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酒后3小时声带在“发炎” 酒后高歌小心伤嗓子--亲稳网络舆情监测室


酒后3小时内唱歌 小心伤了嗓子 Drunk 3 hours singing careful hurt his throat


酒后3小时声带好似在“发炎”一喝酒脸就红的人尤其严重 Drunk three hours in vocal cords is like"inflammation"A drink face is red people especially serious


Eat a rice,Drink wine,Then everyone to sing K...Such a thing,You must be tried.


But the jiangsu provincial people's hospital otolaryngology voice outpatient service XuJieJie expert professor said:"Fight to live!"


According to their research,In the drunk three hours,Your vocal cords as in"inflammation".


Sing a song at this time,It is"Destroyed throat".


“酒后开嗓”不是错觉 你的声音真的会变 "Drunk open throat"Is not illusion your voice can really change


Some say,Don't drink can't sing,Have fun and"Open throat",At this time the mood/Song xing daihatsu,Play especially ideal.


Also someone says,His do feel drunk throat more wonderful."Feel your own voice peace are different,It seems more mellow and sweet full."Reporter side a man said.


This is the illusion??Can tell you,not,Because in drunk,Your vocal cords does there have been changes.But the"Open throat"Is a good phenomenon,That is the other said.


XuJieJie said,We can have a good voice,The most important happen organ is vocal cords.When airflow through our respiratory tract,Cause vocal cord vibration,Plus chest/Celiac even oral or cranial cavity resonance,Wonderful voice came out.


Some are born is a narrow vocal cords,Sound is a reedy;Someone vocal cord itself is coarse/thick,Voice low/vigorous,Even might be a little dumb.And alcohol into the belly,In addition to will let us giddy heavy/Insane epilepsy/Gas upwelling/Dancing outside,It also has a role, change our vocal cords.


1两多白酒下肚以后 你的声带好似在“发炎” 1 two much liquor after washed your vocal cords in like"inflammation"


XuJieJie and colleagues did an experiment,Let 30 people to drink,And then test their vocal cords situation.In order to ensure everyone capacity for liquor intake consistent,The doctors is according to the weight to calculate:Intake of 0.5 grams of alcohol per kilogram,This if a weight 50 kilograms of people,That is 25 grams of alcohol,Conversion into 38 degrees liquor,That is almost 1 two more quantity.


1 hours later,Experiment began.XuJieJie through the laryngoscope,Check the situation of vocal cords,The results showed that,Everyone's vocal cords are all the same:congestion/swelling/Secretions increase.What does this mean?Put it this way,After 1 hour in,This vocal cord looks and you catch a cold have laryngitis after when almost.


"Alcohol ask for of bai."XuJieJie said,We after drinking,The body will appear a called acetaldehyde metabolic product,It can let us blue in the face,Also can let our vocal organization acute congestion/edema,Produce throat acute inflammation performance.


They also used a professional term to describe this time pronunciation situation,Called pronunciation disturbance index.Drinking water than before and the control group,These drinkers pronunciation disturbance index has significant change.


酒后3小时内千万别开嗓 尤其是喝酒脸红的人 Drunk three hours don't open throat especially drinking blusher


Of course,alcohol"laryngitis"Performance is a sex,Drunk 3 hours,These drinkers of vocal cord is basic returned to normal.But if you just like drunken belt out,so"congratulations"you,You this is the torture of the vocal cords themselves.What is"Add insult to injury"?Say is this.


Torture is the price of vocal cords,Your throat will because such repeated torture,More and more hoarse/rough,Drink and rest for a period of time also can't recover,Even must accept the doctor's treatment,Can improve.If you don't want to have a pair of"Broken gong throat",So or avoid"After drinking wine to sing K"Entertainment form arrange it,Want to drink,Then sing K activities arranged in at least 3 hours later,This just let your throat from harm.


XuJieJie also special remind a,Those who drink and then love blusher,More attention should be paid to the problem."Drink easy to blush with shame,It's because the body and acetaldehyde metabolism related enzyme activity/shortage,And acetaldehyde metabolism ability is poor,May also increase their vocal cord damaged condition.This time to sing a song,Vocal cord injury may be greater than others,So must avoid."


这么做也是“毁嗓” To do so is"Destroyed throat"


语速过快 Speak too fast


We sound by the vibration of the vocal cords,And we talk the faster speed,Vocal cord vibration is also more severe,To its load is heavy.


Perennial smoking


Some women people grow beautiful meticulous,A open can frighten you jump - good thick a pair of his throat.And this kind of women mostly"smokers".XuJieJie said,"Smoke throat"Although many people as"sexy/magnetic",But if you don't want to have a pair of big and dumb and heavy throat,So the best or less smoking.


Menstrual sing


Many women in menstrual period will find your own voice changed,Especially some women may feel your own voice will be more full round,It is also a kind of"illusion".


Women in the period,Due to the hormone level changes,Vocal cord also can appear different degree edema.normally,Period end vocal cord will return to normal,But if during the menstrual period excessive voice,The same may damage to your original good voice.


延伸阅读 唱K技巧 Further reading sing K skills




Tremolo is the use of breath and Adam's apple to cooperate,Make the voice produce fluctuations feeling.This is the lyric song the most common one of the skills.Tremolo has a lot of kinds.Such as emil chau tremolo moderate range,little;Qi qin love with small chatter;Teresa teng,Jacky cheung, to grow perceptibly chatter;A lot of friends who don't this skill,Don't lose heart,It can completely from practice.The key is breath and larynx should cooperate well,Don't use larynx,Send out a kind of similar sheep called little trill.


Gas sound


When the voice,If gas first and sound out,Gas much less sound,Will be issued a gas sound.It makes more gentle and lovely singing,More fascinating.Teresa teng's[ZaiShuiYiFang]The first paragraph,LinYiLian of[Fall in love with a person to go home]The first paragraph is typical gas sound singing.




KuQiang is currently popular songs in one of the most popular techniques,It is in the throat room suddenly increase as a result of the breath explosive force,Send out a kind of similar to the voice of the pain.KuQiang use well can increase the appeal of songs,But neither with the too excessive.


Pick sound


Pick tone is a good singer must master but often is the most easily neglected little skill.It is in the word tail voice came to decline again up suddenly a pick and issued.


Choke sound

  噎音是一种在喉间发出的类似哽咽的声音,港台歌手唱噎音最有代表的是王杰。王杰之所以给人一种悲凉沧桑之感就是因为他的歌声中的“噎音”,“哭腔”特别多。(通讯员 吴倪娜 记者 朱菁菁 报道 高峰整理)

Choke tone is a kind of similar between throat a choking voice,Hong Kong and Taiwan singers to sing choke sound most represent wangjie.Wangjie is give a person a kind of sad and dreary vicissitudes feeling is because his song of"Choke sound","KuQiang"Much more special.(WuNi correspondent's ZhuJingJing reporter reports peak finishing)
