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德语外教超帅媲美“莲花小王子” 女生为之疯狂--亲稳舆论引导监测室

德语外教超帅媲美“莲花小王子” 女生为之疯狂 课堂上的托马斯一丝不苟 图片由记者 吴珊 摄 Classroom Thomas meticulosity pictures taken by reporters WuShan

  “这是重庆清华中学今年新来的德语老师,又帅又萌有木有?” 近日,网友“江曾倩”将学校新来的外教老师照片发在了微博上,众多网友看过照片后纷纷惊呼“被秒杀”,恨不得马上回去上学。还有网友将其与明星对比,网友“stayla”就称,极具王子气质、天使般的笑容,堪比“莲花小王子”。

"This is the chongqing tsinghua high school this year the new German teacher,The handsome and sprout have wood has?" recently,Net friend"JiangCengQian"Will the school new foreign teacher photos hair on the micro blog,Many users have seen pictures in succession exclamation"Be seconds kill",Can't wait to get back to school.Have net friend with the star contrast,Net friend"stayla"He called,Most prince temperament/An angel with a smile,compares"Lotus the little prince".


女生抢着报名听课 The girl rob to sign up to attend a lecture


This is the micro bo from September 21, so far out,Forwarding quantity has more than 2000 a,In the QQ space forward quantity is over 5000 times,There are not a few net friend say want to go to see the real elegant demeanour,Net friend"Nicole"said:"This is also too handsome now,half-blood?I will go to see him.""Fierce fierce home"said,After work will go to the school to see.

  昨日早上,记者来到重庆市清华中学校,当记者向操场上的同学们打听这位外教时,很多同学们都点头称认识,说是学校今年新来的德语老师,名叫Thomas Dittman(托马斯·迪特曼)。“德语课是学校开设的第二语种,自愿报名选修,但今年大家都抢着报名,特别是女生。”就读高二的郭志伟告诉记者。

Yesterday morning,Reporters came to chongqing tsinghua school,When the reporter to the playground classmates about the when foreign teachers,Many students know nodded,Say schools this year the new German teacher,Named Thomas Dittman(Thomas di goodman)."German class is schools to open the second language,Voluntary application elective,But this year everyone rob to sign up,Especially the girl."Studying the high GuoZhiWei told reporters.


Senior high school students OuYangJiaXin is Thomas students,She said:"Opening soon met him on campus,Start thought he is a foreign exchange student,Afterwards just know is a teacher,I am excited to not immediately signed up for the class,Back to family and friends all say school to a handsome boy teacher."Students LiangChuXian said,Now many finally the students to inquire about the news of Thomas,Someone is coming to run to the school gate waiting to see him.

德语外教超帅媲美“莲花小王子” 女生为之疯狂 同学们认真听讲 The students seriously listened to the lecture


上课没人走神下课围着合影 Nobody absent-minded in class around the class photo


Yesterday noon 1 point one day German lessons,10 minutes before class,Reporter in the door of the classroom met Thomas,He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans,Carrying a big bag,Look a little pure and fresh sense."come,come",A group of girls whispered word.


"good,Now class."Entered the classroom after,Thomas with a Chinese opened the prelude to the class,Reporter looked at under the platform,Eight chengdu is the female students.The class,Thomas has been taught in German,To teach the text,To teach grammar,But special is,The teacher always keep smiling,Read every word you always looked up at a glance,In the question and answer session,The students sit on the seat and can the teacher dialogue,The classroom atmosphere is very easy,No students sleep or chat.


An hour of the end of the course,The students did not straight away,But around Thomas chat,A girl is out of mobile phone to Thomas photos.

德语外教超帅媲美“莲花小王子” 女生为之疯狂 课余,同学们用手机给老师托马斯拍照。 After school,The students to use a mobile phone to the teacher Thomas photos.


从不给学生布置家庭作业 Never give students some homework


then,Journalists and Thomas talk up,Because Thomas studied Chinese in four years,He talked about Chinese without effort,Thomas 23 years old,From Germany Essen,BoHongLuEr university east Asia political specialized graduation,Two weeks ago, became the German teacher.For online rising things,Thomas felt very surprised,He through the mobile phone carefully read this article after micro bo,Also pointed to"Charm do not resist"This sentence to ask: what do you mean,Made from the students laughed.


Talk about their own students,Thomas blatter up,In his eyes,His students to work hard,To German full of curiosity,He taught up also very much to have the power.He also said he never give the students some homework,Exercises all let the students finish in the classroom,"The students work enough."Thomas for yourself a Thursday section of the German course very seriously,Every day will spend two hours preparing.

德语外教超帅媲美“莲花小王子” 女生为之疯狂 最喜欢重庆火锅和小面 Like most chongqing hot pot and small surface


"I like to eat hot pot,Like to eat spicy things."Although to chongqing only six weeks,But Thomas have already been in love with the chongqing,Thomas said,His favorite chongqing hot pot and small surface,After school,He also likes to go to school to eat snacks.The holidays,Thomas likes to go to the gym,Prefer to chongqing city,Love shopping is the jiangbei.


For the future,Thomas said with a smile,When the teacher had to come to China,Mainly because this is a can make a living work,But the real become after the teacher,But he fell in love with this career,Thomas said he would later be President look forward to in China when the teacher,May also engaged in the related work and Chinese culture.


声音 voice


他很帅能力也很强 He is very handsome and strong ability


In the student ZhengYun coincidence it seems,To have such a nice teacher,She is more interested in German,And the class into a kind of look forward to.High class 20 LiMuLing also said,Thomas lecture particularly fine,Students can not understand the place puts forward at any time,He would immediately stop progress,Let students understand before you move on to.9 high class LiuYi is said,Thomas classes up very participation,He is very good at arouse students enthusiasm.And sina in micro bo,Net friend"Nana wei"Reply say,Why am I in tsinghua high school go to school not so handsome foreign teacher!Net friend"1988 with the wind", said,The teacher looks pleasing to the eye,To the learning efficiency is also a kind of promoting ah.

  “严谨、认真、守时,细致这是我对他最大的感受”,清华中学国际部的高老师是托马斯的同事,他说这位小伙具备很多优良品质,印象最深刻的是他来学校的第一件事,不是去宿舍安顿,而是马上来办公室,查看自己授课时用哪些教材。而该校国际部主任张伟则表示,今年报名参加德语课的学生是以往最多年份的两倍,现在已经超过400人。托马斯良好的外表给学生们带来了很好的第一印象,很多学生专程去试听托马斯讲课,随后便前来报名,为此学校还延长了报名时间,“学生们通过试听,认可了老师的教学方式后再报名,这也证明了外在美虽然重要,但内在的素质美和足够强的教学能力才能真正受学生欢迎。”记者 王薇 李丹 实习生 王姿又 乔贵林

"rigorous/seriously/punctuality,Meticulous this is I biggest feeling",The international department of tsinghua university school of high teacher is Thomas colleagues,He said the boy has a lot of excellent quality,The deepest impression was he the first thing to come to school,Not to dormitory to settle,But to come to the office at once,Access to their teaching in which teaching materials.And the director of international department ZhangWeiZe said,This year, sign up for German lessons of the students are in the past year the most two times,Now has more than 400 people.Thomas good appearance to students bring a good first impression,Many students coming to audition Thomas lecture,And then it came to sign up,This school also prolong the time signing up,"The students through the audition,Approved by the teacher's teaching way after registration,This also proves that outer beauty are important,But the quality of the inner beauty and strong enough teaching ability can really popular with the students."Reporter wang wei LiDan interns WangZi QiaoGuiLin again
