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准妈妈吃螃蟹影响胎儿? 专家:孕早期最好不吃--亲稳网络舆情监控室


重庆一孕妇连吃4只螃蟹流产引起广泛关注 Chongqing a pregnant woman even eat four crabs after the abortion aroused widespread concern


准妈妈吃螃蟹会不会影响胎儿? Expectant mothers to eat crab will not affect the fetus?


专家说,孕早期最好不要吃螃蟹 Experts say,Early stages of pregnancy had better not eat crab


Chongqing a pregnant two months even pregnant women eat four crabs after the abortion,yesterday,The report on the Internet transfer rate is very high.


after,Internet has also been reported,Wuhan a just pregnant two months of pregnant women eat two after the crab,Lead to very not easy conceived test-tube baby abortion.


the,The best season is to eat crabs,About pregnant women can eat crab discussion suddenly hot up.Pregnant women eat crab or not cause abortion,Yesterday reporter special interview two in the department of obstetrics and gynecology doctors in hangzhou city.They gave the answer basic consistent,Online heat transfer of the pregnant women abortion is not must be caused by eating crabs,But the early stages of pregnancy,Accurate mothers had better not eat crab.


西医:流产不一定单单因为吃了螃蟹 Western medicine:Abortion not only because eat crabs


Net friend"Sherry invincible _ and wen mama"said:"Eat crab for a pregnant woman, of course, is not good!Especially XieJiao!This is a scientific basis of..."


Net friend"JiangYu 123"said:"I don't know early pregnancy under the condition of ate a lot of...Now my son is one one full year of life......"


Internet whether pregnant women can eat crabs,Is all according to the word.


ChenWenZeng is hangzhou city Red Cross hospital doctor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology,He said,He almost became pregnant women will be intentionally or unintentionally ask this question.


In the doctor chan looks,Pregnant women should eat less or do not eat longan/litchi/crab/Turtle and other food,These avoid certain food is the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine,In the western medicine does not have this kind of avoid certain food said."We usually eat crabs are burning ripe,Basically does not exist the problem of parasites and so on",therefore,He felt that chongqing and wuhan two pregnant abortion,Not only because of the result of eating crabs,May also have other reasons.


"generally,To be on the safe side,Western medicine now also suggested that pregnant women in 3 months before the early stages of pregnancy when had better don't eat crabs,When the baby is like a tree just shift kind of tree,Foundation haven't fasten,Very easy to accident.Wait until three months after,placentation,The root of the tree of life has been firm live,At this time,If a little to eat crab should be no problem,but,If pregnant women,Quantity cannot too much,For the average person to eat many also will have a problem."Doctor chan said.


中医:不同体质的孕妇饮食禁忌最好咨询医生 Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine:Different constitution of the pregnant women diet taboo had better consult a physician


The same,Hangzhou a hospital of traditional Chinese medicine gynecologist XuHao also think micro bo of heat transfer of the pregnant women eat crab after the abortion is case-by-case.


"At present miscarriages complicated reasons,As pregnant women age is too big/Fertilized egg quality is not high/Pregnant women pregnant endocrine problem/Placenta implantation site can cause abortion.Online popular two pregnant women only said they eat the crab,But without them other aspects of the situation,So don't feel free to conclude their abortion is because eat crab."Make the doctor said.


In traditional Chinese medicine in the books, really about crab claw have abortion efficacy records,But dose have to be big to just go,No clinically in the use of this method,And the effect of pregnant women with personal constitution have very big concern.


Make the doctor said,Crab sex cold,But different constitution men eat have different consequences,Such as Yang deficiency constitution eat later easier to diarrhea,Thus increasing pregnant women due to infection and the abortion of may.In addition,If not careful eating crabs death words,After the death of crab body high protein will resolve a kind of toxin,Leading to pregnant women poisoning and abortion.


Make doctors think,Pregnant women can really eat crabs have to vary from person to person,Be pregnant 3 months ago had better not eat,After 3 months will eat you'd better consult the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine yourself what belongs to the constitution,Different constitution should make a difference between.

  另外,许医生表示,江浙一带的女性以阴虚内热体质为主,为了防止火气太旺而出血,孕妇最好别吃炒货、桂圆、荔枝、榴莲等。(通讯员 陈员 张颖颖 记者 何丽娜)

In addition,Make doctors say,The jiangsu and zhejiang area of women with internal Yin deficiency constitution is given priority to,In order to prevent internal heat too prosperous and bleeding,Pregnant women had better not eat roasted seeds and nuts/longan/litchi/Durian, etc.(Reporter Chen member ZhangYingYing lina he reporters)


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