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  中新网昆明10月23日电 (顾一航)“RH阴性血患者急需输血!”近年来,随着中国网络自媒体快速发展,稀有血型患者求助信息成为微博上关注度和转发率最高的信息之一。这同时也折射出,中国在推行无偿献血14年后依旧普遍存在的被称为“熊猫血”的稀有血型“血荒”之忧。

Beijing on October 23, kunming (The a air)"Rh-negative blood patients need a blood transfusion!"In recent years,With China's rapid development since the network media,Rare blood type patients help information become micro blog attention and forward one of the highest rate of information.It also reflects the,China pursues free blood donation in 14 years is still widespread is called"Panda blood"Of rare blood type"Blood shortage"Worry about.


"nationally,The emergence of blood waste main reason is the relation between supply and demand imbalance,This phenomenon is more obvious in the rare blood type."Yunnan kunming blood center blood transfusion research director ZhuXiangMing 23 when accepting a reporter to interview said.


From 1998 on[broaden]up,China began implementation of free blood donation.In 2012,,China's population of blood donation rate of only 0.87%,The world health organization is lower than 1% of the warning line.And in the proportion of less than 0.34 ‰ of the RH negative rare blood type the crowd,"Blood shortage"More serious.


In recent years,In yunnan provincial capital kunming,A year on average over blood donation in about 100000 people/XianXieLiang about 50 tons/Growth rate is 5% - 6%,And the corresponding is,Every year the city hospital YongXieLiang increased by 18%.ZhuXiang testified:"Supply and demand contradiction is the cause‘Blood shortage’The important reason for the,In the medical resources more concentration of Beijing/Shanghai,This phenomenon is more prominent."


"And compared with normal blood type,Rh-negative blood inventory more not optimistic."ZhuXiangMing said,"On the one hand,Rare blood type small number blood donors."According to the proportion of 0.34 ‰,Yunnan 45.96 million people mouth,Have 150000 or so rare blood type the crowd.But at present,Yunnan kunming blood center accumulative detection of rare blood type is only more than 3000 people,The record as a volunteer of about 400 people.The blood center fixed communication,Can at any time to provide blood volunteers is only about 270 people.


"Rh-negative blood type knowledge in the public popularity is not enough.Many people do not know that they are rare blood type,And registered volunteers also because of work flow/Address change factors lose touch.Although every year there are new volunteers,But the total is still in about 270 people keep dynamic balance."


On the other hand,Rare blood type face less reserves/But the contradiction of big dosage.ZhuXiangMing to reporter an example:"22,The first affiliated hospital of kunming a RH negative 0 type blood maternity hemorrhea,Blood transfusion 2100 ml.This is equivalent to 10 rare blood type of blood donors XianXieLiang use up at one time.Big YongXieLiang rare blood type patients a blood to the blood bank stock cause great consumption,Most time each patient YongXieLiang 8000 ml."


In order to avoid"Blood shortage"Worry about,Ensure the supply of rare blood type,Kunming blood center taken a number of measures,One of the main item is frozen blood technology."After the collection of blood for a period of 35 days.According to the rare blood type,We will blood for special treatment/Freezing preservation,Such warranty available for 10 years."ZhuXiangMing introduced,This technique can effectively avoid the use of rare blood type because of blood donors to blood donation gathers together the waste.


According to"Blood donation easy to use"Cause the public to donate blood enthusiasm is not high,China's ministry of public health is actively promote blood donation database nationwide network,Across the province to realize different blood to submit an expense account,Better safeguard the rights and interests of the unpaid blood donors,To promote the development of blood donation without compensation.In recent years,jiangsu/zhejiang/Shanghai has across provinces take the lead to implement the "blood to submit an expense account.


ZhuXiang testified:"At present,Yunnan province of different blood to submit an expense account has been put on the agenda,Is expected to be realized in the near future."(finish)
