion is more and more big."Continuous work overtime/Watches is common,Sometimes in a hospital for a stay is two or three days,The Spring Festival will have in the hospital."


Zhengzhou university first affiliated hospital doctor WeiDongLin 半月谈 told reporters:"The hospital older youth more and more,The main reason is that have no time to fall in love.And the other set good appointment time but not arriving on time for appointments,Add contacts circle is very small,Fall in love of success rate is very low.Some talk about a period of time,The other party found we doctors are busy,Will grow cold."


Cure of the state council changes a expert consultation committee/Beijing university professor of economics LiLing said,Many medical staff very hard,Responsible for the huge pressure of work,Grassroots some hospitals also requires doctors share revenue generating tasks.In this kind of pressure,Many medical students do not want to be in the doctor career,On-the-job a doctor to resign line breaks is not in a few.


收入不高待遇差,不能体现劳动价值 Income is not high treatment difference,Can't reflect labor value


And the doctor of work undertaken strength form sharp contrast is,In the society of all levels,The doctor groups of normal income isn't high.Though there are also by the doctor"Gray income"rich,But only individual.If only calculate"Sunshine income",For the vast majority of physicians,And can not reflect the labor value.


Beijing university department of society a survey,The doctor average working time for 50 hours a week,Legal working hours should be 40 hours,That is 20% higher than that of working time,But wages but no corresponding reflect.


A grassroots health chief said,Most of the basic-level hospital medical personnel salary little,Income less than a third of the large hospital,And you have quite a big responsibility,So it is difficult to keep people.


In a northern township hospital ChenChunLian told reporters,After graduating from college,She returned to the villages and towns in the hospital,But gradually found their own income and in the county town of the students work are more and more big."I'm not afraid of hardship,But everyone's level/Do the same,Why pay differ so big,I cannot accept it."


In recent years,Grassroots hospital doctors erosion trend did not get the fundamental containment.Jilin siping DongFengXian small township health centers dean LvJinQuan talk about this problem,Appear some helpless:"The original health center has 15 village doctor,Now five or six have quit.They have out open pharmacy,Some work out,Still some people would rather in furniture factory do painter than when the doctor."


长春市人民制药厂总经理蓝志民原来是名The doctor,学了8年才成为正式The doctor,后来转行经营医药.他说:"学医要求特别严格,天天战战兢兢,担心出差错."另外,收入太低也是促使他转行的一个原因.他有个同学是jilin省一家医院的儿科权威,从不收红包,但快40岁了房子还买不起,同学们聚会时凑钱帮他买房子.




北京大学公共卫生学院教授陈育德亦有同感:"The doctor曾经在很多人眼中是很有前途的职业,国外有经验的The doctor,收入会高于教授,在社会上也极受尊重.但如今在我国一些地方,情况却不是这样."


医患纠纷频发,执业环境安全感低 医患纠纷频发,执业环境安全感低


"如临深渊/如履薄冰"是很多The doctor的切身感受,工作中他们的神经始终处于高度紧张状态.即便如此,还要随时应对可能发生的医疗纠纷甚至医闹困扰.


医患关系本应是人世间最亲密的关系之一,人们从摇篮到坟墓,最初见到的和最后见到的人,都有可能是The doctor.但在当前不少地方,医患关系失去了往日的纯净与温情,变得紧张和冷漠.患者对The doctor不满,The doctor to the patient,Doctor-patient conflicts upgrade,The doctor's living environment is not optimistic.


Jiangsu province people's hospital medical doctor zhang said:"As a doctor,Healing the wounded and rescuing the dying is our bounden duty,Work hard again also can bear.But can't accept is,Hard for diagnosis and treatment the patient,The last is often misunderstood."According to the experience,Zhang sums up the misunderstanding of the three major focus:One is waiting for some patients waiting time is too long,Direct run in rebuked the doctor too slow;The second is to prescribe patients are often when people doubt is DaChuFang;Three are some patient heavier,Even death is sent to the hospital,No treatment success,The patient's family light is not blame the doctor responsible,Weight is directly beat and scold.


Changchun city center in the department of obstetrics and gynecology hospital doctor YangJia said,Patients often for a little thing firing,Such as remote control can't find also want to call names.She has two performance very good students,It is because during the internship and patients make unpleasant,Final choice turned do medicine representative/Take an examination of civil servants."Learn for so many years,It's really a pity that."


The people's hospital of jilin province, vice President of the han mei study abroad for 5 years,After returning home found the doctor asked patients informed agreement signed more and more.Do bone wear to sign,Lumbar puncture to sign,Use plug include also have to sign..."The more familiar with the sign of the agreement,The doctor credibility also is lower.But there is no way,In order to prevent medical dispute lawsuit caused,Must want to sign the agreement."


Henan a three level of first-class hospital brain surgery doctor YangLiHua think,Medicine is a foreign experience and empirical combined with science,Have to pay quite a long time to learn and practice.But in the process of practice,Reality does not allow the doctor error."Medical disputes is the current many clinical doctors have to face the problem,We joke say‘Partition to throw a brick,Not necessarily hit who’.Work to do better,Are hard to avoid medical disputes."


In September of 2011,The Chinese medical doctor association published the fourth physician practice status survey shows,48.51% of the medical staff to the present practice environment not satisfied,Is located in the first working pressure is the medical dispute and patients and their family members to their jobs don't understand.


Tense doctor-patient relationship let some doctors miss and envy the past age.Beijing some 3 armour hospital officials said,His mother is a doctor."That s state is very poor,The doctor not to earn money,But as long as valued disease can.Common people on the doctor is very good,Patients to the doctor knitting socks,Send corn/garlic,Very simple.It's not a bribe the doctor,But express gratitude.Now is so pure?I am not willing to let the children go to learn cure."

  中国医师协会2011年对北京、河北、广东、海南、云南、甘肃等11个省市的6000余位各层级的医师进行的执业状况调查问卷显示,近8成医师不希望子女从医,近5成医疗工作人员对目前的执业环境不满意,甚至不少医生对自己的执业环境感到恐惧和不安。(半月谈记者 李亚红 蔡玉高 郎秋红 秦亚洲)

The association of Beijing in 2011/hebei/guangdong/hainan/yunnan/Gansu province is one of 11 provinces and cities more than 6000 bit at all levels of doctors in practice condition investigation questionnaire display,Nearly 8 into a doctor don't hope that their children becoming doctors,Nearly five into medical staff to the present practice environment not satisfied,Even many doctors to his own practice environment feel fear and upset.(半月谈 reporter LiYaGong CaiYuGao LangQiuGong qin Asia)
