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女子做阑尾手术后胎儿流产 医院称沟通不够(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室


"Because of moving a appendicitis operation,Let my children have no,The hospital says my daughter-in-law can't breed,You make me later how to live."In the city people's hospital of 8(Baoan people's hospital)The door,A man and his mother go and wept bitterly,Draw a lot of revellers.


The reporter understands,The name of the man cry wang from hunan.His wife pregnant 4 months,Due to the sudden appendicitis,Was sent to the city people's hospital of 8 surgery,However,,Is this appendicitis operation,But let wife suffered a miscarriage,May even never can't pregnant.


事件经过 Event after


伤口化脓,“医生却让我放心” Wound fester,"But the doctor to let me a rest assured"


Wang said,October 13,His wife burst appendicitis,Hence to baoan people's hospital to do the appendectomy surgery.The fifth day,Puts forward the,Wang wife can was released from the hospital.


"When the doctor gave me said wife recovering well,Soon can discharge.I listen to very happy,But had not thought that night,His wife said suddenly operation position very pain,I hurried to the doctor on duty for help."Wang said,The doctor arrived open gauze inspection,He found his wife surgical wound a little pus out,But when the doctor on duty is normal."He said the pain was normal,It's no big deal,Tomorrow to find attending physician can."Wang said,Although see wife pain more severe,But I still believe that the doctor's judgment,Haven't to heart.


Results the second day,Xiao wang found doctor check again for his wife found the wound,The wound has emerged a large number of pus.Doctor said,Will pus discharged was just fine,At the same time ensure that outflow point to the fetus pus has no effect."I saw the pus discharge dense and more,He asked the doctor to the child have any effect,They always say let me relax,Just cut a little fester,Discharged is ok,There is no influence to the fetus."Wang said.


病情加重,“突然说小孩有危险” illness,"Suddenly say child is dangerous"


But the next few days,His wife's pain is still not ease,Wang felt afraid,So every day the doctor ask to have any effect,But the other said the normal phenomenon,And no effect to the fetus.Wang still choose to believe that the doctor's words."We to the medical side of things and not clear,Of course the listen to a doctor."But he didn't expect,Until October 27,,His wife abdominal pain more serious.But doctors say a word let wang moment"collapse"the.


"The doctor said suddenly my child is dangerous,Let me turn to department of gynaecology in time to deal with,And find the gynecological doctors check."Hear the word,Wang immediately feel day fall down,Asked the doctor to give a statement to a hospital,But doctors say turn first courtyard keep adults say,Wang had to put his wife turns in gynecology.


The results on October 29 at 8 in the evening,The doctor told my children to maintain the arrangement,Need to turn the room.Until the evening of 11,Children will have a miscarriage."The doctor is not to say that all right?How can so abortion?And the doctor gave me said 1 more cruel,Probably wife later any further not pregnant."Wang cried.


孩子流产,妈妈伤心欲绝 The child abortion,Mother inconsolable


In the hospital 12 floor ward,Reporters saw wang's wife ms liang.A see the reporter,Ms leung suddenly began to cry."My child didn't!Very not easy to bear children,How so didn't?"Ms leung talk,His hands are kept trembling.Wang's mother holding the hand of ms leung quickly,Hope to give a little daughter-in-law support strength.


"I watched my children didn't.I used to say every day for the baby‘You have to hold on,Mother and you together’,The results..."Said here,Ms leung and into tears.One side of wang and his mother also follow began to cry.


"My daughter-in-law this several days have been said to me,‘mom,I don't want to live,I didn't use ah,Let me accompany baby go to die’."Wang's mother said with tears,In order to let the daughter-in-law do not suffer more stimulus,Wang they can't put her later may be unable to tell her the news of the birth."If let her know the situation,She didn't try to commit suicide just strange,Why does a little appendicitis surgery can cause so serious consequences?"


双方“交锋” Both sides"clash"


家属:院方未给合理解释 families:The hospital did not give the reasonable explanation


Wang said,The wife appears after the situation,The hospital has been not to give a reasonable explanation,Did not even give he said that in the future will be how to deal with this matter."They said have have a meeting,And give a new treatments,But the specific situation and don't say.Out of such a big thing,I now where still dare to let them continue to treat?"Wang said.


According to wang introduced,The wife treatment of the whole process,He almost every day, and the doctor reflect his wife abdominal pain problem,Hope that they will be able to make further checks,but,The doctor always explain,This is the normal phenomenon.If it is really the normal phenomenon,The ms leung abortion is what causes?


Wang said,His wife after the abortion,Baoan people's hospital organizing experts to study condition,Finally, we can draw the conclusion,Wife was diagnosed with cystitis,Cause abortion.To the conclusion,Xiao wang is very puzzled,He says,His wife treatment,Has repeatedly to the doctor reflected off the wife of abdominal pain,Doctor shall reply normal phenomenon.Why can the wife after abortion,Also called itself have inflammation caused by fetal abortion.Why in his report the situation to them,Doctors don't be checked,If the doctor timely inspection found that the problem,If we can avoid the result of now??


With these questions,Journalists and wang who came into the hospital medical department,See the medical department director ZhangWenWu.


院方:出现意外是概率问题 The hospital:Incident is probability problem


Director zhang said,Wang wife was diagnosed with purulent appendicitis and gangrene sex appendicitis,This kind of symptom will be accompanied by the emergence of limitations peritonitis,And wang wife abortion because of peritonitis cause,Not cystitis.In addition,Zhang think,Wang multiple reflect his wife abdominal pain,The doctor is not had not taken measures.


"The doctor also seen,I think this is also take measures ah.I think,The whole process is a doctor too optimistic,Communication between the two sides and is not enough to only.Before 100 patients will not appear this kind of circumstance,Now there is a,Is probability problem."


事后处理 After process


院方希望调查了解确定责任 The hospital hope investigating to determine responsibility


so,The doctor's this optimism judge,Illness is cause miscarriage of justice,The last cause abortion reasons for it?this,Zhang explain says,"This is not one plus one equals two problems,And I think this is not important for the final result,The most important thing now is how to deal with in the future."In reporter when continue to cross-examine,But zhang said:"Our conversation is beyond the scope of my answer,The main problem is that the two sides did not good communication."


Then wang suddenly ask,"Your answer,Let me feel the hospital have no responsibility,This is my reflects but doctors did not pay attention to just in.and,Why do appendicitis operation can lead to the future can't birth?"this,Zhang explain,"This is not we today the scope of the discussion,We don't say.The question of whom to,We hope that through investigating.If it is our problems,We are willing to bear the."

  有律师建议小王通过医疗事故鉴定寻找流产原因,如果鉴定结果是医生过错,疏忽造成,医院方将为此负主要责任。(深圳晚报见习记者 马超 文/图)

Lawyers suggest wang through the medical accident appraisal looking for abortion reason,If the appraisal results is a doctor fault,negligence,The hospital will bear the primary responsibility for this.(Shenzhen evening trainee reporter MaChao text/diagram)
