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我国农村白血病患儿数量激增 因巨额医药费致贫--亲稳舆论引导监测室

我国农村白血病患儿数量激增 因巨额医药费致贫


Box-and-one qilu hospital over the leukemia children patients and their families.

我国农村白血病患儿数量激增 因巨额医药费致贫


Box-and-one linyi Mr Yang and suffering from leukemia son.


Our early October continuous reports the heze shan county twin sisters with the leukemia,A widespread social concern is caused.recently,Constantly have many people call the phone for help,All because of your home is with acute leukemia children,But the inability to afford expensive treatment.


On October 23 to 25,Reporters visited several provincial capital treatment hematonosis hospital to know,Many families for children suffering from leukemia poor,The hospital is in a dilemma bed is hard to find.


现状>>不少白血病患者来自农村 status>>A lot of leukemia patients from the countryside


On October 23,,Laiwu high-tech zone small mountain village villagers make bound call our newspaper,Says his nine-year-old son XuYan experience in May this year in the provincial hospital were diagnosed with aplastic anemia,For the son of cure,Home has spent 150000 yuan,In debt."We have found a bone marrow transplant of those matches,Now a Beijing hospital for further examination,See whether completely matching."Hui studies said.but,In the face of more than 30 ten thousand yuan high operation,Family presented a conundrum."Home a house also sold,Rural house couldn't catch up with the city,Sold only 30000 dollars."Many studies about the matter is bewildered.


23 to 25,,As many as bound to our help,For children with blood and poor family as many as four.24,Hedong district, linyi city, beautiful port town YangHu village Mr Yang said,10 months of twin boys were found to suffer from leukaemia.He said:"I at the site do technician,Object didn't work,For the younger son treatment has borrowed 60000 yuan,Can still sent hundreds of thousands of yuan treatment."


In qilu hospital department of pediatrics hematonosis room,From the countryside of childhood leukemia patients account for most.Heze ChengWu rural ms. Zhang is introduced,She had a daughter a few years ago for leukemia aborted,Didn't expect just was born before long son and suffer from the disease.Ms. Zhang said,His neighberhood also have a few children with leukemia,Because I have no money treatment,Died a.


According to the jinan hematopathy hospital planning department director ZhouHua is introduced,At present a lot of leukemia patients and blood from the countryside,Economic conditions more difficult."Treatment is hundreds of thousands of less/, millions of dollars,Light do bone marrow transplant is 40 ten thousand yuan."


调查>>患者增量从每年4万提高到8万 survey>>Patients increment from 40000 a year increased to 80000


24,Qilu hospital pediatric ward a nurse is introduced,Treatment for leukemia patients bed has full strength,Has been treated 60 children with blood,Patients with leukemia children majority.huanhuan/Lele father LiZhiLing said,They arrive at 8 in the morning qilu hospital queue up to register,"But 24 and 25 beds are already lining up,Such as the only 26."


Not only is the qilu hospital,Provincial capital such as other hospital of shandong provincial hospital/Jinan hematopathy hospital now is also a bed is hard to find,Two patients with hospital beds whether adults or children are already full.Provincial hospital of anonymity blood physicians is introduced,Shandong province population more than 9000,According to about 4/10 incidence computation,Province leukemia patients are not less than 30000 people.


According to Chinese hematonosis association members/Jinan hematopathy hospital chief expert WangZuoTing said,Familial leukemia accounts for about seven over one thousand of the leukemia.Identical twins,If a person has leukemia,Another man's incidence of one 5,More than double egg twins 12 times higher,"This factor also prompted leukemia patients increase."


WangZuoTing introduced,At present China has an estimated 5 million leukemia patients,Childhood leukemia patients about half,Leukemia patients number of growth rate from the past each year about 40000 people a year increased to about 80000 people."We in the treatment of leukemia relative to Europe and the United States/Japan and other countries and regions starting late,But in recent years country the support strength has increased."ZhouHua said.


探因>>过度使用农药等可诱发白血病 Agent for>>Excessive use of pesticides, etc., may induce leukemia


WangZuoTing pointed out that,Leukemia cause many,Have biological factors/Chemical factors and genetic factors, etc.A doctor said:"Due to the deterioration of the environment and the use of chemicals,Lead to leukemia patients ratio increased."


"Radioactive pollution/Indoor decorate material containing benzene/Excessive use of pesticides/Clinical medical waste disorderly discard/Food contaminated(Use trench oil/Harmful additives)And so on various reasons,May induce leukemia,But just may,Real specific to the case,The cause of human leukemia is not completely sure."WangZuoTing said.


Chinese academy of medical sciences hospital blood to April 2004 to April 2010 accepts of 1236 cases of children with acute leukemia patients analysis showed that: in patients with malignant tumor,Family history with malignant tumor is 6.8%,Nearly three years the family or schools have to decorate is 11%,Before the disease may cause(1 years chicken pox/Measles or unexplained virus infection,A benzene/gasoline/Pesticides and chemicals long-term exposure)12%,Mother is abnormal pregnancy(Maternal age/Pregnancy drugs/Pregnancy contact benzene/gasoline/Pesticides and chemicals)5%.Analysis showed that,Although ionizing radiation/Benzene contact and some virus infection and the occurrence of leukemia clear about,But is not speculate that these factors and the relationship between the pathogenesis of leukemia.


WangZuoTing introduced,Leukemia is divided into high risk/In the intermediate risk and low-risk type three categories.According to the dangerous type high and low,Treatment reduced the difficulty,Now the biggest difficult treatment for leukemia treatment costs are too high,Many families because of economic factors is difficult to adhere to the treatment,Lead to many children lose the most valuable treatment time.


WangZuoTing said:"Leukemia if early found earlier treatment words,Cure hope is very large,It is not imagination of so terrible.Hope that countries further increases the support dynamics."


福建双胞胎父亲为欢欢乐乐捐款 Fujian twins father for HuanHuanLeLe donation


曾有相同经历捐款也是对社会的回报 Had the same experience donation is also on social returns


Our newspaper jinan on October 27, -(Trainee reporter SongLei reporter LiuShuai)23,Fujian zhangzhou YangXiaoHui linked to our newspaper,He learned that twin sisters huanhuan and lele leukemia after illness,Has been trying to contact them a,Hope to be able to offer help.


YangXiaoHui says,He is zhangzhou ZhaoAnXian deep bridge ZhangLang town village,Also have a pair of twin daughters - greatly and small.The same unfortunate was coming in two daughters body,In 2006,,Just full one full year of life's daughter has been found suffering from leukemia,Later, in the social from all walks of life love and attention,Two daughters have already been cured,Now already were in grade one last year.


YangXiaoHui introduced,In march of 2009,He opened the blog,named"Labor of the pig",Record he took the child's disease process.He said leukemia treatment need omni-directional comprehensive factors,Hope the blog can give the patients some help and confidence,Let them less detours.


YangXiaoHui has been very grateful for his help society,23 afternoon,YangXiaoHui said by telephone:"I very want to huanhuan and lele do point to the development of force,This also is regarded as a way of my gratitude."That night when 9,YangXiaoHui to LiZhiLing transfer 2000 yuan.


□提个醒儿农村孕妇儿童要离农药远一点 Caution - son rural pregnant women children to stay away from pesticide away


Children with leukemia many causes,On the one hand may and environmental factors,Environmental factors including magnetic field exposure/pesticides/Benzene and other hydrocarbon compounds,Mother drinking/Water pollution is a potential risk factors.In the survey found,A lot of incentive is caused by pesticide accumulation body.


In the early 1990 s,The university of California researchers survey found,Those who often in their garden to spend crop-dusting children than home without the use of pesticides of developing leukaemia 3.8 times higher.(ZongHe)


早期症状 Early symptoms


Anemia often for leukemia starting symptoms,Main show is pale,Consciousness weak/hyperhidrosis,No matter in the activity or at rest,Felt shortness of breath/Heart beats faster.


More than half of the patients with fever fever for early performance,For 38 degrees below the low thermal or 39 degrees or even 40 degrees above the high fever.


Reason unknown painless enlargement most leukemia patients with superficial lymph node enlargement,With jaws/neck/supraclavicular/Axillary and inguinal place see more,Often no obvious pain.


Bleeding leukemia with bleeding for early presenters nearly 40%,Common skin unexplained ecchymosis/oral/nasal/Gingival bleeding/Menorrhagia, etc.


儿童白血病已纳入我省新农合大病保险 Childhood leukemia already included in our province new farming together a serious illness insurance


On October 17,Shandong province issued by the government official[Shandong province people's government office about to carry out the new rural cooperative medical major disease medical insurance work opinion(trial)],In the province to carry out the new agriculture close major disease medical insurance work.


Since January 1, 2013,Farmers in our province can enjoy a serious illness insurance,Childhood leukemia and other 20 kinds of serious illness in the first batch of insurance coverage.Medical expenses after new farming together after submit an expense account,Individual responsibility compliance medical expenses exceed $8000 compensation ratio of not less than 50%,Within 8000 yuan(Including 8000 yuan)Compliance medical treatment charge gives certain proportion compensation.


Urban residents in our province will also enjoy the policy.24,At or above the county level in the trial reform of public hospitals and new farming together a serious illness insurance work conference on TV,Provincial people club hall officials say,In the near future will develop in our province issued by urban residents a serious illness insurance work implementation opinions.With the new agriculture close a serious illness insurance individual's highest 200000 yuan different compensation,Urban residents a serious illness insurance does not set a top line.


Person in charge said,Urban residents will be a serious illness insurance with reference to the new agriculture close a serious illness insurance policies,Reasonably determine the scope of protection.(ZongHe)
